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已有 482 次阅读2019-6-4 15:19

FAQ 1 What is the difference between gfs and fnl in GDAS scripts

 The difference between 'gdas' and 'gfs' is actually in the analysis.  In operations, we create 2 analyses per cycle.  The first analysis is run shortly after the synoptic time (i believe it's 1.5 hours right now), and is used as the analysis for our operational, 15-day GFS forecast.  However, a later analysis is run at 3 hours past synoptic time (when more data has trickled in), where a shorter (GDAS), 9-hr forecast is run.  This 9-hr forecast is presumably of slightly better quality, as its analysis contains more observational information.  This 9-hr GDAS forecast is then used as the subsequent background for the next cycle's gfs AND gdas analyses. 

So for any given cycle (00, 06, 12, & 18) we have two analyses (gfs and gdas), as well as two sets of forecasts (gfs, out to 15 days, and gdas out to 9 hours) from their respective analyses. (April 2008 Daryl Kleist)

FAQ 1 GDAS脚本中gfs和fnl的区别是什么


因此,对于任何给定的周期(00,06,12和18),我们有两个分析(gfs和gdas),以及两组预测(gfs,15天到9天,gdas到9小时)。分析。(April 2008 Daryl Kleist) 

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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