- 积分
- 55965
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- 注册时间
- 2011-6-21
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- 1970-1-1
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DrawMeteoData.createSTBarbLayer(StationData windDir, StationData windSpeed, String layerName, Bollean isUV) -> 生成站点风场Barb图层
DrawMeteoData.createSTVectorLayer(StationData windDir, StationData windSpeed, String layerName, Bollean isUV) -> 生成站点风场矢量图层
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # Author: Yaqiang Wang
- # Date: 2014-12-6
- # Purpose: Get and plot station wind data
- # Note: Sample
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- #---- Import classes
- print 'Import classes...'
- from org.meteoinfo.layout import MapLayout
- from org.meteoinfo.data.mapdata import MapDataManage
- from org.meteoinfo.data.meteodata import MeteoDataInfo, DrawMeteoData
- from org.meteoinfo.layout import LegendStyles
- from org.meteoinfo.global import Extent
- import os
- from java.awt import Color
- from javax.swing import JFrame
- #---- Set directories
- print 'Set directories...'
- baseDir = 'D:/MyProgram/Distribution/java/MeteoInfo/MeteoInfo'
- dataDir = os.path.join(baseDir, 'sample')
- mapDir = os.path.join(baseDir, 'map')
- #---- Create MapLayout object
- mapLayout = MapLayout()
- mapFrame = mapLayout.getActiveMapFrame()
- #---- Load country layer
- print 'Load country layer...'
- countryLayer = MapDataManage.loadLayer(os.path.join(mapDir, 'country1.shp'))
- lb = countryLayer.getLegendScheme().getLegendBreaks().get(0)
- lb.setDrawFill(False)
- lb.setOutlineColor(Color.black)
- mapFrame.addLayer(countryLayer)
- #---- Create MeteoDataInfo object
- mdi = MeteoDataInfo()
- #---- Open a MICAPS data file
- fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'MICAPS/10101414.000')
- mdi.openMICAPSData(fn)
- #---- Get wind direction/speed station data
- windDir = mdi.getStationData('WindDirection')
- windSpeed = mdi.getStationData('WindSpeed')
- #---- Create barb and vector wind layers
- bLayer = DrawMeteoData.createSTBarbLayer(windDir, windSpeed, 'WindBarb_Point', False)
- vLayer = DrawMeteoData.createSTVectorLayer(windDir, windSpeed, 'WindVector_Point', False)
- #---- Add layers
- mapFrame.addLayer(bLayer)
- mapFrame.addLayer(vLayer)
- #---- Add title
- title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16)
- #---- Set layout map
- print 'Set layout map...'
- mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().setWidth(580)
- mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(70, 140, 15, 55))
- #---- Set mapframe
- mapFrame.setGridXDelt(10)
- mapFrame.setGridYDelt(10)
- frame = JFrame('MeteoInfo Script Sample', size = (800, 600))
- frame.add(mapLayout)
- frame.visible = True
- print 'Finished!'