4) 设置cmyk 颜色模式
CMYK color https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/colormap.shtml
If you need to use CMYK color, then this is only supported with the
old style color model (pre NCL V6.1.0), and hence you must use "oldps"
or "oldpdf" as the output format. You can set this via a workstation
resource, before you
call gsn_open_wks:
Note: a user reported a noticeable degradation in the color quality when using the old postscript and pdf drivers along with the CMYK option. He said he's been able to submit RGB figures to various journals for the last few years, and never had a problem. If you have to send in CMYK graphics, then submit the figures as RGB (which is the default in NCL), and then use an external package like Illustrator to convert them to CMYK.
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