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Resources for “gsn_panel” procedure
gsnPanelBoxes Turn on panel debug box outlines
gsnPanelDebug Turn on panel debug prints
gsnPanelFigureStrings Add figure strings to panel plots
gsnPanelFigureStringsPerimOn 控制图形字符串周围的矩形框
gsnPanelLabelBar Turn on panel labelbar
gsnPanelRowSpec Specify number of plots per row
gsnPanelScalePlotIndex Set the index of the plot to be used for scaling
gsnPanelXF Set location of left edge of paneled plots
gsnPanelYF Set location of top edge of paneled plots
gsnPanelBottom 底
gsnPanelTop 顶高
gsnPanelLeft 左边界
gsnPanelRight 右边界
gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent 多个图形Y轴的间隔(可设置为 5 )
gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent ..............X.................................
gsnPanelFigureStringsBackgroundFillColor 字符串背景色
gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF 字符串字符大小
gsnPanelFigureStringsJust 控制字符串位置,6.4.0 以后版本 可设置 "TopRight", "TopLeft", etc.
gsnPanelMainString panel图主字符串
gsnPanelMainFont panel图主字符串字体
gsnPanelMainFontColor .........................颜色
gsnPanelMainFontHeightF ........................ 字体大小
gsnPanelRowSpec 设置panel图的排列方式
默认情况下panel图的排列时根据 gsn_panel 函数的dims变量进行排列的,如果设置此源为 True, 可以自定义panel图的排列,比如(/2, 3, 1/),即第一行 2 列, 第二行 3 列, 第三行 1 列
By default, the gsn_panel routine uses the first valid plot in its list to determine the scale factor for resizing all of the plots to be paneled. If your plots are slightly different sizes, you can use this resource to indicate the index of which plot should be used to determine the scale factor. This is especially useful if your first valid plot is smaller than one or more of the others in the list.
Available in version 5.1.0 and later.
Default: 0 or the id of the first valid plot in the list
txString Set a main title for paneled plots (a misnomer here)
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