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[经验总结] 最近了解了下Liang-Kleeman信息流



发表于 2023-5-20 23:13:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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import pyleoclim as pyleo

pyleo.utils.causality.liang_causality(ts_nino.data, ts_air.data, npt=1, signif_test='isospec', nsim=1000, qs=[0.005, 0.025, 0.05, 0.95, 0.975, 0.995)

def liang_causality(y1, y2, npt=1, signif_test='isospec', nsim=1000,
                    qs=[0.005, 0.025, 0.05, 0.95, 0.975, 0.995]):
    '''Liang-Kleeman information flow
    Estimate the Liang information transfer from series y2 to series y1 with
    significance estimates using either an AR(1) tests with series with the same
    persistence or surrogates with randomized phases.


    y1, y2 : array
        vectors of (real) numbers with identical length, no NaNs allowed

    npt : int >=1
        time advance in performing Euler forward differencing,
        e.g., 1, 2. Unless the series are generated with a highly chaotic deterministic system,
        npt=1 should be used
    signif_test : str; {'isopersist', 'isospec'}
        the method for significance test
        see signif_isospec and signif_isopersist for details.
    nsim : int
        the number of AR(1) surrogates for significance test
    qs : list
        the quantiles for significance test


    res : dict
        A dictionary of results including:
            T21 : float
                information flow from y2 to y1 (Note: not y1 -> y2!)
            tau21 : float
                the standardized information flow from y2 to y1
            Z : float
                the total information flow from y2 to y1
            dH1_star : float
                dH*/dt (Liang, 2016)
            dH1_noise : float
            signif_qs :
                the quantiles for significance test
            T21_noise : list
                the quantiles of the information flow from noise2 to noise1 for significance testing
            tau21_noise : list
                the quantiles of the standardized information flow from noise2 to noise1 for significance testing
    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.causality.liang : information flow estimated using the Liang algorithm
    pyleoclim.utils.causality.granger_causality : information flow estimated using the Granger algorithm
    pyleoclim.utils.causality.signif_isopersist : significance test with AR(1) with same persistence
    pyleoclim.utils.causality.causality.signif_isospec : significance test with surrogates with randomized phases

    Liang, X.S. (2013) The Liang-Kleeman Information Flow: Theory and Applications. Entropy, 15, 327-360, doi:10.3390/e15010327
    Liang, X.S. (2014) Unraveling the cause-effect relation between timeseries. Physical review, E 90, 052150
    Liang, X.S. (2015) Normalizing the causality between time series. Physical review, E 92, 022126
    Liang, X.S. (2016) Information flow and causality as rigorous notions ab initio. Physical review, E 94, 052201


    nm = np.size(y1)

    grad1 = (y1[0+npt:] - y1[0:-npt]) / (npt)
    grad2 = (y2[0+npt:] - y2[0:-npt]) / (npt)

    y1 = y1[:-npt]
    y2 = y2[:-npt]

    N = nm - npt
    C = np.cov(y1, y2)
    detC = np.linalg.det(C)

    dC = np.ndarray((2, 2))
    dC[0, 0] = np.sum((y1-np.mean(y1))*(grad1-np.mean(grad1)))
    dC[0, 1] = np.sum((y1-np.mean(y1))*(grad2-np.mean(grad2)))
    dC[1, 0] = np.sum((y2-np.mean(y2))*(grad1-np.mean(grad1)))
    dC[1, 1] = np.sum((y2-np.mean(y2))*(grad2-np.mean(grad2)))

    dC /= N-1

    a11 = C[1, 1]*dC[0, 0] - C[0, 1]*dC[1, 0]
    a12 = -C[0, 1]*dC[0, 0] + C[0, 0]*dC[1, 0]

    a11 /= detC
    a12 /= detC

    f1 = np.mean(grad1) - a11*np.mean(y1) - a12*np.mean(y2)
    R1 = grad1 - (f1 + a11*y1 + a12*y2)
    Q1 = np.sum(R1*R1)
    b1 = np.sqrt(Q1*dt/N)

    NI = np.ndarray((4, 4))
    NI[0, 0] = N*dt/b1**2
    NI[1, 1] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y1*y1)
    NI[2, 2] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y2*y2)
    NI[3, 3] = 3*dt/b1**4*np.sum(R1*R1) - N/b1**2
    NI[0, 1] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y1)
    NI[0, 2] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y2)
    NI[0, 3] = 2*dt/b1**3*np.sum(R1)
    NI[1, 2] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y1*y2)
    NI[1, 3] = 2*dt/b1**3*np.sum(R1*y1)
    NI[2, 3] = 2*dt/b1**3*np.sum(R1*y2)

    NI[1, 0] = NI[0, 1]
    NI[2, 0] = NI[0, 2]
    NI[2, 1] = NI[1, 2]
    NI[3, 0] = NI[0, 3]
    NI[3, 1] = NI[1, 3]
    NI[3, 2] = NI[2, 3]

    invNI = np.linalg.pinv(NI)
    var_a12 = invNI[2, 2]
    T21 = C[0, 1]/C[0, 0] * (-C[1, 0]*dC[0, 0] + C[0, 0]*dC[1, 0]) / detC
    var_T21 = (C[0, 1]/C[0, 0])**2 * var_a12

    dH1_star= a11
    dH1_noise = b1**2 / (2*C[0, 0])

    Z = np.abs(T21) + np.abs(dH1_star) + np.abs(dH1_noise)

    tau21 = T21 / Z
    dH1_star = dH1_star / Z
    dH1_noise = dH1_noise / Z

    signif_test_func = {
            'isopersist': signif_isopersist,
            'isospec': signif_isospec,

    signif_dict = signif_test_func[signif_test](y1, y2, method='liang', nsim=nsim, qs=qs, npt=npt)
    T21_noise_qs = signif_dict['T21_noise_qs']
    tau21_noise_qs = signif_dict['tau21_noise_qs']

    res = {
        'T21': T21,
        'tau21': tau21,
        'Z': Z,
        'dH1_star': dH1_star,
        'dH1_noise': dH1_noise,
        'signif_qs' : qs,
        'T21_noise' : T21_noise_qs,
        'tau21_noise' : tau21_noise_qs

    return res

def liang(y1, y2, npt=1):
    Estimate the Liang information transfer from series y2 to series y1


    y1, y2 : array
        Vectors of (real) numbers with identical length, no NaNs allowed

    npt : int  >=1
        Time advance in performing Euler forward differencing,
        e.g., 1, 2. Unless the series are generated with a highly chaotic deterministic system,
        npt=1 should be used


    res : dict
        A dictionary of results including:
            T21 : float
                information flow from y2 to y1 (Note: not y1 -> y2!)
            tau21 : float
                the standardized information flow from y2 to y1
            Z : float
                the total information flow from y2 to y1
            dH1_star : float
                dH*/dt (Liang, 2016)
            dH1_noise : float
    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.causality.liang_causality : information flow estimated using the Liang algorithm
    pyleoclim.utils.causality.granger_causality : information flow estimated using the Granger algorithm   
    pyleoclim.utils.causality.signif_isopersist : significance test with AR(1) with same persistence
    pyleoclim.utils.causality.signif_isospec : significance test with surrogates with randomized phases

    Liang, X.S. (2013) The Liang-Kleeman Information Flow: Theory and
            Applications. Entropy, 15, 327-360, doi:10.3390/e15010327
    Liang, X.S. (2014) Unraveling the cause-effect relation between timeseries.
        Physical review, E 90, 052150
    Liang, X.S. (2015) Normalizing the causality between time series.
        Physical review, E 92, 022126
    Liang, X.S. (2016) Information flow and causality as rigorous notions ab initio.
        Physical review, E 94, 052201

    nm = np.size(y1)

    grad1 = (y1[0+npt:] - y1[0:-npt]) / (npt)
    grad2 = (y2[0+npt:] - y2[0:-npt]) / (npt)

    y1 = y1[:-npt]
    y2 = y2[:-npt]

    N = nm - npt
    C = np.cov(y1, y2)
    detC = np.linalg.det(C)

    dC = np.ndarray((2, 2))
    dC[0, 0] = np.sum((y1-np.mean(y1))*(grad1-np.mean(grad1)))
    dC[0, 1] = np.sum((y1-np.mean(y1))*(grad2-np.mean(grad2)))
    dC[1, 0] = np.sum((y2-np.mean(y2))*(grad1-np.mean(grad1)))
    dC[1, 1] = np.sum((y2-np.mean(y2))*(grad2-np.mean(grad2)))

    dC /= N-1

    a11 = C[1, 1]*dC[0, 0] - C[0, 1]*dC[1, 0]
    a12 = -C[0, 1]*dC[0, 0] + C[0, 0]*dC[1, 0]

    a11 /= detC
    a12 /= detC

    f1 = np.mean(grad1) - a11*np.mean(y1) - a12*np.mean(y2)
    R1 = grad1 - (f1 + a11*y1 + a12*y2)
    Q1 = np.sum(R1*R1)
    b1 = np.sqrt(Q1*dt/N)

    NI = np.ndarray((4, 4))
    NI[0, 0] = N*dt/b1**2
    NI[1, 1] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y1*y1)
    NI[2, 2] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y2*y2)
    NI[3, 3] = 3*dt/b1**4*np.sum(R1*R1) - N/b1**2
    NI[0, 1] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y1)
    NI[0, 2] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y2)
    NI[0, 3] = 2*dt/b1**3*np.sum(R1)
    NI[1, 2] = dt/b1**2*np.sum(y1*y2)
    NI[1, 3] = 2*dt/b1**3*np.sum(R1*y1)
    NI[2, 3] = 2*dt/b1**3*np.sum(R1*y2)

    NI[1, 0] = NI[0, 1]
    NI[2, 0] = NI[0, 2]
    NI[2, 1] = NI[1, 2]
    NI[3, 0] = NI[0, 3]
    NI[3, 1] = NI[1, 3]
    NI[3, 2] = NI[2, 3]

    invNI = np.linalg.pinv(NI)
    var_a12 = invNI[2, 2]
    T21 = C[0, 1]/C[0, 0] * (-C[1, 0]*dC[0, 0] + C[0, 0]*dC[1, 0]) / detC
    var_T21 = (C[0, 1]/C[0, 0])**2 * var_a12

    dH1_star= a11
    dH1_noise = b1**2 / (2*C[0, 0])

    Z = np.abs(T21) + np.abs(dH1_star) + np.abs(dH1_noise)

    tau21 = T21 / Z
    dH1_star = dH1_star / Z
    dH1_noise = dH1_noise / Z

    res = {
        'T21': T21,
        'tau21': tau21,
        'Z': Z,
        'dH1_star': dH1_star,
        'dH1_noise': dH1_noise,

    return res



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