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大家好,我最近在仿照一篇文献,使用EDGAR-HTAP数据用mozbc生成化学初始场。是两层嵌套,只有一个wrfbdy_d01,没有d02.但是在./mozbc <MOZCART.inp时,出现找不到变量的错误,错误如下:
main_bc_wrfchem: can only set boundary conditions for domain 1
main_bc_wrfchem: will set initial condition in wrfinput_d02
mapper: spc_map = o3 -> O3
mapper: spc_map = o -> O
mapper: spc_map = o1d_cb4 -> O1D
mapper: spc_map = n2o -> N2O
mapper: spc_map = no -> NO
mapper: 80 DUST_1 1 DUST1 1.17379999 F 1.00000000E+09
mapper: 81 DUST_2 1 DUST2 0.939000010 F 1.00000000E+09
mapper: 82 DUST_3 2 DUST2 DUST3 0.234799996 0.939000010 F F 1.00000000E+09
mapper: 83 DUST_4 2 DUST3 DUST4 0.234799996 0.586899996 F F 1.00000000E+09
mapper: 84 DUST_5 1 DUST4 0.586899996 F 1.00000000E+09
main: nspec = 84
Opened /home/yk/wrf-chem/test/em_real/wrfinput_d02
wrf times in /home/yk/wrf-chem/test/em_real/wrfinput_d02
1 20170101 0
init_wrfchem: could not find the following variables in /home/yk/wrf-chem/test/em_real/wrfinput_d02
NetCDF: Variable not found
fail to process netCDF file...
STOP in module_wrfchem_lib ...
do_bc = .true.
do_ic = .true.
domain = 2
dir_wrf = '/home/yk/wrf-chem/test/em_real/'
dir_moz = '/home/yk/wrf-chem/mozart/EDGAR-HTAP/MOZCART/'
fn_moz = 'hb0000.nc'
spc_map = 'o3 -> O3', 'o -> O', 'o1d_cb4 -> O1D', 'n2o -> N2O', 'no -> NO',
'no2 -> NO2', 'no3 -> NO3', 'nh3 -> NH3', 'hno3 -> HNO3', 'hno4 -> HO2NO2',
'n2o5 -> N2O5', 'h2 -> H2', 'ho -> OH', 'ho2 -> HO2', 'h2o2 -> H2O2',
'ch4 -> CH4', 'co -> CO', 'ch3o2 -> CH3O2', 'ch3ooh -> CH3OOH',
'hcho -> CH2O', 'ch3oh -> CH3OH', 'c2h4 -> C2H4',
'ald -> CH3CHO', 'ch3cooh -> CH3COOH', 'acet -> CH3COCH3', 'mgly -> CH3COCHO',
'aco3 -> CH3CO3', 'paa -> CH3COOOH', 'gly -> GLYOXAL', 'c3h6ooh -> POOH',
'pan -> PAN', 'mpan -> MPAN', 'mco3 -> MCO3', 'macr -> MACR', 'mvko2 -> MACRO2',
Opened ./wrfinput_d01 wrf times in ./wrfinput_d01 1 20100714 0 Opened ./wrfbdy_d01 read_wrf_times: delta_secs = 10800 wrf times in ./wrfbdy_d01 1 20100714 0 2 20100714 10800 3 20100714 21600 4 20100714 32400 5 20100714 43200 init_wrfchem: MAP_PROJ = LAMBERT init_wrfchem: CEN_LON = 25.00000 init_wrfchem: CEN_LAT = 35.00001 init_wrfchem: STAND_LON = 25.00000 init_wrfchem: TRUELAT1 = 30.00000 init_wrfchem: TRUELAT2 = 40.00000 init_wrfchem: DX = 100000.0 finished init_wrfchem_lib main_bc_wrfchem: read p_top main_bc_wrfchem: read eta values on half (mass) levels main_bc_wrfchem: read wrf longitues and latitudes init_mozart_lib: opened ./h0001.nc在这个中可以看到,应该是打开wrfbdy文件,但是我不知道为什么程序没有这样做 ,请做过mozbc或是其他有相关经验的大佬指点下。还有,两层嵌套,只有wrfbdy_d01没有wrfbdy_d02文件是正常的吗?我尝试修改过namelist.input,但是始终只有一个文件输出。我的namelist.input如下: &time_control run_days = 31, run_hours = 0, run_minutes = 0, run_seconds = 0, start_year = 2017, 2017, 2010, start_month = 01, 01, 07, start_day = 01, 01, 14, start_hour = 00, 00, 00, start_minute = 00, 00, 00, start_second = 00, 00, 00, end_year = 2017, 2017, 2010, end_month = 02, 02, 07, end_day = 01, 01, 16, end_hour = 00, 00, 00, end_minute = 00, 00, 00, end_second = 00, 00, 00, interval_seconds = 21600, input_from_file = .true.,.true.,.false., history_interval = 180, 60, 60, frames_per_outfile = 1000, 1000, 1000, restart = .false., restart_interval = 0, io_form_history = 2, io_form_restart = 2, io_form_input = 2, io_form_boundary = 2, debug_level = 0, auxinput5_inname = 'wrfchemi_d01', auxinput7_inname = 'wrffirechemi_d<domain>', auxinput8_inname = 'wrfchemi_gocart_bg_d<domain>', auxinput5_interval_m = 100000, auxinput7_interval_m = 100000, auxinput8_interval_m = 100000, io_form_auxinput5 = 0, io_form_auxinput7 = 0, io_form_auxinput8 = 0,/ &dfi_control/ &domains time_step = 180, time_step_fract_num = 0, time_step_fract_den = 1, max_dom = 2, s_we = 1, 1, 1, e_we = 19, 22, 94, s_sn = 1, 1, 1, e_sn = 19, 22, 91, e_vert = 35, 35, 28,num_metgrid_levels = 32, num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4, dx = 27000, 9000, 3333.33, dy = 27000, 9000, 3333.33, grid_id = 1, 2, 3, parent_id = 0, 1, 2, i_parent_start = 1, 7, 30, j_parent_start = 1, 7, 30, parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 3, parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3, 3, p_top_requested = 5000, feedback = 1, smooth_option = 0 p_top_requested = 5000 zap_close_levels = 50 interp_type = 1 t_extrap_type = 2 force_sfc_in_vinterp = 0use_levels_below_ground = .true. use_surface = .true. lagrange_order = 1 / &physics mp_physics = 2, 2, 2, progn = 0, ra_lw_physics = 1, 1, 1, ra_sw_physics = 1, 1, 1, radt = 30, 30, 30, sf_sfclay_physics = 1, 1, 1, sf_surface_physics = 2, 2, 1, bl_pbl_physics = 1, 1, 1, bldt = 0, 0, 0, cu_physics = 1, 1, 0, cu_diag = 0, 0, 0,cudt = 0, 0, 0, ishallow = 0, isfflx = 1, ifsnow = 1, icloud = 1, surface_input_source = 3, num_soil_layers = 4, sf_urban_physics = 0, 0, 0, mp_zero_out = 2, mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-12 maxiens = 1, maxens = 3, maxens2 = 3, maxens3 = 16, ensdim = 144, cu_rad_feedback = .true., num_land_cat = 20, /&fdda / &dynamics rk_ord = 3, w_damping = 1, diff_opt = 1, km_opt = 4, diff_6th_opt = 0, diff_6th_factor = 0.12, base_temp = 290. damp_opt = 0, zdamp = 5000., 5000., 5000., dampcoef = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 khdif = 0, 0, 0, kvdif = 0, 0, 0, non_hydrostatic = .true., .true., .true., moist_adv_opt = 2, 0, 0, scalar_adv_opt = 2, 0, 0,chem_adv_opt = 2, 0, 0, tke_adv_opt = 2, 0, 0, time_step_sound = 4, 4, 4, h_mom_adv_order = 5, 5, 5, v_mom_adv_order = 3, 3, 3, h_sca_adv_order = 5, 5, 5, v_sca_adv_order = 3, 3, 3, / &bdy_control spec_bdy_width = 5, spec_zone = 1, relax_zone = 4, specified = .true., .flase.,.false., nested = .false.,.true.,.false., /&grib2 / &namelist_quilt nio_tasks_per_group = 0, nio_groups = 1, /&chem kemit = 1, chem_opt = 401, bioemdt = 30, photdt = 30, chemdt = 10, io_style_emissions = 2, emiss_opt = 5, 5, emiss_inpt_opt = 111, emiss_opt_vol = 0, 0,emiss_ash_hgt = 20000., chem_in_opt = 0, 0, phot_opt = 3, 3, gas_drydep_opt = 1, 1, aer_drydep_opt = 1, 1, bio_emiss_opt = 0, 0, ne_area = 0, dust_opt = 1, dmsemis_opt = 0, seas_opt = 1, depo_fact = 0.25, gas_bc_opt = 1, 1, gas_ic_opt = 1, 1, aer_bc_opt = 1, 1, aer_ic_opt = 1, 1, gaschem_onoff = 1, 1, aerchem_onoff = 1, 1, wetscav_onoff = 0, 0,cldchem_onoff = 0, 0, vertmix_onoff = 1, 1, chem_conv_tr = 1, 1, conv_tr_wetscav = 0, 0, conv_tr_aqchem = 0, 0, biomass_burn_opt = 0, 0, plumerisefire_frq = 30, 30, have_bcs_chem = .flase., .flase., .false., aer_ra_feedback = 0, aer_op_opt = 0, opt_pars_out = 0, diagnostic_chem = 0,/