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thtse 2017-4-4 01:38
it was a cloudy day, and 10 degrees Celsius. i strolled in Wilclay Public School to vote the candidate.
thtse 2017-4-3 01:58
today it was a cloudy day, and 14 degrees Celsius. i strolled in Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church to attend the worship.
thtse 2017-4-2 07:28
it was a cloudy day, and 8 degrees Celsius. i lend a pillow to fight other people in Pillow Fight Toronto 2017
thtse 2017-4-1 09:57
today it was a rainy day, and 2 degrees Celsius. i strolled in church to walk around then i came back home.
thtse 2017-3-31 10:30
it was a snowy day, and 1 degrees Celsius. tonight i strolled in Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church to play badminton.
thtse 2017-3-29 04:18
it was a cloudy day, and 8 degrees Celsius. i stayed home to listen radio on internet.
thtse 2017-3-28 10:08
today it was a cloudy day, and 12 degrees Celsius. i used computer to watch Korean drama at home.
thtse 2017-3-27 05:42
it was a cloudy day, and 6 degrees Celsius. i stayed home to watch Korean series on internet.
thtse 2017-3-26 06:33
today it was a cloudy day, and 3 degrees Celsius. i strolled in Splendid China Mall to attend the real estate's lecture.
thtse 2017-3-25 05:44
it was a cloudy day, and 12 degrees Celsius. i used computer to surf on internet at home.
thtse 2017-3-24 06:26
today it was a sunny day, and 2 degrees Celsius. i strolled in Pacific Mall, Market Village, and Splendid China Mall to shop their stores.
thtse 2017-3-22 03:38
today it was a sunny day, and 12 degrees Celsius. i used computer to listen radio on internet at home.
thtse 2017-3-20 03:32
today it was a cloudy day, and 7 degrees Celsius. i stayed home to play Japanese game on internet.
thtse 2017-3-18 10:14
today it was a cloudy day, and 1 degrees Celsius. i strolled in church to find out the info about fellowship.
thtse 2017-3-17 08:46
it was a sunny day, and -1 degrees Celsius. it was last day to work there. i got wage of 350 dollars in cash when i finished the work.
thtse 2017-3-16 09:48
today it was a cloudy day, and -4 degrees Celsius. i scanned my card on the time machine to record before and after i worked there.
thtse 2017-3-15 09:53
it was a cloudy day, and -9 degrees Celsius. i took bus to work in J-Wood Kitchen. i wore N95 and gloves to rub the cabinet doors.
thtse 2017-3-14 07:34
today it was a cloudy day, and -8 degrees Celsius. i strolled in J-Wood Kitchen to interview. The Boss needed me to try tomorrow
thtse 2017-3-13 04:16
it was a sunny day, and -6 degrees Celsius. i stayed home to listen radio on internet.
thtse 2017-3-12 08:43
today it was a cloudy day, and -10 degrees Celsius. after i attended a concert to celebrate Pacific Mall 21 years old , i got two photos' signature to get back home.

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