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- 1970-1-1

发表于 2013-9-28 09:08:51
The ERA-Interim data assimilation and forecast suite produces:
 fouranalyses per day, at00, 06, 12 and 18UTC;
 two 10-day forecasts per day, initialized from analyses at 00 and 12 UTC.
The analysis produced at 00 UTC on a given day involves observations taken between 15 UTC on the previous day and 03 UTC on the present day; the analysis at 12 UTC involves observations between 03 UTC and 15 UTC.
Unless specified otherwise, forecast data on pressure levels (levtype=pl in MARS) and for the surface and single level parameters (levtype=sfc) arearchived at the 28 ranges, or steps, of 3-,6-,9-, 12-, 15-, 18-, 21-, 24-, 30-,36-, 42-, 48-, 60-, 72-, 84-, 96-, 108-, 120-, 132-, 144-, 156-, 168-, 180-, 192-, 204-, 216-, 228-, and 240-hours from daily forecasts at 00 and 12 UTC. Forecast model level data (levtype=ml) are archived at 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-hour ranges from 00 and 12 UTC. Forecast data is not available for fields on isentropic (levtype=pt) and PV = 2 PVU (levtype=pv) levels. On the ECMWF Data Server forecasts are only available for surface and single level fields and only up to a range of 12-hours.
Fields from theatmospheric model arearchived either at the full T255spectral resolution or on the corresponding N128 reduced Gaussian grid, depending on their basic representation in the model. Fields from the coupled ocean-wave model are saved on its reduced 1.0ox1.0olatitude/longitude grid.
The N128reduced Gaussian grid is symmetric about the equator, with a north-south separation which is close touniform in latitude, with aspacing of about 0.703125. There are128points aligned along the Greenwich Meridian from equator to pole. The number of points in the east-west varies with latitude, with uniform grid spacing along a particular line of latitude. This spacing is 0.703125in most of the tropics. The grid is specified (for the Northern Hemisphere) inTable 1, which gives the latitude values (accurate totwo decimal points) and the corresponding number of points in theeast-westdirection.Similar infor mation, for
several reduced Gaussian grids commonly used at the ECMWF, is available at http://www.ecmwf.int/publication ... ssianGridsFIS.html.
The WMO form atFM92 GRIB is used torepresent all analysis and forecast fields. In general, ERA GRIB data are coded using ECMWF’s local versions of GRIBcode table 2 (version number 128 for atmosphericproducts, 140 for wave products), which gives parameter names and units. An additional local version, 162, is used for atmospheric parameters that are not included in the standard table version 128. Theseinclude the“Additional fields accumulated from the physical parametrizations” in section 2.6. All local ECMWF versions of GRIB code table 2 are tabulated in http://www.ecmwf.int/services/archive. |