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本帖最后由 hillside 于 2013-12-29 20:16 编辑
About This SiteThere are many Python resources for scientists, and many specific Python packages for atmospheric and oceanic scientists, but (as far as we know), there is no single site that tries to show atmospheric and oceanic sciences (AOS) newcomers to Python what is available, and helps update experienced users as to the cutting-edge of using Python in AOS. We hope this site will help accomplish both goals. Please come and join us! This site supports these features: - Mailing Lists: The main PyAOS mailing list is open for user discussion about AOS Python topics. Periodically, we also send out an email linking to the Featured Tip. There is also a mailing list dedicated to topics related to teaching Python to AOS users.
- Featured Tip: Periodically, we’ll feature some new AOS use of Python. This may be a tip on how to get things done, news about a package that might be of interest, or an article of interest.
- Packages: A (hopefully someday) comprehensive listing of AOS Python packages and modules.
- Training: The general Python manuals are really robust, but it’s often helpful to have something more AOS specific. This section lists both kinds of resources and also hosts the course web pages for some of the AMS Python short courses we’ve run.
Posts are authored by the individual who posted them, and editor’s notes on posts are by Johnny Lin. Unless otherwise noted, all pages on this site are authored or edited by Johnny Lin; exceptions to this rule include: - AMS 2011 Short Course page and child pages: Authored by Johnny Lin and Charles Doutriaux
Python links and resources for MPO 581Python is an open source (FREE) and up and coming language for science, and atmospheric science in particular.
A study at the British Atmospheric Data Center asks "what language folks like ourselves should use to develop new data processing (including manipulation and visualisation) tools", and concludes: The choice is python. Notable quotes:
- "The bottom line is that I think there are two players: Python and Matlab, with R and IDL as also rans, and that for me, Python is the clear winner - especially since with the right kind of library structure, users can mix and match between R, Python and IDL."
- "the well regarded software carpentry course which provides an introduction to things working scientists most need to know uses Python."
- "Clear climate code are using Python of course!"
Basic and scientific PythonBasic python is quite possibly on your machine already, bundled with the OS.
The power of Python for applications all depends on importing modules. To handle large arrays, you need numerical Python (numPy) modules. These plus many science functions & graphics (MatPlotLib) are part of scientific Python (sciPy). A nicely packaged Scientific Python distribution is available from Enthought, free for academics. Python is FREE and always will be, but Enthought's business model is to sell training and support.
A good intro to python is
Scientific python for Earth sciencesBeyond general scientific tools, weather and ocean and climate work involve spherical Earth computations, geographical and political boundaries for mapping; and handling of datasets written in our community's scientific data formats (netCDF, HDF, GRIB, etc.). A list of resources for SciPy specific to Earth sciences is here.
One (relatively) easy method for installing a "batteries included" python distribution on MacOS X targeted for atmospheric and ocean sciences is at:
Another graphics option is the NCAR Graphics Library for Python PyNGL and PyNIO.
Another is a Python-based package called Climate Data Analysis Tools CDAT from PCMDI (a DOE lab), the work of 5 programmers over many years.
- Note on installing CDAT -- the PCMDI web site doesn't emphasize the binary executables, but it worked for me on Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6 systems (note you do have to find the right OS version, not the "latest" file that SourceForge leads you to). If these don't work you will have to compile. It's about as fun as going to an alien laundromat, but if you read directions it should work. Mac users - CDAT is also available through the excellent FINK open-source software installer.
The up and coming nature of Python is also indicated by this 2011 AMS Short Courseon Using Python in Climate and Meteorology, taught by Johnny Lin (atmospheric scientist/ physics prof) and Charles Doutriaux from the PCMDI team.
Another exciting tool apparently: One AMS attendee says:
"A lot of people seemed excited about this link. It was from a Python session so I am passing it on. I have no idea if it is of use but over 3/4 of the room wrote it down."
wxmaps2: weather maps, a grads connection
Switching from another language: from Matlab: Should I switch? (programming4scientists.com)
NumPy for Matlab users
Blog of a transitioning Matlab user
from IDL:IDL vs. Python pros and cons discussion - astronomy
Command translation table
Python for IDL users
Blog of a transitioning IDL user to Python
Python sites from scientists in our field: Python for Science -- Dave Raymond, New Mexico Tech, a good conversational-tone tutorial, from the beginning.
Ray Pierrehumbert's new planetary climate textbook, w/ Python intro & courseware