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热度 1已有 936 次阅读2012-11-9 09:03 |个人分类:CMAQ

Taday, I will introduce how to install CMAQ-5.0.1 (1)  under the c-shell
my computer is  Linux2.6.32-279.5.2.el6.i686  i386 GNU/Linux   centos6
(1)download the   CMAQv5.0.1.tar.gz  DATA_CMAQv5.0.1.tar.gz from http://www.cmaq-model.org/ , where you should register first.
(2)I want to install CMAQ at /home/wangxun/, so I copy the CMAQv5.0.1.tar.gz to here.
(3)tar -zxvf  CMAQv5.0.1.tar.gz
(4) tar -zxvf  DATA_CMAQv5.0.1.tar.gz
(5) cd CMAQv5.0.1
(6)ls -al      // you will see data files, scripts files, models files.
(7) setenv M3HOME /home/wangxun/CMAQv5.0
(8) vi scripts/config.cmaq    // the result as the attachment


(9)  setenv M3LIB  $M3HOME/lib
(10)  cd $M3HOME
 (11)  mkdir -p $M3LIB
 (12)  cd $M3LIB
(13) ln –s  /home/wangxun/netcdf netcdf     // or copy the netcdf to here
(14) mkdir $M3LIB/ioapi_3.1
(15) cd $M3LIB/ioapi_3.1
(16) ln –s /home/wangxun/ioapi_31/Linux2_x86   Linux2_i386gfort
(17) copy the libpvm3.a to Linux2_i386gfort  (so you must install pvm3, cvs first)
(18)  cd $M3LIB
(19)ln –s /lib/mpich mpich
(20)  cd $M3HOME/scripts/build
(22)cd $M3HOME/scripts/stenex
(24)./ bldit.se
(25)cd $M3HOME/scripts/pario
(27)cd $M3HOME/scripts/jproc
(28) vim bldit.jproc   //edit as attachment:

(30) cd $M3HOME/scripts/mcip4/src
(31) vi Makefile  //edit as attachment

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回复 言深深 2012-11-9 10:36
Thank you very much

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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