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本帖最后由 hillside 于 2014-2-10 15:54 编辑
德国气候学者Manfred Mudelsee在他的个人主页提供了他《气候时间序列分析》著作与他的多个气候软件(fortran语言编写)的免费下载。Manfred Mudelsee博士在古气候学方面看来有比较深入的研究。
说明:Manfred Mudelsee博士的软件是否包含Bootstrap Methods我不清楚,因帖子标题长度所限,未能明确表达。关于Bootstrap Methods方法本身,网上的信息很多。
Bootstrap Methods(鞋襻法、自举法、自助法)作为统计方法已有多年历史,近年在国内水文学领域已有应用,但搜索之下,很少发现有应用此法的国内气候类研究文献。Manfred Mudelsee在他的气候时间序列专著中重点研究了 Bootstrap Methods。
Climate Time Series Analysis:Classical Statistical and Bootstrap Methods
Mudelsee M (2010) Climate Time Series Analysis: Classical Statistical and Bootstrap Methods. Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York. [ISBN-13: 978-90-481-9481-0, ISBN-10: 90-481-9481-4, e-ISBN: 978-90-481-9482-7, DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9482-7; xxxiv + 474 pp; Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library, Vol. 42]
Climate is a paradigm of a complex system. Analysing climate data is an exciting challenge, which is increased by non-normal distributional shape, serial dependence, uneven spacing and timescale uncertainties. This book presents bootstrap resampling as a computing-intensive method able to meet the challenge. It shows the bootstrap to perform reliably in the most important statistical estimation techniques: regression, spectral analysis, extreme values and correlation.
This book is written for climatologists and applied statisticians. It explains step by step the bootstrap algorithms (including novel adaptions) and methods for confidence interval construction. It tests the accuracy of the algorithms by means of Monte Carlo experiments. It analyses a large array of climate time series, giving a detailed account on the data and the associated climatological questions.Contains 29 algorithms, 99 figures, 1135 references and 47 tables.
Software | | | | My software is written in Fortran and uses gnuplot for "interactive visualization." Given are links to the reference paper (I appreciate your citations) and the code with installation hints. | | 2SAMPLES | | | | 2SAMPLES estimates differences in location (mean, median) and scale (standard deviation, MAD) between two samples and gives bootstrap confidence intervals. [Text (PDF)] [Code] | | BREAKFIT | | | | BREAKFIT fits a break function (trend-change model) to time series and determines standard errors by means of block bootstrap resampling. [Text (PDF)] [Code] | | CLIM-X-DETECT | | | | CLIM-X-DETECT robustly detects extremes against a time-dependent background in climate and weather time series. [Text (PDF)] [Code] | | Exceedance Product | | | | A collection of programs to calculate the exceedance product with bootstrap confidence levels. Program written by Karsten Kürbis (University of Leipzig, Germany). (Kürbis et al. 2009 Theoretical and Applied Climatology 98:187)[Code] | | PearsonT | | | | PearsonT calculates Pearson's correlation coefficient between two climate time series. This program gives bootstrap confidence intervals that are valid also in the presence of autocorrelation.
[Text (PDF)] [Code] | | RAMPFIT | | | | RAMPFIT quantifies a climate transition using a nonlinear regression and a search for a global optimum. The bootstrap error bars for the transition parameters take autocorrelation into account. [Text (PDF)][Code] | | REDFIT | | | | REDFIT estimates the spectrum using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. It uses Monte Carlo simulations for bias correction. REDFIT performs a test of the AR(1) red-noise alternative by employing a routine from TAUEST (see below). This method can be directly used for unevenly spaced climate and weather time series. Program written by Michael Schulz (University of Bremen, Germany). [Text (PDF)] [Code] | | RNG | | | | Fortran 90 source code for parallel implementation of mzran random number generator (Marsaglia and Zaman 1994). [Code] | | TAUEST | | | | TAUEST fits an AR(1) model to unevenly spaced climate time series with bootstrap confidence interval. [Text (PDF)] [Code] |
自助法(Bootstrap Method)是Efron(1979)於Annals of Statistics所發表的一個辦法,是近代統
常用信賴區間(confidence interval)的辦法來做推估,此時得對樣本平均的sampling
其sampling distribution可或為常態分配或為t分配。但當樣本所來自的母群體,不宜用
不夠深時,漸進分析的辦法是較有效的方法,故中央極限定理(Central Limit Theorem),
Edgeworth Expansion (small sample theory)等辦法及其可行性及限制等於文獻中廣被
而自助法確是一個相當具說服力的方法,更提供了統計工作者另一個尋找sampling distribution
附2:一篇中山大学硕士论文,里面谈及Bootstrap Methods的气象应用:《基于bootstrap方法的北江流域径流趋势分析》
《大气科学学报》 2013年02期
【作者单位】: 气象灾害教育部重点实验室(南京信息工程大学);厦门市气象局;江苏省气象局;
【关键词】: 气候变化 粮食产量 自助抽样方法 江苏省