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气溶胶系列之一-Fundamentals of Aerosol Dynamic-SMOKE, DUST, AND HAZE



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作者是著名的气溶胶学奠基人,科学大师Sheldon Friedlander,基本拿遍气溶胶界各大奖:Fuchs,Junge奖等

Fundamentals of Aerosol Dynamic-SMOKE, DUST, AND HAZE.part2.rar

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-2-22 23:15:41 | 显示全部楼层
The first edition of this book, published in 1977. included an extended discussion of aerosol
dynamics, the study of the factors that detennine the distribution of aerosol properties with
respect to particle size. The distributions change with position and time in both natural and
industrial processes. The ability 10 predict and measure changes in the distribution function
are ofcenlraJ importance in many applications from air pollution \0 thecommercial synthesis
ofpowdered materials. The aerosol dynamics approach makes it possible to integrate a broad
sel of topics in aerosol science usually treated in an unconnected manner. These include
stochastic processes. aerosol transport, coagulation. formation of agglomerates, classical
nucleation theory, and the synthesis of ultrafine solid particles.
I had started writing the first edition after participating in ACHEX, the first large
scale atmospheric aerosol characterization experiment which took place in California in the
early seventies. K. T. Whitby had shown the power of the new in~lruments that had been
developed for the rapid determination of particle size distributions including the si ngle
particle optical counter and electrical mobility analyzer. I realized thai this instrumentation
provided enough information to warrant a new treatment of aerosol dynamics linked to
improved experimental capabilities. (An earlier ground-breaking book on The Dynllmics of
Aerocolloidaf Systems had been published in 1971 by G. M. Hidy and J. R. Brock.)
In the approach adopted in my fir~t edition, the derivation and use of the general
dynamic equalion for the particle size distribution played acentral role. This special form of a
population balance equalion incorpor.ned the Smoluchowsk.i theory of coagulation and gasto-particleconversion through a Liouville term with a set ofspecial growth laws; coagulation
and gas-to-particle conversion are processes that take place within an elemental gas volume.
Brownian diffusion and external force fields transport particles across the boundaries of
the elemental volume. A major limitation on the formu lation was the assumption that the
particles were liquid droplets that coalesced instantaneously after collision.
In the second edition, I have sharpened the focus on aerosol dynamics. The field
has grown rapidly since its original applications to the atmospheric aerosol for which
the assumption of particle sphericity is usually adequate, especially for the accumulation
mode. Major advances in the eighties and nineties came about when we learned how to
deal with (i) the formation of solid primary particles. the smallest individual particles
that compose agglomerates and (ii) the formation of agglomerate structures by collisions.
These phenomena, which have important industrial applications, are covered in two new
chapters. One chapter describes the extension of classical coagulation theory for coalescing particles to fractal-like (power law) agglomerates. The other new chapter includes a
discussion of the collision-coalescence mechanism that controls primary particle fonna tion
in high temperature processes. This phenomenon. first recogni zed by G. Ulrich, was later
incorporated in the general dynamic equation by W. Koch and mysel f. Al so included is
an introduction to the fundamentals of aerosol reactors for the synthesis of submic ron
solid particles. I.n aerosol reactor design, I have benefited from the work of S. E. Pratsi nis
(University of Cincinnati and ETH , Zurich) and his students who have pioneered the
industrial applications of aerosol dynamics.
Several ulher r.:ilaplt":rs have been substantially rewrinen to reftect the sharpened focus
on aerosol dynamics_ Fo r example, the chapter o n optical properties has been expanded to
include more applications to polydisperse aerosols. It helps support the chapter that follows
on experimental methods in which coverage of instrumentation for rapid size distribution
measurements has been augmented. Methods for the rapid on-line measure ment of aerosol
chemical characteristics are discussed in the chapters on optical propen ies and experimental
methods. This chapter has been strongly influenced by the work of the Minnesota group
(B. Y. H. Liu, D. Y. H. Pui. P. McMurry, and their colleagues and students) who continue
to invent and perfect advanced aerosol instrumentation. Discussions of the effects of
turbulence have been substantially expanded in chapters on coagulation and gas-to-panicle
The chapteron atmospheric aerosols in the fi rst edition has been updated and completely
rewri tten within an aerosol dynamics framework. This imponant field has implications
for the eanh 's radiation balance and global climate change. J. H. Sei nfeld. R. C. Flag:m
(Caitech). and other members of the aerosol dynamics community are acti ve in this area.
Theory and related experimental measurements are discussed throughout the text.
Microcontamination in the semiconductor industry. visibility degradation. manufacture of
pyrogenic silica, filtration. and many other applications are used as illustrative examples.
The emphasis is on physical explanations of the pheno mena of interest. keeping the
mathematical analysis to a re latively simple level. Extensive use is made ofscaling concepts.
dimensional analysis. and similarity theories. These approaches are natural to aerosol
dynamics because of the wide range in particle sizes. going from molecules to the stable
nuclei of homogeneous nucleation, to primary nanometer and ultrafine solid particles and
the ir aggregates. In keeping with the sharpened focus on dynamics, the book subtitle has
been changed to Fu"damel//a/s ofAerosol DYllamics.
Coupling between chemical kinetics and aerosol dynamics is importam for the atmospheric aerosol, the commercial production of fi ne panicles and aerosol emissions fro m
combustion processes. In many cases. the link between Ihe aerosol dynamics and chemical
processes can be established in a general way as shown in the text. However the chem ical
processes must often be treated si multaneously for the specific appl ications; this is beyond
Ihe scope of this book.
Unsolved fundamental problems of great practical imponance remain in aerosol dynamics. In addilion to the need for rapid che mical measurement methods mentioned above.
much more research is required on the effects of turbulence on coagulation and nucleation:
the general dynamic equation must be extended to incl ude factors that determine the crystal
state of primary particles. We also need to continue effons to link aerogel forotation and
aerosol dynamics as initiated by A. A. Lushnikov (Karpov Institute). Experimental and theoretical research in these and other are,lS should keep researchers in the aerosol field
busy for the next few years.
1have used the notes on which the book is based as a text for a one quarter (ten weeks)
course on aerosolscience and technology. taken by seniors and graduate students. Mostohhe
students were from chemicalengi neering with a smaller number from atmospheric sciences,
envi ronmental engineering and public health. I cover about eight chapters dependi ng on
student interests. in the ten weeks.There is curren lly an interest in developing undergraduate
engineering programs in particle technology. Lectures based on this text could serve as part
of a suite of courses in particle tcchnology.
1 wish to express my appreciation to B. Scarlett and J. Marijnissen of the Chemical
Engineeri ng Department at Delft University (TIle Netherlunds). Several ye:lrs ago they
invited me to offer a seriesoflcctures on aerosol reliction engineering in thcir comprehensive
course on pan icle technology. Those lectures served as the launching pad for this book. My
discussion with the Delft group made me appreciate even more the importanceofi mproving
measurement methods in our field.
Much of Ihe research on aerosol science and technology in my Laboratory has been
sponsored over the years by EPA, NSF and through the Parsons Chair in Chemical
Engineering at UCLA thai I hold. For this support, I express my thanks and appreciation.
The preparntion of the manuscript which went through countless revisions was accomplished with extraord inary patience by Ms. Phyllis Gi lbert . Finally. I thank my wife
Marjorie and our children for their forbeara nce during the course of the writi ng.

Over the last ten years I have taught a course in part iculate pollution to seniors and first-year
graduate students in environmental and chemical engineering. A course in thi s field has now
become essential to thetraining ofengineers and upplied scientists working in the field ofair
pollution. The subject mailer is sufficiently distincti ve to require separate coverage: at the
same time. it is inadequately treated in most courses in engineering or chemistry. Allhough
there arc a few good reference works coveri ng different pans of the field. 1 have felt the
need for a lext: this onc is bia sed on my own course notes.
There are three main types of practical problems to which the contents of this book can
be applied: How are aerosols fonned at pollution sources? How can we remove particles
from gaseous emissions to prevent them from becoming an air pollution problem? How
can wc rel ate air quality to emission sources and thereby devise effective pollution control
stratcgies? The fundamentals of aerosol behavior necessal)' to deal with these problems are
developed in this text. Although fundamentals are stressed. examples of practical problems
are included throughout .
The treatment that I have given the subject assumes some background in fluid mechanics
and physical chemistI)'. A student wi th good preparation in either of these fields should, with
diligence. be able to master the fundamentals of the subject. This has been my experience
in tellchi ng first-year graduate students with undergraduate majors in almost all branches
of engineering. chemistry. and physics.
The first half of the text is concerned primarily with the transport of particles and thei r
optical properties. It is this part of the field that. unti l recently, had been the most developed.
Particle transport Iheol)' has application to the design of gas-cleaning devices, such as filters
and electrical precipitators, and this is pointed out in the text. However, I have not dealt
with the details of equipment design: in most cases, direct appl ication of the theory to
design is difficult because of the complexity of gas-cleaning equipment. This leads to the
use of methods that arc more empirical than otherwise employed in th is tex\. With a good
understanding of particle transport. the student will be able to read the specialized works
on equipment design intelligently and critically.
Once the student has mastered the concepts of particle transport and optical behavior. he
will also find it easy to understand aerosol measurement methods. A chapter on Ihis subject
ends the first half of the text on an experimental note; progress in aerosol science is heavi ly
dependent on experimental advances, and it is important to get Ihis across to the student
early in his studies. Indeed. throughoulthe text. theol)' and experiment are closely linked.[n the second half of the book, the dynamics of the size distribution function are
discussed. It is this theory that gives the field of small particle behavior its di stinctive
theoretical character. The organization of this material is completely new. so far as coverage
in book fornl is concerned. It begins with a chapter on coagulation, and is followed by
chapters on thernlOdynamics and gas-to-part icle conversion. Next, the deri vation of the
general dynamic equation for the size distribution function and its appl ication to emission
sources and plumes are discussed. This leads to the fi nal chapter on the relationshi p of air
quality to emission sources for particulate pollution. This chapter is based in part on the
precedi ng theory. However, the power of the theory has not yet been full y exploited. and
the next few years shQuld see signi ficant advances.
One of my goals in writing the book was to introduce the use of Ihe equation for the
dynamics of the particle size di stributi on function lit the level of advanced undergraduate
and introductory graduate instruction. This equation is relatively new in applied science,
but has many applications in air and water pollution and the atmospheric sciences.
I have also taken a step toward the linking of aerosol physics and chemistry in the
last few chapters. Chemistry enters into the general dynamic equation through the teml for
gas-to-particle conversion. This turns out to have many importllllt air pollution applications
as shown in the last four chapters.
To keep the subject m:ltter to manageable proportlons, I have omitted interesting
problems of a specialized nature, such as photophoresis and diffusiophoresis. which are
seldom of controlling importance in appl ied problems. Detai ls of the kinetic theory of
aerosols have also been omitted. Although of major importance, they usually enter full y
developed, so to speak. in appl ications. Besides. their derivation is covered in other books
on aerosol science.
The resuspension of particles from surfaces and the break-up of agglomerates, important practical problems, arc not well understood; the methods of calculation are largely
empirical and not conveniently subsumed into the broad categories covered in the book.
Before I began writing. I considered the possibil ity of a general text covering small
particle behavior in both gases and liquids. Much of the theory of physical behavior is
the same or very similar for both aerosols and hydrosols. almost as much as in thc fluid
mechanics of air and water. The differences include double layer theory in the case of
aqueous solutions and mean free path effects in gases. There are other important, specifica lly
chemical differences.
After some thought, I decided against the general approach. Since I wanled to write a
book closely linked to applications, I thought it best to limit it to the air field in which I can
claim expertise. Incl uding topics from water poll ution would have unduly lengthened the
book. However, the students who take my course are often interested in water pollution,
and I frequently point out both si milarities and differences between Ihe air and water fields.
Special thanks are due C. I. Davidson and P. H. McMurry who served as teaching
assistants and helped prepare some of the figures and tables. D. L. Roberts assisted in
reviewing the manuscript for clarity and consistency. Professor R. B. Husar of Washi ngton
University made a number of useful wggestions on the text.
Pasadel/a. Clili/omitl
November 1976


发表于 2016-2-23 08:59:17 | 显示全部楼层
非常有用 感谢楼主 辛苦了


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