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本帖最后由 莫莫泡沫 于 2017-10-31 22:57 编辑
matlab 2016a版本
Saving the Modified ColormapYou can save the modified colormap using the colormap function. After you have applied your changes, save the current axes colormap in a variable: ax = gca;mycmap = colormap(ax);
To use this colormap in another axes, for example ax2, set the colormap for the axes to mycmap: colormap(ax2,mycmap)
To save your modified colormap in a MAT-file, use the save command to save the mycmap workspace variable: save('MyColormaps','mycmap')
To use your saved colormap in another MATLAB session, load the variable into the workspace and assign the colormap to the current axes: ax = gca;load('MyColormaps','mycmap')colormap(ax,mycmap)