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楼主 |
发表于 2017-9-26 20:04:18
本帖最后由 junyang517 于 2017-9-27 10:18 编辑
有了WSL后,Windows版本我也就不再考虑,实在没有工夫再去Cygwin下龟速编译一堆文件。毕竟现在所有的模式学习平台都在WSL Ubuntu平台下开展,正式运转才转移到工作计算机。下面附上GrADS更新日志,以辅助决策是否下载本贴附件。
2017-09-05 Version 2.2.0
* Graphics display and printing are now handled as independent plug-ins.
Cairo is the default, but the traditional X11 display (with widgets) and
the old GD interface for image output are available as user-specified options.
There is also no-op gxdummy plug-in for when no graphics capabilities are needed.
* New arguments on startup for specifying graphics plug-in names (-d and -h)
* New requirements for the User-Defined Plug-in Table: gxdisplay and gxprint
* Overhaul of auto configuration protocol to support creation of shared libraries
for the graphics plug-ins.
* Added command 'q udpt' that lists all available plug-ins
* Added command 'q gxconfig' that reports the configuration of graphics plug-ins
* Updated the output from the 'q config' command
* New command 'q font' returns information about a specific font
* Added support in grib2scan to print model version date for PDTs 60 and 61
* Added optional argument to 'q dbf' to specify a delimiter other than ","
* Increased max number of block requests to raise limit on station data memory usage
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed bug to use an 8-byte integer to store a variable's offset in a file
* Fixed bug in new shaded contour algorithm when plotting a range beyond the
data maximum and csmooth is on.
* Fixed routines handling netcdf4 cachesize so it resets if user adjusts scale factor
* Fixed mismatched max length of variable description in descriptor files
* Fixed bug when drawing zero-sized strings with Cairo
New/Updated Documentation:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/udp.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/udpt.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/plugins.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/supplibs2.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdgrads.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdqdbf.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdquery.html
Supplibs Update:
* Simplified the protocol for building, installing, and checking the supplibs
in conjunction with changes to auto configuration scripts.
* New documentation page: http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/supplibs2.html
* Updated the gadap library to version 2.1 to add support for a shared object
and some minor fixes for compilation on newer versions of unix.
* Linked with pixman-0.34.0 and cairo-1.14.10
2017-02-14 Version 2.1.1.b0
* Added support for User Defined Plug-in functions which replace the old UDFs
* Added support for logical operators in the expression syntax (gridded data only)
* New function 'if()' performs an if/then/else expression evaluation
* New scripting language function 'sys()' submits any command to the shell and
returns the resulting text stream that the command sends to standard output
* New option '-4de' for the 'set sdfwrite' command
* New option for 'q define' prints all the relevant information about a variable
* New command 'set barbopts' to support filled pennant flags on wind barbs
* Added support in gxprint for mixed case file names with the -f or -b option
* Added descriptor file entry 'XYTRAILER' for files that have a trailer record
New/Updated Documentation:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/udp.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/expressions.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncif.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/script.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetsdfwrite.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/descriptorfile.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdqdefine.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetbarbopts.html
Supplib Update:
* Some builds are linked dynamically with OpenSSL to access data servers via HTTPS.
This library may not always be needed or available, so builds without OpenSSL
have also been provided.
2016-06-20 Version 2.1.0
* New command pdefwrite writes out internally calculated interpolation weights
* Added support for GRIB2 PDTs 60 and 61 (Ensemble Reforecasts)
* Added support for a second undef attribute name for netcdf/hdf4 formats
sdfopen will look for "missing_value" (primary) and "_FillValue" (secondary)
works with xdfopen-style and full descriptor files
* Previously undocumented command 'set misswarn' -- enables a warning message
with missing file names for templated data sets.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed undef handling for BUFR station data
* Fixed undef handling for station data when using -u and -a with const()
* Closed infinite loop when parsing arguments to script function gsfpath()
* Added support for transparent colors in KML output
* Changed the logo to "GrADS/COLA"
* Output from sdfwrite command will use 'months since' or 'minutes since'
in time axis metadata depending on what is used in the original data file
* coll2gr() now supports the -u option with a vertical coordinate of height
New Documentation Pages:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/pdefwrite.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/setmisswarn.html
Supplib Update:
* Linked with g2clib-1.6.0, jasper-1.900.1-ubuntu3.2debian
2015-03-10 Version 2.1.a3
* Added support for time template substitutions within a CHSUB string
* Added support for GRIB2 PDTs 6 and 10 (Percentiles)
Bug Fixes:
* Memory leak in metabuffer handling
* Bad error message when netcdf chunksize is bigger than cachesize
* Parsing error for files with time axis unit "minutes since..."
* Missing data handling in coll2grd function
* Unnecessary re-initialization of font files
* Core dump when using non-existing data variables in a define expression
* Memory leak for grids and stn reports when expression parsing fails
Updated Documentation Pages:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/descriptorfile.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsdfwrite.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/library.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/templates.html
Supplib Update:
* Linked with netcdf-4.3.3
2014-05-27 Version 2.1.a2
* Update option for gribmap (-u) has been restored
* New options for gribmap to up/downgrade the index file version;
this enables gribmap updates without having to rescan data files
* New option for 'set sdfwrite' to specify an unlimited dimension
* New option for 'set sdfwrite' to force a 3-dimensional output file
* Added 'q fgvals' to return colors and values specified with 'set fgvals'
* Checks if hdf5 format is chunked before checking chunking parameters
* Checks for valid image file before creating a custom tile
Updated Documentation Pages:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/fontcontrol.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdquery.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsdfwrite.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetbackground.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetfont.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetsdfwrite.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradutilgribmap.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/script.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/supplibs.html
Supplib Updates:
* Linked with zlib-1.2.8, hdf5-1.8.12, netcdf-4.3.2
2013-12-16 Version 2.1.a1
* All the graphics, including the interactive X window display and
all image and hardcopy output, are now handled by the Cairo library.
* New command 'gxprint' -- all-purpose printing command that handles all output formats
* New hardcopy output options with gxprint: PDF and SVG
* External utilities gxps, gxeps, gxtran are obsolete
* Commands 'enable print', 'print', and 'disable print' are obsolete
* The 'printim' command is now an alias for 'gxprint'
* Added options to 'set rgb' to support transparent colors and patterns
* Added options to 'set font' to define new fonts
* New command 'set hershey' -- enables generic fonts that are analogs of Hershey fonts
* New command 'set lwid' -- defines a new line thickness setting
* New command 'set tile' -- enables pattern filling for shaded contours
* New command 'set antialias' -- temporarily disables anti-aliasing (not recommended)
* The interactive display is always in color mode. The 'set display' command
is now only for swapping the background and foreground colors
* Major redesign of the graphics code to make graphics rendering more "pluggable"
* The widgets (buttons, drop menus, and rubber bands) have been temporarily disabled
* Added new mark #12, a closed diamond
* Added check for hPa unit in sdfopen
* Added thickness option to 'set grid' command
* Fixed templating and array-indexing bugs for dtype hdf5_grid
* Checks for NaN retured by pow() function
* New metabuffer structure handles shapefiles with a very large number of vertices
New Documentation Pages:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/ascii.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/basemap.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/drawingtips.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdgxprint.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetantialias.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsethershey.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetlwid.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsettile.html
Updated Documentation Pages:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/colorcontrol.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/font.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/fontcontrol.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomddisableprint.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomddrawmark.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdenableprint.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdoutxwd.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdprint.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdprintim.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetannot.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetbackground.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetclopts.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetcmark.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetcthick.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetdisplay.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetfont.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetgrid.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetline.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetmap.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetmpt.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetrgb.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetstring.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetxlopts.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetylopts.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradutilgxeps.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradutilgxps.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradutilgxtran.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/imageoutput.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/script.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/shapefiles.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/supplibs.html
Supplib Updates:
* Linked with cairo-1.12.16, pixman-0.28.0, freetype-2.4.10, fontconfig-2.9.0, Xrender-0.9.6,
hdf5-1.8.11, netcdf-, g2clib 1.4.0.
2012-11-9 Version 2.0.2
* New function amax() returns the maximum grid value over an X-Y region.
* New function amaxlocx() returns the the X location of the maximum grid value over an X-Y region.
* New function amaxlocy() returns the the Y location of the maximum grid value over an X-Y region.
* New function amin() returns the minimum grid value over an X-Y region.
* New function aminlocx() returns the the X location of the minimum grid value over an X-Y region.
* New function aminlocy() returns the the Y location of the minimum grid value over an X-Y region.
* New function atot() combines the latitude-weighting capability in aave() with the summing capability of asum().
* New features added to lterp() based on regrid2() and re(): a bessel interpolation may be added
to the bilinear option, plus new options for an area average using aave or amean.
* Added support for GRIB2 Probability & Aerosol products (Product Definition Templates 5, 9, and 48).
These templates require a third set of codes in the variable declaration of the descriptor file.
* grib2scan prints out relevant codes and suggests a variable declaration entry for descriptor file.
* Colorization of scatter plots enabled by using a third argument: 'display x;y;c'.
* For Robinson Projection, longitude may range from 0 to 360 as well as -180 to 180.
* Changed hard-coded 3.1415... to M_PI.
* Tweaks to verbose output from gribmap to help diagnose unmatched records.
* When sdfopen/xdfopen is checking for Z axis, if pressure units of Pa is detected, units
will convert to mb automatically. Notice to user printed.
* Fixed I/O when reading 2-byte data.
* Fixed EDEF handling in sdfopen/xdfopen.
* Fixed ensemble name parsing error.
* Fixed sdfopen/xdfopen to reject files with 360-day calendar attribute.
* Fixed streamlines to improve density handling for grid boxes that are very elongated,
such as at high latitudes, or in vertical cross sections.
New documentation pages:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdscreen.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetlog1d.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncamax.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncamaxlocx.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncamaxlocy.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncamin.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncaminlocx.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncaminlocy.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncatot.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/scatterplot.html
Updated documentation pages:
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/descriptorfile.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/font.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/fontcontrol.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/functions.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/functionsatt.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gadoc.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomddrawbutton.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomddrawwxsym.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdenableprint.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsdfwrite.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetccols.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetdefval.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetfont.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetgxout.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetvrange.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetvrange2.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsetwxcols.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncaave.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncasum.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfunclterp.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradutilgrib2scan.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/imageoutput.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/indexlist.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/library.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/mathfunctions.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/pagecontrol.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/shapefiles.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/supplibs.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/templates.html
* http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/tutorial.html
Supplib Updates:
* Linked with g2clib 1.4.0