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本帖最后由 hillside 于 2014-8-19 17:58 编辑
本帖与介绍内布拉斯加大学SPI、PDSI干旱指数程序等的专业性主页-绿叶计划属于姊妹帖。SPI_SL_6.exe 已受到WMO的正式认可。根据浏览,本人大体判断,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的干旱研究在美国是有相当权威性的。
美国干旱减灾中心的任务与历史(Mission and History) | The National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) helps people and institutions develop and implement measures to reduce societal vulnerability to drought, stressing preparedness and risk management rather than crisis management. The NDMC, established in 1995, is based in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The NDMC’s activities include our constantly growing web site; drought monitoring, including participation in the preparation of the U.S. Drought Monitor and maintenance of the web site; developing the U.S. Drought Impact Reporter; a suite of web-based drought management decision-making tools; drought planning and mitigation; drought policy; advising policy makers; collaborative research; K-12 outreach; workshops for federal, state, and foreign governments and international organizations; organizing and conducting seminars, workshops, and conferences; and providing data to and answering questions for the media and the general public. The NDMC is also participating in numerous international projects, including the establishment of regional drought preparedness networks in collaboration with the United Nations’ Secretariat for the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. |
至于软件的具体用法,除官方页面外,可参见气象家园帖:[分享资料] 分享计算SPI的方法
Program to Calculate Standardized Precipitation Index |
| To run the SPI_SL_6.exe file, right-click on it and save the file. Then execute (double click) the program; a dialogue box will pop up. Enter the number of SPI monthly intervals (up to six at one time) you wish to run (i.e. 1-, 3-, 4-, 6-, 12-month SPI) and enter the input and output file names. You can include one header line (like the station name) within the data input file. This is a little different from the method described in the alternative method file.
All input files must follow 3-column format: Year, Month and Monthly Precipitation Value. The precipitation total must NOT include decimals and can be in either inches or mm. Pay attention to column spacing and missing data issues. A zero will work; a missing data flag or -9999 will not. The program is already compiled and all libraries are included (it was compiled in C++ for PC) so all you have to do is run the SPI_SL_6.exe file and follow the instructions on the pop up screen. KEEP the header in your file (see ValeFormosaPortugalppt.cor file in the sample file zip to the right). Also, rename your input (precipitation file) files so that they have a .cor (ex, lincoln.cor) extension. Name the output file anything you wish with a .dat (or .txt or .spi etc.) extension. (You may have to look in the code to see if it wants the files named in this way.) Save the files as MS-DOS ascii text files; results can be viewed using Microsoft Notepad or Wordpad. This output data can be plotted, graphed or mapped in any spreadsheet or GIS software.
For further documentation or to download the original UNIX version of the SPI program , please see http://ccc.atmos.colostate.edu/standardizedprecipitation.php(hillside:因本人时间关系,尚不了解内布拉斯加大学与科罗拉多州立大学在此程序开发上的具体贡献). This site includes some user instructions as well as several additional programs. In the UNIX version, a particularly useful program is rundr_m, which allows you to study a site’s or region’s drought history, including an analysis of frequency and duration for a magnitude ranking of sorts. The main program is runspi, which actually generates the SPI files from monthly precipitation totals files (.cor files).Again, you only need monthly precipitation values (in inches or mm without decimals) to run these programs, but you must have at least 30 consecutive years without missing monthly data, and more than 60 years is recommended.
Additional documentation on the SPI is available from the NDMC. |
| 为便于网友快速使用,现结合官方页面与气象家园帖“[分享资料] 分享计算SPI的方法”,介绍操作方法如下:
双击SPI_SL_6.exe文件名或在WINDOWS系统命令行下操作(命令行方式通常情况下比双击更加安全,不少dos型可执行程序并不支持文件名双击方式)。以下内容摘自“[分享资料] 分享计算SPI的方法”,顺致谢意。
1 将各站点降水资料分开存储,并将格式转换成yyy mmm ppp的格式,第一个站点 zhandian1.txt 第二个站点zhandian2.txt ...
2 复制到SPI程序所在的目录下,运行程序SPI_SL_6.exe(见附件)。结果存放在output1/2/....txt文件中
1 首先键入需要计算的不同时间段的spi的个数,例如如果需要计算1个月,3个月,6个月,12个月的spi,则键入4,按回车,然后分别键入1,3,6,12(键入一个数字按一次回车)
2 键入输入数据的文件名,例如zhandian1.txt,按回车
3 键入输出数据的文件名,例如output1.txt,按回车
4 依次计算每个站点的标准化降水指数值,分别存在output1.txt output2.txt .......
5 根据研究的需要选取SPI值,并用fortran程序正确读取。
注意:用于输入的数据文件(如Kita.cor)中不能出现小数点。用-99表示缺测值(计算结果图中的-99.00不表示缺测,而是SPI计算设定的要求:NOTE: The -99.00 value does not indicate missing data in this case. It simply reflects that, for example, in the fourth column, one cannot have a 3-month SPI value until one is 3 months into the period of record. The same applies to the last column where one does not see a 12-month SPI until December 1949, or the twelfth month available for calculation. This becomes the first 12-month SPI generated.)。文件制备可以用EXCEL或其它文本软件,但最好将输入文件的后缀改为.cor(《SPI用户手册(WMO机构编撰)》称“必须”改为此后缀)。输出文件的后缀为建议取.dat(《SPI用户手册(WMO机构编撰)称“必须” )。 |