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发表于 2014-2-8 15:02:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 hillside 于 2014-2-8 15:43 编辑

国内相关网页消息:“江苏省太湖办、南京地理湖泊所、苏州和湖州两地相关部门的官员和专家同来自澳大利亚执行方澳思公司、维多利亚州基础产业部以及eWater联合研究中心的专家一起出席了此次会议(摘自《中澳环境发展伙伴项目12 pdf - 技术总结》。“太湖流域营养污染物的建模和管理”( http://www.docin.com/p-623408321.html)中有部分软件稍为详细的介绍。
                                                                                           About the Toolkit
The Toolkit is a source of software tools and information related to the modelling and management of water resources. It is aimed at water industry professionals involved in the management and modelling of catchments and water resources.
The Toolkit was developed by Australia’s leading water-cycle management, research and consulting organisations through the eWater Cooperative Research Centre (eWater CRC).
What's on offer
                                                                                     All Tools
AquacycleAquacycle is a total urban water balance model gaming tool that estimates water demand, stormwater yield, wastewater yield, evaporation, imported water use, stormwater use, and wastewater use for a particular site. It provides a preliminary assessment of the performance of both conventional and innovative water system designs.
AUSRIVAS Macroinvertebrate Predictive Modelling
AUSRIVAS (Australian River Assessment System) is a rapid prediction system used to assess the biological health of Australian rivers. These models predict the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna expected to occur at a site in the absence of environmental stress, such as pollution or habitat degradation, to which the fauna collected at a site can be compared. Thus, AUSRIVAS produces a biological assessment that can be used to indicate the overall ecological health of the site.
BC2CBC2C (Biophysical Capacity to Change) is a tool for estimating catchment scale water and salt export quantities, following changes in landuse in upland catchments. Intended for use with regional data sets, it gives an indication of changes under different scenarios (e.g. change in percentage tree cover) that can be used to pin-point and prioritise areas for further investigation.
CHUTECHUTE is a spreadsheet program for the design and analysis of rock chutes. Rock chutes can be employed in the restoration of rivers and channels to stabilise an erosion head or to reduce the overall grade of the channel.
CLASS-CGMCLASS-CGM (Crop Growth Model) can be used to simulate growth of main C3 field crop types such as wheat, barley, canola, sunflowers and C4 field crop types such as maize and sorghum. CLASS-CGM can also be used to simulate crop growth impacts on water balance from CLASS-U3M-1D.
CLASS-PGMCLASS-PGM (Pasture Growth Model) can be used to simulate growth of composite pasture types of multiple perennial or annual pasture species and to simulate pasture growth impacts on water balance from CLASS-U3M-1D.
CLASS-SACLASS-SA (Spatial Analyst) is a spatial modelling tool that can be used to generate climate zones, multi-resolution DEMs, wetness index, lateral multiple flow paths, accumulation and dispersion of water and solutes from hazard areas, estimation of soil depth, soil material distribution and soil moisture storage capacity in different parts of the landscape.
CLASS-U3M-1DCLASS-U3M-1D (Unsaturated Moisture Movement Model) can be used for estimating recharge, plant water use and soil evaporation across the soil profile at daily time steps using the Richards' equation.
CMSSCMSS (Catchment Management Support System) predicts average annual loads of pollutants (usually Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen) at the sub-catchment level, according to different land use types.
ConceptConcept is a conceptual diagram drawing package that can be used to communicate dynamic relationships between multiple elements.

More Information about Eco Evidence is available via the
Eco-ModellerEco Modeller is a tool for building, storing and running quantitative models of ecological responses to physical and biological factors, for use in comparing the merits of alternative natural resource management scenarios.
eFlow-PredictoreFlow uses environmental flow objectives to generate an altered flow regime and determine how much additional water would be required to achieve the new flow regime.
FCFCFCFC (Forest Cover Flow Change model) is used to adjust daily time series observed or simulated flow records for significant changes in forest cover. It is applicable to small to medium unregulated catchments with major changes in the proportion of forest cover and can be used to adjust inputs to larger scale catchment models.
IHACRESIHACRES (Identification of unit Hydrographs And Component flows from Rainfall, Evaporation and Streamflow data) is a catchment-scale, rainfall-streamflow, modelling methodology that characterises the dynamic relationship between rainfall and streamflow, using rainfall and temperature (or potential evaporation) data, and predicts streamflow.
LIZALIZA (Landcover for the use Zone of Australia) is a collection of maps and GIS data that provide landcover type for 1990 and 1995 for the intensive use zone of Australia. Canopy height and cover categories are provided for woody vegetation cover types where available.
MCATMCAT (Multi Criteria Analysis Tool) is an investment decision support tool that optimises environmental expenditure using multi-criteria analysis and combinatorial optimisation techniques.
MELSMELS (Minimum Energy Loss (MEL) Structures) is a hydraulic design and analysis suite that enables designers to quickly trial several alternative MEL culvert designs, checking for basic structure dimensions and performance under adverse conditions such as high or low flow and sedimentation issues.
NSFMNSFM (Non-parametric Seasonal Forecasting Model) forecasts continuous exceedance probabilities of streamflow (or any other hydroclimate variable).
RAPRAP (River Analysis Package) is a collection of 3 tools: Hydraulic Analysis - examines the hydraulic characteristics of river channels to determine the optimal discharge for a river reach based on specified rules. Time Series Analysis - calculates summary statistics of time series data, including hydrological metrics. Time Series Manager - manipulates and manages time series data.
RIPRAPRIPRAP is a spreadsheet program for the design of rock lining (rip-rap) bank protection. It provides a range of rock sizes to be used depending on bank angle and depth chosen.
RRLRRL (Rainfall-Runoff Library) simulates catchment runoff by using daily rainfall and evapotranspiration data. The models may be applied to catchments from 10 km2 to 10,000 km2 on a daily time step.
SCLSCL (Stochastic Climate Library) is a source of models for generating climate data, including rainfall, evaporation or temperature, at multiple timescales, across single or multiple sites.
SedNetSedNet identifies sources and sinks of sediment and nutrients in river networks and predicts spatial patterns of erosion and sediment load. This tool can help target management actions to improve water quality and riverine habitat.
SHPASHPA (Soil Hydrological Properties of Australia) is a collection of maps and GIS data that provide estimates of soil hydrologic properties across Australia based on the Atlas of Australian Soils and interpretations by Neil McKenzie.
TRENDTREND facilitates statistical testing for trend, change and randomness in hydrological and other time series data, utilising 12 different statistical tests.
Water Quality Analyser is for water managers, scientists and engineers who need to analyse time-series, monitor in-stream water quality, estimate pollutant loads, or set future water quality targets.
With a straight-forward user interface and a focus on visualising data inputs and outputs, Water Quality Analyser helps to identify water quality trends and simplifies the path to a summary assessment.
WRAMWRAM (Water Re-Allocation Model) simulates water allocation and trading between irrigation areas. Based on an economic optimisation model, it determines optimal water allocation and reallocation in terms of crop planting decisions and irrigation water requirements and simulates trading of water entitlements between irrigation areas, and generates water accounts for economic impact analysis.



发表于 2014-2-8 18:12:09 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-2-8 18:20:12 | 显示全部楼层
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