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[分享资料] ave问题,急啊



发表于 2013-1-9 12:44:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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求两个不同文件的同一个变量的和,'define t=ave(TMPprs-273,t=77,t=85)+ave(TMPprs.2-273,t=77,t=85)+ave(TMPprs.3-273,t=77,t=85)',原来时间不一样,现在改成一样的,还是不行
我用的fnl资料,三个文件的网格按说应该是一致的,我看有人遇到这样的问题,说是网格改成一样,但是现在我用fnl资料直接生成的ctl,然后open打开,出错提示“data request warning:requst beyond file limite",wo单独一个ave三个文件都是没问题的,就是和就不行


 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-9 13:39:12 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-1-9 14:45:43 | 显示全部楼层
我刚刚回复了这里,http://06climate.189dl.com/forum ... p;tid=7361#lastpost,你可以试试是不是这个问题


 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-9 15:22:27 | 显示全部楼层

.2的时间应该是加上.1ctl的时间?是这个意思?我试了下 不行啊,比如前面.1ctl里面时间有124个,我加上124之后还是同样的错误


发表于 2013-1-9 16:46:09 | 显示全部楼层
carol 发表于 2013-1-9 15:22
.2的时间应该是加上.1ctl的时间?是这个意思?我试了下 不行啊,比如前面.1ctl里面时间有124个,我加上12 ...

对,我基本是这个意思。那你要看你3个ctl 的信息而定,时间维到底是怎样的,多尝试排除问题;或者把你的*.ctl 以及 *.gs 贴出来,大家帮你帮你检查下


 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-9 21:20:15 | 显示全部楼层
G-mimzy 发表于 2013-1-9 16:46
对,我基本是这个意思。那你要看你3个ctl 的信息而定,时间维到底是怎样的,多尝试排除问题;或者把你的* ...



 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-9 21:26:45 | 显示全部楼层

'open I:\111111\fnl_200905.ctl'
'open I:\111111\fnl_200906.ctl'

'enable print I:\shiyan.gmf'

'set lon 90 130'
'set lat 25 60'
'set lev 200 '

'set gxout contour'
*'define t=ave(TMPprs-273,t=77,t=85)+ave(TMPprs.2-273,t=85,t=94)+ave(TMPprs.3-273,t=95,t=110)/3'
*'define t=ave(TMPprs-273,t=77,t=85)'
*'define t=ave(TMPprs.2-273,t=85,t=94)'
'define t=ave(TMPprs.2-273,t=95+124,t=110+124)'
'd smth9(t)'

'disable print'


8.86 KB, 下载次数: 0, 下载积分: 金钱 -5


6.42 KB, 下载次数: 0, 下载积分: 金钱 -5



 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-9 21:27:56 | 显示全部楼层
dset I:/200905/fnl_200905%d2_%h2_00_c
options template
index I:/200905/fnl_20090501_00_00_c.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title I:/200905/fnl_20090501_00_00_c
*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p39c
dtype grib 3
options yrev
ydef 181 linear -90.000000 1
xdef 360 linear 0.000000 1.000000
tdef 124 linear 00Z01may2009 6hr
*  z has 26 levels, for prs
zdef 26 levels
1000 975 950 925 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 70 50 30 20 10
vars 95
no4LFTXsfc  0 132,1,0  ** surface Best (4-layer) lifted index [K]
no5WAVA500mb  0 230,100,500 ** 500 mb 5-wave geopot. height anomaly [gpm]
no5WAVH500mb  0 222,100,500 ** 500 mb 5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
ABSVprs 26 41,100,0 ** (profile) Absolute vorticity
CAPEsfc  0 157,1,0  ** surface Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CAPE180_0mb  0 157,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CINsfc  0 156,1,0  ** surface Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CIN180_0mb  0 156,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CLWMRprs 21 153,100,0 ** (profile) Cloud water [kg/kg]
CWATclm  0 76,200,0 ** atmos column Cloud water [kg/m^2]
GPAprs 2 27,100,0 ** (profile) Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
HGTsfc  0 7,1,0  ** surface Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTprs 26 7,100,0 ** (profile) Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTpv2  0 7,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTpvneg2  0 7,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGThtfl  0 7,204,0 ** highest trop freezing level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT0deg  0 7,4,0 ** 0C isotherm level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTmwl  0 7,6,0 ** max wind level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTtrp  0 7,7,0 ** tropopause Geopotential height [gpm]
HPBLsfc  0 221,1,0  ** surface Planetary boundary layer height [m]
ICECsfc  0 91,1,0  ** surface Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction]
LANDsfc  0 81,1,0  ** surface Land cover (land=1;sea=0) [fraction]
LFTXsfc  0 131,1,0  ** surface Surface lifted index [K]
O3MRprs 6 154,100,0 ** (profile) Ozone mixing ratio [kg/kg]
POTsig995   0 13,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Potential temp. [K]
PRESsfc  0 1,1,0  ** surface Pressure [Pa]
PRESpv2  0 1,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Pressure [Pa]
PRESpvneg2  0 1,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Pressure [Pa]
PRESmwl  0 1,6,0 ** max wind level Pressure [Pa]
PREStrp  0 1,7,0 ** tropopause Pressure [Pa]
PRMSLmsl  0 2,102,0  ** unknown level Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
PWATclm  0 54,200,0 ** atmos column Precipitable water [kg/m^2]
RHprs 21 52,100,0 ** (profile) Relative humidity [%]
RH2m  0 52,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Relative humidity [%]
RHsig995   0 52,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Relative humidity [%]
RHsg33_100   0 52,108,8548 ** sigma=0.33-1 layer Relative humidity [%]
RHsg44_72   0 52,108,11336 ** sigma=0.44-0.72 layer Relative humidity [%]
RHsg44_100   0 52,108,11364 ** sigma=0.44-1 layer Relative humidity [%]
RHsg72_94   0 52,108,18526 ** sigma=0.72-0.94 layer Relative humidity [%]
RH30_0mb  0 52,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Relative humidity [%]
RHclm  0 52,200,0 ** atmos column Relative humidity [%]
RHhtfl  0 52,204,0 ** highest trop freezing level Relative humidity [%]
RH0deg  0 52,4,0 ** 0C isotherm level Relative humidity [%]
SOILW0_10cm  0 144,112,10 ** 0-10 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW10_40cm  0 144,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW40_100cm  0 144,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW100_200cm  0 144,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SPFH2m  0 51,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH30_0mb  0 51,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Specific humidity [kg/kg]
TCDCcvl  0 71,244,0 ** convective cld layer Total cloud cover [%]
TMPsfc  0 11,1,0  ** surface Temp. [K]
TMPprs 26 11,100,0 ** (profile) Temp. [K]
TMP3658m  0 11,103,3658 ** 3658 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP2743m  0 11,103,2743 ** 2743 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP1829m  0 11,103,1829 ** 1829 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP2m  0 11,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Temp. [K]
TMPsig995   0 11,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Temp. [K]
TMP0_10cm  0 11,112,10 ** 0-10 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP10_40cm  0 11,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP40_100cm  0 11,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP100_200cm  0 11,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP30_0mb  0 11,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Temp. [K]
TMPpv2  0 11,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Temp. [K]
TMPpvneg2  0 11,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Temp. [K]
TMPmwl  0 11,6,0 ** max wind level Temp. [K]
TMPtrp  0 11,7,0 ** tropopause Temp. [K]
TOZNEclm  0 10,200,0 ** atmos column Total ozone [Dobson]
UGRDprs 26 33,100,0 ** (profile) u wind [m/s]
UGRD3658m  0 33,103,3658 ** 3658 m above msl u wind [m/s]
UGRD2743m  0 33,103,2743 ** 2743 m above msl u wind [m/s]
UGRD1829m  0 33,103,1829 ** 1829 m above msl u wind [m/s]
UGRD10m  0 33,105,10 ** 10 m above ground u wind [m/s]
UGRDsig995   0 33,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  u wind [m/s]
UGRD30_0mb  0 33,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd u wind [m/s]
UGRDpv2  0 33,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level u wind [m/s]
UGRDpvneg2  0 33,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level u wind [m/s]
UGRDmwl  0 33,6,0 ** max wind level u wind [m/s]
UGRDtrp  0 33,7,0 ** tropopause u wind [m/s]
VGRDprs 26 34,100,0 ** (profile) v wind [m/s]
VGRD3658m  0 34,103,3658 ** 3658 m above msl v wind [m/s]
VGRD2743m  0 34,103,2743 ** 2743 m above msl v wind [m/s]
VGRD1829m  0 34,103,1829 ** 1829 m above msl v wind [m/s]
VGRD10m  0 34,105,10 ** 10 m above ground v wind [m/s]
VGRDsig995   0 34,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  v wind [m/s]
VGRD30_0mb  0 34,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd v wind [m/s]
VGRDpv2  0 34,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level v wind [m/s]
VGRDpvneg2  0 34,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level v wind [m/s]
VGRDmwl  0 34,6,0 ** max wind level v wind [m/s]
VGRDtrp  0 34,7,0 ** tropopause v wind [m/s]
VVELprs 21 39,100,0 ** (profile) Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
VVELsig995   0 39,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
VWSHpv2  0 136,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
VWSHpvneg2  0 136,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
VWSHtrp  0 136,7,0 ** tropopause Vertical speed shear [1/s]
WEASDsfc  0 65,1,0  ** surface Accum. snow [kg/m^2]


 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-9 21:28:32 | 显示全部楼层
dset I:/200906/fnl_200906%d2_%h2_00_c
options template
index I:/200906/fnl_20090601_00.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title I:/200906/fnl_20090601_00_00_c
*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p39c
dtype grib 3
options yrev
ydef 181 linear -90.000000 1
xdef 360 linear 0.000000 1.000000
tdef 120 linear 00Z01jun2009 6hr
*  z has 26 levels, for prs
zdef 26 levels
1000 975 950 925 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 70 50 30 20 10
vars 95
no4LFTXsfc  0 132,1,0  ** surface Best (4-layer) lifted index [K]
no5WAVA500mb  0 230,100,500 ** 500 mb 5-wave geopot. height anomaly [gpm]
no5WAVH500mb  0 222,100,500 ** 500 mb 5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
ABSVprs 26 41,100,0 ** (profile) Absolute vorticity
CAPEsfc  0 157,1,0  ** surface Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CAPE180_0mb  0 157,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CINsfc  0 156,1,0  ** surface Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CIN180_0mb  0 156,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CLWMRprs 21 153,100,0 ** (profile) Cloud water [kg/kg]
CWATclm  0 76,200,0 ** atmos column Cloud water [kg/m^2]
GPAprs 2 27,100,0 ** (profile) Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
HGTsfc  0 7,1,0  ** surface Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTprs 26 7,100,0 ** (profile) Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTpv2  0 7,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTpvneg2  0 7,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGThtfl  0 7,204,0 ** highest trop freezing level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT0deg  0 7,4,0 ** 0C isotherm level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTmwl  0 7,6,0 ** max wind level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTtrp  0 7,7,0 ** tropopause Geopotential height [gpm]
HPBLsfc  0 221,1,0  ** surface Planetary boundary layer height [m]
ICECsfc  0 91,1,0  ** surface Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction]
LANDsfc  0 81,1,0  ** surface Land cover (land=1;sea=0) [fraction]
LFTXsfc  0 131,1,0  ** surface Surface lifted index [K]
O3MRprs 6 154,100,0 ** (profile) Ozone mixing ratio [kg/kg]
POTsig995   0 13,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Potential temp. [K]
PRESsfc  0 1,1,0  ** surface Pressure [Pa]
PRESpv2  0 1,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Pressure [Pa]
PRESpvneg2  0 1,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Pressure [Pa]
PRESmwl  0 1,6,0 ** max wind level Pressure [Pa]
PREStrp  0 1,7,0 ** tropopause Pressure [Pa]
PRMSLmsl  0 2,102,0  ** unknown level Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
PWATclm  0 54,200,0 ** atmos column Precipitable water [kg/m^2]
RHprs 21 52,100,0 ** (profile) Relative humidity [%]
RH2m  0 52,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Relative humidity [%]
RHsig995   0 52,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Relative humidity [%]
RHsg33_100   0 52,108,8548 ** sigma=0.33-1 layer Relative humidity [%]
RHsg44_72   0 52,108,11336 ** sigma=0.44-0.72 layer Relative humidity [%]
RHsg44_100   0 52,108,11364 ** sigma=0.44-1 layer Relative humidity [%]
RHsg72_94   0 52,108,18526 ** sigma=0.72-0.94 layer Relative humidity [%]
RH30_0mb  0 52,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Relative humidity [%]
RHclm  0 52,200,0 ** atmos column Relative humidity [%]
RHhtfl  0 52,204,0 ** highest trop freezing level Relative humidity [%]
RH0deg  0 52,4,0 ** 0C isotherm level Relative humidity [%]
SOILW0_10cm  0 144,112,10 ** 0-10 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW10_40cm  0 144,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW40_100cm  0 144,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW100_200cm  0 144,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SPFH2m  0 51,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH30_0mb  0 51,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Specific humidity [kg/kg]
TCDCcvl  0 71,244,0 ** convective cld layer Total cloud cover [%]
TMPsfc  0 11,1,0  ** surface Temp. [K]
TMPprs 26 11,100,0 ** (profile) Temp. [K]
TMP3658m  0 11,103,3658 ** 3658 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP2743m  0 11,103,2743 ** 2743 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP1829m  0 11,103,1829 ** 1829 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP2m  0 11,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Temp. [K]
TMPsig995   0 11,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Temp. [K]
TMP0_10cm  0 11,112,10 ** 0-10 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP10_40cm  0 11,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP40_100cm  0 11,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP100_200cm  0 11,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP30_0mb  0 11,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Temp. [K]
TMPpv2  0 11,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Temp. [K]
TMPpvneg2  0 11,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Temp. [K]
TMPmwl  0 11,6,0 ** max wind level Temp. [K]
TMPtrp  0 11,7,0 ** tropopause Temp. [K]
TOZNEclm  0 10,200,0 ** atmos column Total ozone [Dobson]
UGRDprs 26 33,100,0 ** (profile) u wind [m/s]
UGRD3658m  0 33,103,3658 ** 3658 m above msl u wind [m/s]
UGRD2743m  0 33,103,2743 ** 2743 m above msl u wind [m/s]
UGRD1829m  0 33,103,1829 ** 1829 m above msl u wind [m/s]
UGRD10m  0 33,105,10 ** 10 m above ground u wind [m/s]
UGRDsig995   0 33,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  u wind [m/s]
UGRD30_0mb  0 33,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd u wind [m/s]
UGRDpv2  0 33,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level u wind [m/s]
UGRDpvneg2  0 33,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level u wind [m/s]
UGRDmwl  0 33,6,0 ** max wind level u wind [m/s]
UGRDtrp  0 33,7,0 ** tropopause u wind [m/s]
VGRDprs 26 34,100,0 ** (profile) v wind [m/s]
VGRD3658m  0 34,103,3658 ** 3658 m above msl v wind [m/s]
VGRD2743m  0 34,103,2743 ** 2743 m above msl v wind [m/s]
VGRD1829m  0 34,103,1829 ** 1829 m above msl v wind [m/s]
VGRD10m  0 34,105,10 ** 10 m above ground v wind [m/s]
VGRDsig995   0 34,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  v wind [m/s]
VGRD30_0mb  0 34,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd v wind [m/s]
VGRDpv2  0 34,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level v wind [m/s]
VGRDpvneg2  0 34,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level v wind [m/s]
VGRDmwl  0 34,6,0 ** max wind level v wind [m/s]
VGRDtrp  0 34,7,0 ** tropopause v wind [m/s]
VVELprs 21 39,100,0 ** (profile) Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
VVELsig995   0 39,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
VWSHpv2  0 136,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
VWSHpvneg2  0 136,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
VWSHtrp  0 136,7,0 ** tropopause Vertical speed shear [1/s]
WEASDsfc  0 65,1,0  ** surface Accum. snow [kg/m^2]


发表于 2013-3-31 13:49:59 | 显示全部楼层
还有,TRMprs可以直接  -273哦?(其实我也不清楚,但是 可以先平均了之后,在define a=b-273试一试)
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