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程序如下,源程序应该是一个34年的逐日资料,it1=10,it2=30 意思是要从资料中滤出10-30天的波吗?我用上我的资料,是35年每个格点每年都有一个值,格点数为29*17,那么一共有29*17*35个数据,老师让我把它分离成2-9年的年际场和大于9年的年代际场。我就把程序里的时间改成35,it1改成2,,it2改成9,这样就可以得到2-9年的年际场了吗?可是改了参数怎么会出现forrtl severe 36的错误?,我的资料就是29*17*35的数据呀?如果我要得到大于9年的年代际场 时间上怎么设置,两个时间设置成it1=9,it2呢?35吗?parameter(it=12419,iz=1,it1=10,it2=30,dt=1,ixy=81*81) real x(ixy,it),y(ixy,it),w1,w2,h(it) pi=3.1415926 w1=2*pi/real(it1) w2=2*pi/real(it2) open(1,file='../data/rain.grd' & ,form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=ixy*4) open(2,file='../data/rain-1030.grd', & form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=ixy*4) irec=1 do k1=1,iz print*,k1 do k=1,it irec=(k-1)*iz+k1 read(1,rec=irec)(x(i,k),i=1,ixy) enddo do i=1,ixy call responseBF2(it,dt,w1,w2,a,b1,b2,h) call Bfilter2(it,x(i,1:it),y(i,1:it),a,b1,b2) enddo do k=1,it irec=(k-1)*iz+k1 write(2,rec=irec)(y(i,k),i=1,ixy) enddo enddo end subroutine Bfilter2(n,x,y,a,b1,b2) C Second Order Butterworth Band-Pass Filter C y(k)=S(j=0,N)a(j)*x(k-j)-S(j:1,L)b(j)*y(k-j) C where L=2 is called the order of the filter, and generally, N=L. C C ** Note that: Call the subroutine responseBF2 first before calling this subroutine. C C Input parameters: n, x(n), a, b1, and b2 C n: the number od data C x: the original series C a, b1 and b2 from the subroutine responseBF2 C Output variable: y(n) C y: the final filtered series of x C Work array: y1(n) C y1: the initial filtered series of x, work array c By Dr. LI Jianping, March 8, 2000. c-----*----------------------------------------------------6---------7-- dimension x(n),y(n) dimension y1(n) !Work array y1(1)=0. y1(2)=0. do 10 i=3,n y1(i)=a*(x(i)-x(i-2))-(b1*y1(i-1)+b2*y1(i-2)) 10 continue y(n)=y1(n) y(n-1)=y1(n-1) do 20 i=n-2,1,-1 y(i)=a*(y1(i)-y1(i+2))-(b1*y(i+1)+b2*y(i+2)) 20 continue 30 continue return end c-----*----------------------------------------------------6---------7-- subroutine responseBF2(n,dt,w1,w2,a,b1,b2,h) C Frequency Response Function of Second-order Butterworth Band-pass Filter C C ** Note that: Call the subroutine responseBF2 first before call the subroutine C Bfilter2() for the Second Order Butterworth Band-Pass Filter C C Input parameters: n, dt, w1, and w2 C dt: the sampling interval (e.g., dt=1. if you use daily data) C w1: lower (circular) cutoff frequency on the left of w0 C w1=2*pi/t1 where t1 is corresponding period to w1 C w2: upper (circular) frequency on the right of w0 C w2=2*pi/t2 where t2 is corresponding period to w2 C w0: central (circular) frequency C w0=sqrt(w1*w2), =2*pi/t0 where t0 is corresponding period to w0 C w1<w0<w2, that is t1>t0>t2 C Output variables: a, b1, b2, and h C h: =|w(z)|**2 the amplitude of the frequency response function w(z) C where z=exp(-i*omg*datt). Note that: For F90, z=exp((0,-omg)) should C be modified to F90 format, z=exp(cmplx(0,-omg)). C Here we compile it in F77 format. C Work array: C w: the frequency response function w(z), it is a complex array. C By Dr. LI Jianping, March 8, 2000. dimension h(n) complex w,z !Work array pi=3.1415926 w0=sqrt(w1*w2) c dt=1. a1=sin(w1*dt)/(1.+cos(w1*dt)) a2=sin(w2*dt)/(1.+cos(w2*dt)) dw=2.*abs(a1-a2) omg2=4.*a1*a2 c=4.+2.*dw+omg2 a=2.*dw/c b1=2.*(omg2-4.)/c b2=(4.-2.*dw+omg2)/c do 10 i=1,n omg=2.*pi/float(i) omg=omg*dt c z=exp((0,-omg))!F77 z=exp(cmplx(0,-omg)) !F90 w=a*(1-z**2)/(1.+b1*z+b2*z**2) h(i)=abs(w)**2 10 continue return end |