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[资源分享] Changing the Orientation of a Wireframe(线框图)



发表于 2016-5-14 20:59:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Changing the Orientation of a Wireframe(线框图)
Although thisexample uses a wireframe(线框图) to illustrate rotation and tilt, you can perform this operation onmost map types in Surfer.

To change rotationand tilt:
1. Click on the map once to select it.
2. Click the Map | Trackballcommand or click the file:///C:/Users/admin/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gifbutton.
3. Click the left mouse button and holdit while moving the mouse to the left and right. This changes the rotation ofthe wireframe(线框图). The rotation is listed in the status bar(状态栏).
4. Click the left mouse button and holdit while moving the mouse up and down. This changes the tilt of the map. Thetilt is listed in the status bar(状态栏).
5. Once you have rotated and tilted themap, click the ESC key on your keyboard to end trackball mode.

file:///C:/Users/admin/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gifChanging the rotation, tilt,field of view, and projection can also be accomplished by double clicking thewireframe(线框图) and using the options on the View page.

三、Changing the Scaling of a Wireframe(线框图)
You can change thescaling of wireframe(线框图)s(线框图) and surfaces in threedimensions. In this example, the Z scaling is changed, and the wireframe(线框图) becomes somewhatexaggerated in the Z dimension.

To change the Zscaling:
1. Double-click the wireframe(线框图) to open the mapProperties(属性).
2. Click the Scale page. You canset scaling by entering the number of map units per inch or by entering thelength for the map in page coordinates(坐标).
3. In the Length box of the ZScale group, change the value to 3 by scrolling to 3 or by highlighting theexisting value and typing 3. The Map units value changes to reflect thechange you made.
file:///C:/Users/admin/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image003.gif4. Click OK and thewireframe(线框图) is redrawn exaggerated in the Z dimension.

四、Adding Color Zones(色带) to a Wireframe(线框图)
You can change theline colors of any wireframe(线框图) by Applying(应用) Color Zones(色带). In this example, we will change Color Zones(色带) gradationally and individually.

To add a color zoneto a wireframe(线框图):
1. Double-click on the wireframe(线框图), and the wireframe(线框图) Properties(属性) dialog is displayed.
2. Click on the Color Zones(色带) page.
3. Click on the Line button todisplay the Line Spectrum dialog.
4. Click on the Minimum LineProperties(属性) button to open the Line Properties(属性) dialog. From here, you canselect the line color, style, or thickness.
5. Click on the Color button andselect blue.
6. Click OK to return to the LineSpectrum dialog.
7. Click on the Maximum LineProperties(属性) button and change the line color to red using the steps above.
8. Click OK in the Line Spectrumdialog to return to the Color Zones(色带) page.
9. In the wireframe(线框图) Properties(属性)dialog, check the Apply (应用) Zones to Lines of Constant X and Yboxes by clicking in them.
10. Click Apply (应用) and the wireframe(线框图) is displayed withgradational colors varying by the Z variable. (Leave the dialog open.)

To change theProperties(属性) of an individual Z value:
1. On the Color Zones(色带) page, double-click the linesample for the contour(等值线) level at Z = 70.
2. You can select the line color,style, or width for the selected line in the Line Properties(属性) dialog. In the Widthbox, click the up arrow(行) and change the width value to 0.030 in.
3. Click OK in the Line Properties(属性) dialog and the ColorZones(色带) pageis updated to reflect the change.
4. Click OK in the wireframe(线框图) Properties(属性) dialog and the map is redrawn. The color zone at Z = 70 is drawnwith a thicker line, and is emphasized on the map. (If you need to zoom in onthe map, click the file:///C:/Users/admin/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.gifbutton and then clickon the map. Click the ESC key on your keyboard after you are finished zoomingin.)

Lesson 5 - Posting Data Points and Working with Overlays
Post maps(张贴图) are created byplacing points on a map and labeling(标注) the points.Posting data points on a map can be useful in determining the distribution(分布) of data points, as well as placing data or text information atspecific points on the map. Data files contain the XY coordinates(坐标) used to position the points on the map. Data files can alsocontain the labels(标注) associated with each point.

一、Creating Post maps(张贴图)
When a new post mapis created, it is independent of any other maps in the current plot(绘图) window. When thetwo maps are displayed, notice that two sets of axes(坐标轴) are also displayed, one set for each map. When you use the Map | Overlay Mapscommand, the two maps are combined into a single map overlay with one set ofaxes(坐标轴).

To create a postmap:
1. Choose File | Open todisplay the Open dialog. Choose TUTORIAL(教程).SRF in the SAMPLES directory(文件夹) and then click the Open button. TUTORIAL(教程).SRF opens and contains a contour(等值线) map.
2. Select the Map | Post Map | New PostMap command or click the file:///C:/Users/admin/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image005.gifbutton.
3. Choose TUTORWS.DAT from the list offiles in the Open dialog. (TUTORWS.DAT is located in Surfer'sSAMPLES folder.)
4. Click Open and the post map iscreated using the default Properties(属性).

The contour(等值线) map and post mapare two separate maps on the page. If you look closely at the X axis(坐标轴), you will notice the two sets of axis(坐标轴)tick labels(标注) for the two maps. Also, there are twomap frames and axes(坐标轴) sets listed in the Object Manager(对象管理器). We will line up the mapswith the Overlay command after changing the post map Properties(属性).



发表于 2016-5-14 21:09:47 | 显示全部楼层
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