- 积分
- 781
- 贡献
- 精华
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 注册时间
- 2013-5-9
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
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- from netCDF4 import Dataset
- import xarray as xr
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import cartopy.crs as ccrs
- from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
- import matplotlib.colors as colors
- from cartopy.io.shapereader import Reader
- import cartopy.feature as cfe
- import cmaps
- from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
- from wrf import (get_cartopy, latlon_coords, to_np, cartopy_xlim, cartopy_ylim,
- getvar, ALL_TIMES)
- f = Dataset('wrfout_d01')
- # rainc = np.array(f.variables['RAINC'][:])
- # rainnc = np.array(f.variables['RAINNC'][:])
- rainc = getvar(f, 'RAINC', timeidx=ALL_TIMES)
- rainnc = getvar(f, 'RAINNC', timeidx=ALL_TIMES)
- # f = xr.open_dataset('wrfout_d01')
- # rainc = f['RAINC']
- # rainnc = f['RAINNC']
- tot = rainc.values + rainnc.values
- wrf_time = f.variables['Times']
- # tot = rainc + rainnc
- dim_tot = tot.shape
- h1prep = tot[2:dim_tot[0]:2,:,:] - tot[0:dim_tot[0]-2:2,:,:]
- # lats = f['XLAT'].values[0]
- # lons = f['XLONG'].values[0]
- lats = f.variables['XLAT'][0]
- lons = f.variables['XLONG'][0]
- # lats, lons = latlon_coords(rainc)
- cart_proj = get_cartopy(rainc)
- # print(cart_proj)
- levels = [0.1,0.5,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,8.,10.,20.,40]
- norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries=np.array(levels), ncolors=len(levels)-1)
- shp_path = '/Users/james/Documents/GitHub/py_china_shp/'
- reader = Reader(shp_path + 'Province_9/Province_9.shp')
- provinces = cfe.ShapelyFeature(reader.geometries(), ccrs.PlateCarree(), edgecolor='k', facecolor='none')
- with PdfPages('multipage_pdf.pdf') as pdf:
- for i in range(3):
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8.5))
- ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=cart_proj)
- print(ax)
- ax.add_feature(provinces, linewidth=0.6)
- ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8)
- pcm = ax.contourf(lons, lats, h1prep[i], levels, norm=norm,
- transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), extend='both',
- cmap=cmaps.cmorph[1:])
- #pcm.cmap.set_over('white')
- pcm.cmap.set_under(cmaps.cmorph.colors[0])
- # Set the map bounds
- # 两种方式设定画图范围
- # 方式1
- # xs, ys, _ = cart_proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(),np.array([lons[0,0],lons[-1,-1]]),np.array([lats[0,0],lats[-1,-1]])).T
- # xlimits = xs.tolist()
- # ylimits = ys.tolist()
- # ax.set_xlim(xlimits)
- # ax.set_ylim(ylimits)
- # print(xlimits)
- # print(ylimits)
- # 方式2
- # ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(rainc))
- # ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(rainc))
- ax.set_title("WRF Prepcipitation {}".format(str(wrf_time[i],'utf-8')))
- ax.gridlines(linewidth=0.5, color='gray', linestyle='--')
- # plt.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, ticks=levels, extendfrac='auto',
- # aspect=20, extendrect=True, format='%3.1f', drawedges=True, shrink=.7)
- plt.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, ticks=levels, extendfrac='auto',
- aspect=18, format='%3.1f', shrink=.95)
- pdf.savefig() # saves the current figure into a pdf page
- plt.close()
- # plt.suptitle('Figure title')
- # # shrink 调整colorbar大小
- # plt.show()
复制代码 以下是画出来的图: