本帖最后由 gaohuanxin 于 2021-8-17 09:43 编辑
楼主您好,请问安装wrf-fire时将GeoTIFF与WPS结合使用这一步是如何处理的呢,官网原文如下:The procedure for using a dataset in geogrid involves adding a field specification to the file geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL. The field specification provides paths to one or more datasets that can be used to initial the field. These paths must each contain a text file named index, which details the storage format of the data contained in that directory. The specification of GeoTIFF files follows this convention; however, the index file must (at the least) contain a line such as geotiff=XXXX.tif giving the name of the GeoTIFF file residing in the same directory.For example, if you have a GeoTIFF file named topo.tif containing topographical data that you want to use for the field ZSF, you would edit the ZSF section of geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL with the line abs_path=./ned_data. Then create a directory under WPS called ned_data, and copy topo.tif to this directory. Finally, you would add a text file called index inside ned_data containing the line: geotiff=topo.tif