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在海上航行的船舶遭遇台风时,为了避免被卷入台风中心或中心外围暴风区,一般采取避航方法。船舶可根据台风的动态和强度不失时机地改变航向和航速,使船位与台风中心保持一定的距离,处于本船所能抗御的风力等级的大风范围以外。 台风右半圆的风向和台风的移动路线接近一致,右半圆风速比左半圆大;而且绝大多数台风都是向右转向,容易把处在右半圆的船舶卷入台风中心。因此在航海上把台风的右半圆称为“危险半圆”,把左半圆称为“可航半圆”。 船舶在海上遇到台风时,应根据台风的情况和动态预报以及现场观测的风力、风向和气压的变化情况判明本身所在位置,以便采取适当的航行方法,尽快远离台风中心。 判断船位的方法和应采取的航行措施如下: ①风向顺时针变化,气压不断下降,风力逐渐增大,此时船位是处在台风的危险半圆的前半部,即危险象限,应以船首右舷顶风全速航行。 ②风向逆时针变化,气压不断下降,风力逐渐增大,此时船位是处在台风的可航半圆的前半部,应以右舷船尾受风全速航行。 ③风向不变,气压不断下降,风力逐渐增大,此时船位是处在台风的进路上,应以右舷船尾受风全速航行。 遇到龙卷风怎么办 遇到龙卷风时很危险应该迅速撤离如果躲避不及该怎么办呢 1,不要乘坐汽车超级气压差会让你的车子爆炸 2,小心飞来横祸F5级龙卷风的碎片可是超音速的,被击中了百分之85没命 3,不要在电线杆和大树下面以免被压被砸 4,如果龙卷风就在你眼前应该找个地沟人后躲进去 5,当房子要倒塌时要尽可能的切断电线防止引发火灾 遇到海啸时怎么办 第一、地震是海啸最明显的前兆。如果你感觉到较强的震动,不要靠近海边、江河的入海口。如果听到有关附近地震的报告,要做好防海啸的准备,注意电视和广播新闻。要记住,海啸有时会在地震发生几小时后到达离震源上千公里远的地方。第二、海上船只听到海啸预警后应该避免返回港湾,海啸在海港中造成的落差和湍流非常危险。如果有足够时间,船主应该在海啸到来前把船开到开阔海面。如果没有时间开出海港,所有人都要撤离停泊在海港里的船只。第三、海啸登陆时海水往往明显升高或降低,如果你看到海面后退速度异常快,应立刻撤离到内陆地势较高的地方。 遇到地震怎么办 震时就近躲避,震后迅速撤离到安全的地方是应急防护的较好方法。所谓就近躲避,就是因地制宜地根据不同的情况作出不同的对策。 学校人员如何避震? 在学校中,地震时最需要的是学校领导和教师的冷静与果断。 有中长期地震预报的地区,平时要结合教学活动,向学生们讲述地震和防、避震知识。震前要安排好学生转移、撤离的路线和场地;震后沉着地指挥学生有秩序地撤离。在比较坚固、安全的房屋里,可以躲避在课桌下、讲台旁、教学楼内的学生可以到开间小、有管道支撑的房间里,决不可让学生们乱跑或跳楼。 地震时,在街上行走时如何避震? 地震发生时,高层建筑物的玻璃碎片和大楼外侧混凝土碎块、以及广告招牌,马口铁板、霓红灯架等,可能掉下伤人,因此在街上走时,最好将身边的皮包或柔软的物品顶在头上,无物品时也可用手护在头上,尽可能作好自我防御的准备,要镇静,应该迅速离开电线杆和围墙,跑向比较开阔的地区躲避。 车间工人如何避震? 车间工人可以躲在车、机床及较高大设备下,不可惊慌乱跑,特殊岗位上的工人要首先关闭易燃易爆、有毒气体阀门,及时降低高温、高压管道的温度和压力,关闭运转设备。大部分人员可撤离工作现场,在有安全防护的前提下,少部分人员留在现场随时监视险情,及时处理可能发生的意外事件,防止次生灾害的发生。 地震发生时行驶的车辆应如何应急? (1)司机应尽快减速,逐步刹闸; (2)乘客(特别在火车上)应用手牢牢抓住拉手、柱子或座席等,并注意防止行李从架上掉下伤人,面朝行车方向的人,要将胳膊靠在前坐席的椅垫上,护住面部,身体倾向通道,两手护住头部;背朝行车方向的人,要两手护住后脑部,并抬膝护腹,紧缩身体,作好防御姿势。 楼房内人员地震时如何应急? 地震一旦发生,首先要保持清醒、冷静的头脑,及时判别震动状况,千万不可在慌乱中跳楼,这一点极为重要。其次,可躲避在坚实的家具下,或墙角处,亦可转移到承重墙较多、开间小的厨房、厕所去暂避一时。因为这些地方结合力强,尤其是管道经过处理,具有较好的支撑力,抗震系数较大。总之,震时可根据建筑物布局和室内状况,审时度势,寻找安全空间和通道进行躲避,减少人员伤亡。 在商店遇震时如何应急? 在百货公司遇到地震时,要保持镇静。由于人员慌乱,商品下落,可能使避难通道阻塞。此时,应躲在近处的大柱子和大商品旁边(避开商品陈列橱),或朝着没有障碍的通道躲避,然后屈身蹲下,等待地震平息。处于楼上位置,原则上向底层转移为好。但楼梯往往是建筑物抗震的薄弱部位,因此,要看准脱险的合适时机。服务员要组织群众就近躲避,震后安全撤离。 震后自救 地震时如被埋压在废墟下,周围又是一片漆黑,只有极小的空间,你一定不要惊慌,要沉着,树立生存的信心,相信会有人来救你,要千方百计保护自己。 地震后,往往还有多次余震发生,处境可能继续恶化,为了免遭新的伤害,要尽量改善自己所处环境。此时,如果应急包在身旁,将会为你脱险起很大作用。 在这种极不利的环境下,首先要保护呼吸畅通,挪开头部、胸部的杂物,闻到煤气、毒气时,用湿衣服等物捂住口、鼻;避开身体上方不结实的倒塌物和其它容易引起掉落的物体;扩大和稳定生存空间,用砖块、术棍等支撑残垣断壁,以防余震发生后,环境进一步恶化。 设法脱离险境。如果找不到脱离险境的通道,尽量保存体力,用石块敲击能发出声响的物体,向外发出呼救信号,不要哭喊、急躁和盲目行动,这样会大量消耗精力和体力,尽可能控制自己的情绪或闭目休息, 等待救援人员到来。如果受伤,要想法包扎,避免流血过多。 维持生命。如果被埋在废墟下的时间比较长,救援人员未到,或者没有听到呼救信号,就要想办法维持自己的生命,防震包的水和食品一定要节约,尽量寻找食品和饮用水,必要时自己的尿液也能起到解渴作用。 地震,虽然目前人类还不能完全避免和控制,但是只要能掌握自救互救技能,就能使灾害降到最低限度。总结有以下几点: 1.保持镇静。 在地震中,有人观察到,不少无辜者并不因房屋倒塌而被砸伤或挤压伤致死,而是由于精神崩溃,失去生存的希望,乱喊、乱叫,在极度恐惧中"扼杀"了自己。这是因为,乱喊乱叫会加速新陈代谢,增加氧的消耗,使体力下降,耐受力降低;同时,大喊大叫,必定会吸入大量烟尘,易造成窒息增加不必要的伤亡。正确态度是在任何恶劣的环境,始终要保持镇静,分析所处环境,寻找出路,等待救援。 2.止血、固定砸伤和挤压伤是地震中常见的伤害。 开放性创伤,外出血应首先止血抬高患肢,同时呼救。对开放性骨折,不应作现场复位,以防止组织再度受伤,一般用清洁纱布覆盖创面,作简单固定后再进行运转。不同部位骨折,按不同要求进行固定。并参照不同伤势、伤情进行分类、分级,送医院进一步处理。[外伤大出血需按住动脉] 3.妥善处理伤口。 挤压伤时,应设法尽快解除重压,遇到大面积创伤者,要保持创面清洁,用干净纱布包扎创面,怀疑有破伤风和产气杆菌感染时,应立即与医院联系,及时诊断和治疗。对大面积创伤和严重创伤者,可口服糖盐水,预防休克发生。 4.防止火灾地震常引起许多"次灾害",火灾是常见的一种。 在大火中应尽快脱离火灾现场,脱下燃烧的衣帽,或用湿衣服覆盖身上,或卧地打滚,也可用水直接浇泼灭火。切忌用双手扑打火苗,否则会引起双手烧伤。消毒纱布或清洁布料包扎后送医院进一步处理。 [火灾的逃生方法] 5.同时要预防破伤风和气性坏疽,并且要尽早深埋尸体,注意饮食饮水卫生,防止大灾后的大疫。 遇到火灾怎么办 当你处在陌生的环境时,如入住酒店、商场购物、进入娱乐场所时,为了自身安全,务必留心疏散通道、安全出口及楼梯方位等,以便关键时候能尽快逃离现场。请记住:在安全无事时,一定要居安思危,给自己预留一条通路。 楼梯、通道、安全出口等是火灾发生时最重要的逃生之路,应保证畅通无阻,切不可堆放杂物或设闸上锁,以便紧急时能安全迅速地通过。请记住:自断后路,必死无疑 当发生火灾时,如果发现火势并不大,且尚未对人造成很大威胁时,当周围有足够的消防器材,如灭火器、消防栓等,应奋力将小火控制、扑灭;千万不要惊慌失措地乱叫乱窜,置小火于不顾而酿成大灾。请记住:争分夺秒扑灭“初期火灾”。 突遇火灾,面对浓烟和烈火,首先要强令自己保持镇静,迅速判断危险地点和安全地点,决定逃生的办法,尽快撤离险地。千万不要盲目地跟从人流和相互拥挤、乱冲乱窜。撤离时要注意,朝明亮处或外面空旷地方跑,要尽量往楼层下面跑,若通道已被烟火封阻,则应背向烟火方向离开,通过阳台、气窗、天台等往室外逃生。 请记住:人只有沉着镇静,才能想出好办法。 在火场中,人的生命是最重要的。身处险境,应尽快撤离,不要因害羞或顾及贵重物品,而把宝贵的逃生时间浪费在穿衣或寻找、搬离贵重物品上。已经逃离险境的人员,切莫重返险地,自投罗网。 请记住:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 逃生时经过充满烟雾的路线,要防止烟雾中毒、预防窒息。为了防止火场浓烟呛入,可采用毛巾、口罩蒙鼻,匍匐撤离的办法。烟气较空气轻而飘于上部,贴近地面撤离是避免烟气吸入、滤去毒气的最佳方法。穿过烟火封锁区,应配戴防毒面具、头盔、阻燃隔热服等护具,如果没有这些护具,那么可向头部、身上浇冷水或用湿毛巾、湿棉被、湿毯子等将头、身裹好,再冲出去。请记住:多件防护工具在手,总比赤手空拳好.还有.女士如果穿丝袜之类的东西请脱掉.不要怕丢人.因为丝袜这类的物质燃烧容易附着在皮肤上 按规范标准设计建造的建筑物,都会有两条以上逃生楼梯、通道或安全出日。发生火灾时,要根据情况选择进入相对较为安全的楼梯通道。除可以利用楼梯外,还可以利用建筑物的阳台、窗台、天面屋顶等攀到周围的安全地点沿着落水管、避雷线等建筑结构中凸出物滑下楼也可脱险。在高层建筑中,电梯的供电系统在火灾时随时会断电或因热的作用电梯变形而使人被困在电梯内同时由于电梯井犹如贯通的烟囱般直通各楼层,何毒的烟雾直接威胁被困人员的生命,因此,千万不要乘普通的电梯逃生。 请记住:逃生的时候,乘电梯极危险。 高层、多层公共建筑内一般都设何高空缓降器或救生绳,人员可以通过这些设施安全地离开危险的楼层。如果没有这些专门设施,而安全通道又已被堵,救援人员不能及时赶到的情况下,你可以迅速利用身边的绳索或床单、窗帘、衣服等自制简易救生绳,并用水打湿从窗台或阳台沿绳缓滑到下面楼层或地面;安全逃生。请记住:胆大心细 救命绳就在身边。 假如用手摸房门已感到烫手,此时一旦开门;火焰与浓烟势必迎面扑来。逃生通道被切断且短时间内无人救援。这时候,可采取创造避难场所、固守待援的办法。首先应关紧迎火的门窗,打开背火的门窗,用湿毛巾一湿布塞堵门缝或用水浸湿棉被蒙上问窗然后不停用水淋透房间,防止烟火渗入,固守在房内,直到救援人员到达。请记住:坚盾何惧利矛? 被烟火围困暂时无法逃离的人员,应尽量呆在阳台、窗口等易于被人发现和能避免烟火近身的地方。在白天,可以向窗外晃动鲜艳衣物,或外抛轻型晃眼的东西;在晚上即可以用手电筒不停地在窗口闪动或者敲击东西,及时发出有效的求救信号,引起救援者的注意。因为消防人员进入室内都是沿墙壁摸索行进所以在被烟气窒息失去自救能力时,应努力滚到墙边或门边,便于消防人员寻找、营救;此外,滚到墙边也可防止房屋结构塌落砸伤自己。请记住:充分暴露自己,才能争取有效拯救自己。 火场上的人如果发现身上着了火,千万不可惊跑或用手拍打,因为奔跑或拍打时会形成风势,加速氧气的补充,促旺火势。当身上衣服着火时,应赶紧设法脱掉衣服或就地打滚,压灭火苗;能及时跳进水中或让人向身上浇水、喷灭火剂就更有效了。请记住:就地打滚虽狼狈,烈火焚身可免除 身处火灾烟气中的人,精神上往往陷于极端恐怖和接近崩溃,惊慌的心理极易导致不顾一切的伤害性行为如跳楼逃生。应该注意的是:只有消防队员准备好救生气垫并指挥跳楼时或楼层不高(一般4层以下),非跳楼即烧死的情况下,才采取跳楼的方法。即使已没有任何退路,若生命还未受到严重威胁,也要冷静地等待消防人员的救援。跳楼也要讲技巧,跳楼时应尽量往救生气垫中部跳或选择有水池、软雨篷、草地等方向跳;如有可能,要尽量抱些棉被、沙发垫等松软物品或打开大雨伞跳下,以减缓冲击力。如果徒手跳楼一定要扒窗台或阳台使身体自然下垂跳下,以尽量降低垂直距离,落地前要双手抱紧头部身体弯曲卷成一团,以减少伤害。跳楼虽可求主,但会对身体造成一定的伤害,所以要慎之又慎。请记住:跳楼不等于自杀,关键是要有办法。 英文版 Meet the typhoonTo take the following measures when the typhoon is encountered1, the people living in tents ashore immediately, to prevent the wind blow down pressure to people2. When swimming ashore immediately, beware of the + storm waves/storm surge, prevent was swallowed by the waves3, if the typhoon comes with thunderstorm winds are lightning protection measures are taken, pull the wires, not in the shelter under the tree, or under the pole to play. Beware of lightning + wind to prevent wind to the tree4, when the wind reached more than 12 carefully infamy, fragments of a category 2 hurricane can penetrate the refrigerator and 18th sand into bullets, stone into shells, there is 2, 7314 people died as a result of sand penetrating injury5, to reinforce the billboard to prevent falling onto people6, to reinforce the building, the dangerous house staff transfer immediatelyShips encountered typhoonShip sailing on the sea typhoon, in order to avoid being involved in the typhoon center or outside the storm area, general method to avoid traffic. Ship according to the dynamic and intensity of typhoon time to change direction and speed, position and the typhoon center distance, in this vessel can resist wind levels of wind outside.Typhoon right semicircle of the wind direction and the movement of the typhoon route close to consistent, right semicircle wind speed is larger than the left semicircle; And the vast majority of typhoon is turned to the right, easy to put in the right semicircle of ships involved in the typhoon center. So the right semicircle of the typhoon on the sea is called "dangerous semicircle", called the left semicircle "navigable semicircle.Ships at sea when you meet the typhoon should be based on the situation of the typhoon and the dynamic forecast of wind, the wind and pressure, and in-situ observation of changes in determine location of itself, in order to take appropriate navigation method, away from the typhoon center as soon as possible.Determine the method of position and navigation measures should be taken as follows:Clockwise (1) the wind of change, declining air pressure, wind increases gradually, the position is in a dangerous semicircle of the typhoon in the first half, the dangerous quadrant, should with starboard bow sailing against the wind speed.(2) wind direction changes in counterclockwise, declining air pressure, wind increases gradually, the position is in the navigable semicircle of the first part of the typhoon, the starboard quarter by the wind sail at full speed.Declining (3) the direction of the wind, air pressure, wind increases gradually, the position is in the typhoon in the road, should with starboard quarter is the wind sail at full speed.Encounter a tornadoEncounter a tornado is dangerous should promptly if from less than do1, do not ride in the car super pressure difference will make your car explosion2, be careful infamy F5 tornado debris but supersonic, hit eighty-five percent died3, don't under the telephone poles and trees in order to avoid being smashed4, if it's in front of you should find a tornado after cooking people hiding in5, when the house will collapse as far as possible to cut off the wire to prevent fireMeet with the tsunamiFirst, the earthquake was the most obvious precursors tsunami. If you feel a strong vibration, don't get close to the sea, rivers and estuaries. If you hear reports of near earthquakes, ready to prevent the tsunami, pay attention to the TV and radio news. Remember, sometimes after a few hours of the earthquake tsunami to reach thousands of kilometers away from the source. Second, maritime vessels heard after the tsunami warning should avoid returning harbour, the tsunami caused in the harbor of gap and turbulence is very dangerous. If there is enough time, the owner should be before the tsunami hit the boat to the open sea. If there is no time to leave harbour, everyone to leave the ships of anchor in the harbour. Third, tsunami waters often significantly higher or lower, if you see the sea back abnormal fast, should be immediately evacuated to higher ground inland.An earthquakeDodging into the nearest room during an earthquake and promptly to safety is the good method of emergency protection. So-called nearest escape, that is, adjust measures to local conditions to make different strategies according to different situations. School personnel how to shock? When the earthquake occurred in the school, need most is the school leaders and teachers calm and decisive. Medium and long term earthquake prediction in the region, at ordinary times should combine the teaching activities, to the students about the earthquake knowledge and prevention, suspension. Before the earthquake to arrange students move, evacuation routes and ground; After the earthquake calmly directing students orderly evacuation. In strong and safe houses, can avoid under the desk, the podium, the building of students can go to the studio is small, the room of pipe supports, mustn't let the students run or jump off a building. During the earthquake, how to avoid vibration when they walk on the street? When the earthquake hit, high-rise buildings shards of glass and building the outside concrete debris, and advertising signs, tin plate, strobe lights, etc., may fall cuts, so walking in the street, it is best to leather bags, or soft items around crown on his head, no items can also be used hand on his head, as far as possible, be prepared to defend themselves, to be calm, should quickly leave pole and walls, ran to the open areas. How does workshop worker avoid shake? Workshop worker can hide under the car, machine tool and loftier equipment, not panic, the special positions of workers to close first flammable and explosive, toxic gas valve, in a timely manner to reduce temperature and pressure, high temperature, high pressure pipe shut down equipment. Most of the staff can work out the scene, in the premise of safety, a small number of personnel on-site monitoring danger at any time, timely deal with the possibility of accident, prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters. How should running vehicles at the time of the earthquake emergency? (1) the driver should slow down as soon as possible, and gradually brake brake; (2) (special) on the train passengers using hand to grip handle, post or position, and pay attention to prevent luggage falls off the shelf hurtful, facing the direction, to arm on the reclining at table in the former cushions, cover your face, body channel, both hands to protect the head; Back in the direction of the road, cover after brain to his hands and knees and protect stomach, tightening the body, make good defensive posture. Personnel in the building during the earthquake emergency? In the earthquake, the first thing to keep a clear, calm mind, discriminant vibration condition in time, don't jump off a building in the panic, it is very important. Second, can avoid under solid furniture, or, in the corner can be transferred to the main wall is more, running a small kitchen, bathroom and temporary suspension. Where strong bonding force, especially the pipeline after processing, has good strength and seismic coefficient is larger. In a word, can according to the layout and building indoor conditions when earthquake happens, weatherwise, find safe space and channels to avoid, reduce casualties. How to in case of earthquake emergency in the shop? There is an earthquake when the department store, keep calm. Because of panic, whereabouts, goods may make evacuation channel blocking. At this time, should hide in the near big pillars and beside the goods (avoid commodity display cabinet), or toward the unobstructed channels to avoid, then bowed down, waiting for the earthquake. In the above position, in principle to the underlying shift as well. But the stairs are often weak parts of the buildings to meet earthquake, therefore, to seize the right time to escape. Server will organize the masses to the nearest escape, evacuated after the quake. Earthquake self-help pressure such as when the earthquake buried under the rubble, the surrounding is a dark, only a very small space, you must not panic, be calm, establish the confidence of survival, believe that someone will come and save you, one thousand ways to protect yourself. After the earthquake, and often multiple aftershocks, the situation may continue to deteriorate, in order to avoid new damage, try to improve their environment. At this point, if the emergency package is to be sitting right beside you'll get a great effect of escape. In this extremely unfavorable circumstances, first of all to protect breathe smoothly, and the beginning of the department, the chest of sundry, smell gas, gas, cover your mouth and nose with wet clothes, etc. To avoid the body above no debris and other easily caused by falling objects; Expand and stable living space, with a brick, stick support ruins, such as in case of aftershocks, environment deteriorating even further. Try to out of the woods yet. If you can't find out of the woods yet, try to save energy, with rocks, can make a sound, to signal for help, don't cry, impatience and blind action, it will consume energy and physical strength, as far as possible to control your emotions, or close the rest, waiting for the rescuers arrived. If the injured, ideas to dress, avoid excessive bleeding. To sustain life. If trapped under the ruins of the time is longer, the rescuers did not arrive, or hear a distress signal, will be to find a way to maintain his own life, shockproof package must save water and food, trying to find food and water, if necessary his own urine can quench thirst. Earthquake, although the human also can't completely avoid and control, but as long as it can save your rescue skills, can make the disaster to a minimum. Summarized are the following: 1. Keep calm. In the earthquake, some observed that many innocent people are not for houses collapsed injuring or crush injury to death, but because of a mental breakdown, lose hope of survival, cry out, and yell, "kill" in the extreme fear itself. This is because, cry out they will speed up your metabolism, increase of oxygen consumption, physical strength drops, tolerance; At the same time, Shouting, it will help a lot of smoke, easily cause choking adds unnecessary casualties. Right attitude is in any harsh environment, you should always keep calm and to analyze the environment, to find a way out, waiting for rescue. 2. Stop the bleeding, fixed parts and crush injury is a common damage in the earthquake. Open wound, blood shall, first of all, the bleeding out push up limb, at the same time for help. For open fractures and should not be reset, live to prevent tissue injury again, generally cover the wound with clean gauze, a simple fixed again after operation. Different parts of the fracture, fixed according to different requirements. And with reference to different injury, the injury classification and grading, hospital further processing. [] need to hold the artery trauma hemorrhage (3) properly handle the wound. Extrusion injury occurs, should try to lift the weight as soon as possible, in a large area of the injured, to keep the wound clean, use a clean gauze bandaging wounds, tetanus and gas bacillus infection is suspected, should immediately contact the hospital, the diagnosis and treatment in time. For large trauma and severe injuries, oral glucose saline, preventing shock. 4. Prevent fire earthquake often causes a lot of "disaster", fire is one of the common. Should from the scene of the fire, as soon as possible in the fire burning off the clothes, or cover body with wet clothes, or lay down, also can be directly with water pouring over fire. Avoid by all means use both hands beat the flames, otherwise it will cause the hands burned. Sterile gauze or a clean cloth bandage hospital after further processing. [fire escape method] 5. At the same time to prevent tetanus and gas gangrene, and buried the bodies as soon as possible, pay attention to diet health drinking water, prevent after the catastrophe of the plague.Meet the fireWhen you are in unfamiliar environment, such as hotel, shopping mall shopping, going to the places of entertainment, for their own safety, it is important to be aware of the evacuation passageway and safety exit and stair azimuth, etc., so that the key to fled the scene as soon as possible. Please remember: no matter in security, must in time of peace prepare for war, to give yourself a pathway. Stairs, passageway and safety exit is the most important way to escape when the fire broke out, should guarantee the unimpeded, must not pile up sundry or set brake locked, so that the emergency can safely through quickly. Please remember: since burned, certain death when the fire, if it is found that the fire is not large, and has not yet been poses a great threat to people, when surrounded by enough fire equipment, such as fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, etc., should strive to small fire control and extermination; Don't panic to yell amok, ignore the small fire and catastrophe. Please remember: race against time put out a fire "early". Sudden fire, facing the smoke and fire, the first to force yourself to keep calm and quickly determine if dangerous place and safe place, and its decision to escape to evacuate as soon as possible. Don't blindly follow crowds and crowding, ran amok. When should pay attention to, or empty place outside run towards the bright place, try to ran under the floor, if the channel has been fireworks blocking, should leave back fireworks direction, through the balcony, ventilator, tiantai to escape outside. Please remember: only calm, can come up with a good solution. In a fire, a man's life is the most important. The danger, should leave as soon as possible, don't because of shyness or take care of the valuables, and waste precious time to escape on the dress or looking for, move valuables. Have to escape danger, never to return to the leaker, trap. Please remember: as long as the green hills last, so afraid of not to burn. Escape through a smoke-filled routes, to prevent the smoke poisoning and to prevent asphyxia. In order to prevent the smoke grates on the fire, can use towel, mask nose, crawl out. The flue gas is light and floating in the upper air, close to the ground to evacuate is to avoid smoke inhalation, the best way to filter the gas. Through the blocked area, fireworks should wear gas mask, helmet, flame retardant insulation protective devices such as if it were not for the gear, then to the head, body nature, or with a wet towel, wet quilt, and the wet blankets in the head, body good, rush out again. Please remember: multiple protection tools in hand, better than with his bare hands. And. If ms wear stockings or something like that off. Please don't be afraid to throw a person. As stockings this kind of material is easy to adhere to the skin to build buildings is designed according to the standard, there will be two or more escape stair, passage or security out of the day. When a fire started, according to the situation the stairs to go to a relatively safe passage. Besides can take advantage of the stairs, you can also use the structure of the balcony, windowsill, day face roof, such as climbing to the safety of the surrounding site along the downspout projections, wire and other construction structures can escape my slide. In high-rise buildings, power supply system of the lift when fire will power, or at any time due to the role of the thermal deformation of the elevator and make the people were trapped in the elevator at the same time, because the elevator shaft like through the chimney through floors, any poisonous smoke direct threat to the men's life, so don't take common elevator to escape. Please remember: escape when the elevator is extremely dangerous. High-level, multi-storey public buildings is generally an upper air escape or lifeline, researchers could safely away from danger by these facilities of the floor. Without these special facilities, and safe passage has been blocked, rescue workers can not arrive in time, you can quickly use the rope around such as bedding, curtains, clothes or homemade improvised rope, wet or balcony along the rope from the window sill and water slowly sliding to the floor or below ground; Safe escape. Please remember: calibrated boldness lifeline is near. If use hand to touch the door has felt hot, opened the door at once; Will head on flame and smoke. Escape routes were cut off and in a short period of time no one to rescue. At that time, can take to create shelters, stick to failing. First of all should be shut against fire doors and Windows, open the back fire doors and Windows, use a wet towel to block the door or a wet cloth soaked with water quilt on ask window and then keep water shower room, prevent infiltration of fireworks, stuck in the room, until the rescuers arrived. Please remember: strong fear the spear shield? Was besieged by fireworks temporarily unable to escape, should try to stay in the balcony, the window is easy to be found and can avoid fireworks melee. During the day, you can shake out of the window bright clothes, or outward light anti; At night, which can be kept in the window with a flashlight flashing or hit things, timely issued a distress signal effectively, to attract the attention of rescuers. Because the fire fighters enter indoor are marching along the wall for so by flue gas suffocation when losing the ability to save themselves, should try to get to the wall or the door, is advantageous for the firefighters to find and rescue; In addition, rolled to the wall also can prevent the building structure cave injuring himself. Please remember: fully exposed himself, will strive for effective save itself. People on fire if found on fire, never stampede or flap with the hand, because running flap or when the wind formation, accelerate the oxygen supplementation, promote the flourishing fire. When body clothes is on fire, we should try to take off clothes or on-site roll, pressure fire fighting seedlings; Timely jumped into the water, let a person to the water body or spray fire extinguishing agent is more effective. Please remember: although rolled mess, fire burn us can be immune to the people in fire smoke, often in spiritual extreme terror and close to collapse, panic psychology will lead to damage of desperate sexual behavior such as jumping to escape. It should be noted that: only firefighters ready to rescue air cushion and directing jump off a building or the floor is not high (generally below 4 layer), under the condition of jump off a building or burned to death, only to jump off a building. Even if have no retreat, if life is not threatened by serious, also want to calmly waiting for fire rescue. Jump off a building also speak skills, should be central to the lifesaving air cushion jump as far as possible by jumping off a building or choose to have pools, soft awning, meadow direction jump; If possible, try to hold some quilts, sofa cushion and so on loose items or open big umbrella jumped out, to slow the impact. If unarmed jump off a building must be grilled or make the body's natural prolapse jumped off the balcony window, as far as possible to reduce the vertical distance, both hands hold the head before landing body bending roll into a ball, in order to reduce damage. Jumped to his Lord, but will cause certain harm to the body, so be wary. Please remember: is not equal to commit suicide by jumping off a building, the key is to have a way. 繁体版 遇到台風怎麽辦遇到台風時要采取以下措施1,住在帳篷裏的人馬上上岸,防止風吹倒壓到人2.遊泳時馬上上岸,提防狂風+風暴巨浪∕風暴潮,防止被海浪吞沒3,如果台風來臨時伴有雷雨大風則要采取防雷措施,拔掉電線,不要在大樹下躲雨,或者在電線杆下面玩。提防雷電+狂風要防止狂風吹到大樹4,當風力達到12級以上時小心飛來橫禍,2級飓風的碎片能穿透冰箱,18級時沙子成子彈,石頭成炮彈,7314號時有2人因沙子穿透面受傷5,要加固廣告牌防止掉落砸到人6,要加固建築物,危房人員立刻轉移海上船只遇到台風在海上航行的船舶遭遇台風時,爲了避免被卷入台風中心或中心外圍暴風區,壹般采取避航方法。船舶可根據台風的動態和強度不失時機地改變航向和航速,使船位與台風中心保持壹定的距離,處于本船所能抗禦的風力等級的大風範圍以外。台風右半圓的風向和台風的移動路線接近壹致,右半圓風速比左半圓大;而且絕大多數台風都是向右轉向,容易把處在右半圓的船舶卷入台風中心。因此在航海上把台風的右半圓稱爲“危險半圓”,把左半圓稱爲“可航半圓”。船舶在海上遇到台風時,應根據台風的情況和動態預報以及現場觀測的風力、風向和氣壓的變化情況判明本身所在位置,以便采取適當的航行方法,盡快遠離台風中心。判斷船位的方法和應采取的航行措施如下:壹風向順時針變化,氣壓不斷下降,風力逐漸增大,此時船位是處在台風的危險半圓的前半部,即危險象限,應以船首右舷頂風全速航行。二風向逆時針變化,氣壓不斷下降,風力逐漸增大,此時船位是處在台風的可航半圓的前半部,應以右舷船尾受風全速航行。③風向不變,氣壓不斷下降,風力逐漸增大,此時船位是處在台風的進路上,應以右舷船尾受風全速航行。遇到龍卷風怎麽辦遇到龍卷風時很危險應該迅速撤離如果躲避不及該怎麽辦呢1,不要乘坐汽車超級氣壓差會讓妳的車子爆炸2,小心飛來橫禍F5級龍卷風的碎片可是超音速的,被擊中了百分之85沒命3,不要在電線杆和大樹下面以免被壓被砸4,如果龍卷風就在妳眼前應該找個地溝人後躲進去5,當房子要倒塌時要盡可能的切斷電線防止引發火災遇到海嘯時怎麽辦第壹、地震是海嘯最明顯的前兆。如果妳感覺到較強的震動,不要靠近海邊、江河的入海口。如果聽到有關附近地震的報告,要做好防海嘯的准備,注意電視和廣播新聞。要記住,海嘯有時會在地震發生幾小時後到達離震源上千公裏遠的地方。第二、海上船只聽到海嘯預警後應該避免返回港灣,海嘯在海港中造成的落差和湍流非常危險。如果有足夠時間,船主應該在海嘯到來前把船開到開闊海面。如果沒有時間開出海港,所有人都要撤離停泊在海港裏的船只。第三、海嘯登陸時海水往往明顯升高或降低,如果妳看到海面後退速度異常快,應立刻撤離到內陸地勢較高的地方。遇到地震怎麽辦震時就近躲避,震後迅速撤離到安全的地方是應急防護的較好方法。所謂就近躲避,就是因地制宜地根據不同的情況作出不同的對策。 學校人員如何避震? 在學校中,地震時最需要的是學校領導和教師的冷靜與果斷。 有中長期地震預報的地區,平時要結合教學活動,向學生們講述地震和防、避震知識。震前要安排好學生轉移、撤離的路線和場地;震後沈著地指揮學生有秩序地撤離。在比較堅固、安全的房屋裏,可以躲避在課桌下、講台旁、教學樓內的學生可以到開間小、有管道支撐的房間裏,決不可讓學生們亂跑或跳樓。 地震時,在街上行走時如何避震? 地震發生時,高層建築物的玻璃碎片和大樓外側混凝土碎塊、以及廣告招牌,馬口鐵板、霓紅燈架等,可能掉下傷人,因此在街上走時,最好將身邊的皮包或柔軟的物品頂在頭上,無物品時也可用手護在頭上,盡可能作好自我防禦的准備,要鎮靜,應該迅速離開電線杆和圍牆,跑向比較開闊的地區躲避。 車間工人如何避震? 車間工人可以躲在車、機床及較高大設備下,不可驚慌亂跑,特殊崗位上的工人要首先關閉易燃易爆、有毒氣體閥門,及時降低高溫、高壓管道的溫度和壓力,關閉運轉設備。大部分人員可撤離工作現場,在有安全防護的前提下,少部分人員留在現場隨時監視險情,及時處理可能發生的意外事件,防止次生災害的發生。 地震發生時行駛的車輛應如何應急? (1)司機應盡快減速,逐步刹閘; (2)乘客(特別在火車上)應用手牢牢抓住拉手、柱子或座席等,並注意防止行李從架上掉下傷人,面朝行車方向的人,要將胳膊靠在前坐席的椅墊上,護住面部,身體傾向通道,兩手護住頭部;背朝行車方向的人,要兩手護住後腦部,並擡膝護腹,緊縮身體,作好防禦姿勢。 樓房內人員地震時如何應急? 地震壹旦發生,首先要保持清醒、冷靜的頭腦,及時判別震動狀況,千萬不可在慌亂中跳樓,這壹點極爲重要。其次,可躲避在堅實的家具下,或牆角處,亦可轉移到承重牆較多、開間小的廚房、廁所去暫避壹時。因爲這些地方結合力強,尤其是管道經過處理,具有較好的支撐力,抗震系數較大。總之,震時可根據建築物布局和室內狀況,審時度勢,尋找安全空間和通道進行躲避,減少人員傷亡。 在商店遇震時如何應急? 在百貨公司遇到地震時,要保持鎮靜。由于人員慌亂,商品下落,可能使避難通道阻塞。此時,應躲在近處的大柱子和大商品旁邊(避開商品陳列櫥),或朝著沒有障礙的通道躲避,然後屈身蹲下,等待地震平息。處于樓上位置,原則上向底層轉移爲好。但樓梯往往是建築物抗震的薄弱部位,因此,要看准脫險的合適時機。服務員要組織群衆就近躲避,震後安全撤離。 震後自救 地震時如被埋壓在廢墟下,周圍又是壹片漆黑,只有極小的空間,妳壹定不要驚慌,要沈著,樹立生存的信心,相信會有人來救妳,要千方百計保護自己。 地震後,往往還有多次余震發生,處境可能繼續惡化,爲了免遭新的傷害,要盡量改善自己所處環境。此時,如果應急包在身旁,將會爲妳脫險起很大作用。 在這種極不利的環境下,首先要保護呼吸暢通,挪開頭部、胸部的雜物,聞到煤氣、毒氣時,用濕衣服等物捂住口、鼻;避開身體上方不結實的倒塌物和其它容易引起掉落的物體;擴大和穩定生存空間,用磚塊、術棍等支撐殘垣斷壁,以防余震發生後,環境進壹步惡化。 設法脫離險境。如果找不到脫離險境的通道,盡量保存體力,用石塊敲擊能發出聲響的物體,向外發出呼救信號,不要哭喊、急躁和盲目行動,這樣會大量消耗精力和體力,盡可能控制自己的情緒或閉目休息, 等待救援人員到來。如果受傷,要想法包紮,避免流血過多。 維持生命。如果被埋在廢墟下的時間比較長,救援人員未到,或者沒有聽到呼救信號,就要想辦法維持自己的生命,防震包的水和食品壹定要節約,盡量尋找食品和飲用水,必要時自己的尿液也能起到解渴作用。 地震,雖然目前人類還不能完全避免和控制,但是只要能掌握自救互救技能,就能使災害降到最低限度。總結有以下幾點: 1.保持鎮靜。 在地震中,有人觀察到,不少無辜者並不因房屋倒塌而被砸傷或擠壓傷致死,而是由于精神崩潰,失去生存的希望,亂喊、亂叫,在極度恐懼中"扼殺"了自己。這是因爲,亂喊亂叫會加速新陳代謝,增加氧的消耗,使體力下降,耐受力降低;同時,大喊大叫,必定會吸入大量煙塵,易造成窒息增加不必要的傷亡。正確態度是在任何惡劣的環境,始終要保持鎮靜,分析所處環境,尋找出路,等待救援。 2.止血、固定砸傷和擠壓傷是地震中常見的傷害。 開放性創傷,外出血應首先止血擡高患肢,同時呼救。對開放性骨折,不應作現場複位,以防止組織再度受傷,壹般用清潔紗布覆蓋創面,作簡單固定後再進行運轉。不同部位骨折,按不同要求進行固定。並參照不同傷勢、傷情進行分類、分級,送醫院進壹步處理。[外傷大出血需按住動脈] 3.妥善處理傷口。 擠壓傷時,應設法盡快解除重壓,遇到大面積創傷者,要保持創面清潔,用幹淨紗布包紮創面,懷疑有破傷風和産氣杆菌感染時,應立即與醫院聯系,及時診斷和治療。對大面積創傷和嚴重創傷者,可口服糖鹽水,預防休克發生。 4.防止火災地震常引起許多"次災害",火災是常見的壹種。 在大火中應盡快脫離火災現場,脫下燃燒的衣帽,或用濕衣服覆蓋身上,或臥地打滾,也可用水直接澆潑滅火。切忌用雙手撲打火苗,否則會引起雙手燒傷。消毒紗布或清潔布料包紮後送醫院進壹步處理。 [火災的逃生方法] 5.同時要預防破傷風和氣性壞疽,並且要盡早深埋屍體,注意飲食飲水衛生,防止大災後的大疫。遇到火災怎麽辦當妳處在陌生的環境時,如入住酒店、商場購物、進入娛樂場所時,爲了自身安全,務必留心疏散通道、安全出口及樓梯方位等,以便關鍵時候能盡快逃離現場。請記住:在安全無事時,壹定要居安思危,給自己預留壹條通路。 樓梯、通道、安全出口等是火災發生時最重要的逃生之路,應保證暢通無阻,切不可堆放雜物或設閘上鎖,以便緊急時能安全迅速地通過。請記住:自斷後路,必死無疑 當發生火災時,如果發現火勢並不大,且尚未對人造成很大威脅時,當周圍有足夠的消防器材,如滅火器、消防栓等,應奮力將小火控制、撲滅;千萬不要驚慌失措地亂叫亂竄,置小火于不顧而釀成大災。請記住:爭分奪秒撲滅“初期火災”。 突遇火災,面對濃煙和烈火,首先要強令自己保持鎮靜,迅速判斷危險地點和安全地點,決定逃生的辦法,盡快撤離險地。千萬不要盲目地跟從人流和相互擁擠、亂沖亂竄。撤離時要注意,朝明亮處或外面空曠地方跑,要盡量往樓層下面跑,若通道已被煙火封阻,則應背向煙火方向離開,通過陽台、氣窗、天台等往室外逃生。 請記住:人只有沈著鎮靜,才能想出好辦法。 在火場中,人的生命是最重要的。身處險境,應盡快撤離,不要因害羞或顧及貴重物品,而把寶貴的逃生時間浪費在穿衣或尋找、搬離貴重物品上。已經逃離險境的人員,切莫重返險地,自投羅網。 請記住:留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。 逃生時經過充滿煙霧的路線,要防止煙霧中毒、預防窒息。爲了防止火場濃煙嗆入,可采用毛巾、口罩蒙鼻,葡匐撤離的辦法。煙氣較空氣輕而飄于上部,貼近地面撤離是避免煙氣吸入、濾去毒氣的最佳方法。穿過煙火封鎖區,應配戴防毒面具、頭盔、阻燃隔熱服等護具,如果沒有這些護具,那麽可向頭部、身上澆冷水或用濕毛巾、濕棉被、濕毯子等將頭、身裹好,再沖出去。請記住:多件防護工具在手,總比赤手空拳好.還有.女士如果穿絲襪之類的東西請脫掉.不要怕丟人.因爲絲襪這類的物質燃燒容易附著在皮膚上 按規範標准設計建造的建築物,都會有兩條以上逃生樓梯、通道或安全出日。發生火災時,要根據情況選擇進入相對較爲安全的樓梯通道。除可以利用樓梯外,還可以利用建築物的陽台、窗台、天面屋頂等攀到周圍的安全地點沿著落水管、避雷線等建築結構中凸出物滑下樓也可脫險。在高層建築中,電梯的供電系統在火災時隨時會斷電或因熱的作用電梯變形而使人被困在電梯內同時由于電梯井猶如貫通的煙囪般直通各樓層,何毒的煙霧直接威脅被困人員的生命,因此,千萬不要乘普通的電梯逃生。 請記住:逃生的時候,乘電梯極危險。 高層、多層公共建築內壹般都設何高空緩降器或救生繩,人員可以通過這些設施安全地離開危險的樓層。如果沒有這些專門設施,而安全通道又已被堵,救援人員不能及時趕到的情況下,妳可以迅速利用身邊的繩索或床單、窗簾、衣服等自制簡易救生繩,並用水打濕從窗台或陽台沿繩緩滑到下面樓層或地面;安全逃生。請記住:膽大心細 救命繩就在身邊。 假如用手摸房門已感到燙手,此時壹旦開門;火焰與濃煙勢必迎面撲來。逃生通道被切斷且短時間內無人救援。這時候,可采取創造避難場所、固守待援的辦法。首先應關緊迎火的門窗,打開背火的門窗,用濕毛巾壹濕布塞堵門縫或用水浸濕棉被蒙上問窗然後不停用水淋透房間,防止煙火滲入,固守在房內,直到救援人員到達。請記住:堅盾何懼利矛? 被煙火圍困暫時無法逃離的人員,應盡量呆在陽台、窗口等易于被人發現和能避免煙火近身的地方。在白天,可以向窗外晃動鮮豔衣物,或外抛輕型晃眼的東西;在晚上即可以用手電筒不停地在窗口閃動或者敲擊東西,及時發出有效的求救信號,引起救援者的注意。因爲消防人員進入室內都是沿牆壁摸索行進所以在被煙氣窒息失去自救能力時,應努力滾到牆邊或門邊,便于消防人員尋找、營救;此外,滾到牆邊也可防止房屋結構塌落砸傷自己。請記住:充分暴露自己,才能爭取有效拯救自己。 火場上的人如果發現身上著了火,千萬不可驚跑或用手拍打,因爲奔跑或拍打時會形成風勢,加速氧氣的補充,促旺火勢。當身上衣服著火時,應趕緊設法脫掉衣服或就地打滾,壓滅火苗;能及時跳進水中或讓人向身上澆水、噴滅火劑就更有效了。請記住:就地打滾雖狼狽,烈火焚身可免除 身處火災煙氣中的人,精神上往往陷于極端恐怖和接近崩潰,驚慌的心理極易導致不顧壹切的傷害性行爲如跳樓逃生。應該注意的是:只有消防隊員准備好救生氣墊並指揮跳樓時或樓層不高(壹般4層以下),非跳樓即燒死的情況下,才采取跳樓的方法。即使已沒有任何退路,若生命還未受到嚴重威脅,也要冷靜地等待消防人員的救援。跳樓也要講技巧,跳樓時應盡量往救生氣墊中部跳或選擇有水池、軟雨篷、草地等方向跳;如有可能,要盡量抱些棉被、沙發墊等松軟物品或打開大雨傘跳下,以減緩沖擊力。如果徒手跳樓壹定要扒窗台或陽台使身體自然下垂跳下,以盡量降低垂直距離,落地前要雙手抱緊頭部身體彎曲卷成壹團,以減少傷害。跳樓雖可求主,但會對身體造成壹定的傷害,所以要慎之又慎。請記住:跳樓不等于自殺,關鍵是要有辦法。