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Rainband-Tropical cyclones

已有 621 次阅读2014-3-27 11:03 |个人分类:理论学习


Rainbands exist in the periphery of tropical cyclones, which point towards the cyclone's center of low pressure.[11] Rainbands within tropical cyclones require ample moisture and a low level pool of cooler air.[12] Bands located 80 kilometres (50 mi) to 150 kilometres (93 mi) from a cyclone's center migrate outward.[13] They are capable of producing heavy rains and squalls of wind, as well as tornadoes,[14] particularly in the storm's right-front quadrant.[15] Some rainbands move closer to the center, forming a secondary, or outer, eyewall within intense hurricanes.[16] Spiral rainbands are such a basic structure to a tropical cyclone that in most tropical cyclone basins, use of the satellite-based Dvorak technique is the primary method used to determine a tropical cyclone's maximum sustained winds.[17] Within this method, the extent of spiral banding and difference in temperature between the eye and eyewall is used to assign a maximum sustained wind and a central pressure.[18] Central pressure values for their centers of low pressure derived from this technique are approximate.





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