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楼主 |
发表于 2012-7-6 19:28:07
上传一个ncl处理QUIKSCAT/NCEP数据的脚本,只要改动do i = 0, 10
ip1 = 20
ip2 = 24
jp = 19这几个位置就可以- ; readqnblendwind.ncl
- ; NCL program to read binary QSCAT/NCEP blended wind data files.
- ; This routine can be adapted to read either the zonal and
- ; meridional wind data ("uv") or the windstress curl data ("curl").
- ;
- ; Contributed by: Tianyi Fan, University of Colorado, Boulder; 2007-07-12
- ;
- begin
- nlat = 353
- nlon = 720
- readuv = True ; to read either uv or curlfiles
- ; readuv = False
- ; ===============================
- ; open file
- ; ===============================
- if (readuv) then
- fils = "./uv.200001.bln"
- else
- fils = "./curl.200001.bln"
- end if
- print("intput" + fils)
- numRec = 30*4 ; number of record to read in, mamybe 31*4 or
- day = new( numRec, "float")
- u = new((/ numRec, nlat, nlon/), "float")
- v = new((/ numRec, nlat, nlon/), "float")
- curl = new((/ numRec, nlat, nlon/), "float")
- if (readuv) then
- recl = 7+2*nlon*nlat ; recl length
- else
- recl = 5+nlon*nlat
- end if
- dum_all = new(recl, "float")
- print("Assigning coordinate varibal information")
- u!0 = "time"
- u&time = ispan(1, numRec, 1)
- u!1 = "lat"
- u&lat = fspan(-88., 88., nlat)
- u&lat@units = "degrees_north"
- u!2 = "lon"
- u&lon = fspan(0.5,360.,nlon)
- u&lon@units = "degrees_east"
- v!0 = "time"
- v&time = ispan(1, numRec, 1)
- v!1 = "lat"
- v&lat = fspan(-88., 88., nlat)
- v&lat@units = "degrees_north"
- v!2 = "lon"
- v&lon = fspan(0.5,360.,nlon)
- v&lon@units = "degrees_east"
- curl!0 = "time"
- curl&time = ispan(1, numRec, 1)
- curl!1 = "lat"
- curl&lat = fspan(-88, 88, nlat)
- curl&lat@units = "degrees_north"
- curl!2 = "lon"
- curl&lon = fspan(0.5,360.,nlon)
- curl&lon@units = "degrees_east"
- ; ===============================
- ; read data
- ; ===============================
- if(readuv) then
- do i = 0, numRec -1
- dum_all = fbindirread(fils, i, recl, "float")
- ; idum1 = dum_all(0)
- day(i) = dum_all(1)
- ; idum2 = dum_all(2)
- ; idum3 = dum_all(3)
- u(i, :,:) = onedtond(dum_all(4:4+nlon*nlat-1),(/nlat, nlon/) )
- ; idum4 = dum_all(4+nlon*nlat)
- ; idum5 = dum_all(5+nlon*nlat)
- v(i, :,:) = onedtond(dum_all(6+nlon*nlat:6+nlon*nlat*2-1),(/nlat, nlon/) )
- ; idum6 = dum_all(6+nlon*nlat*2)
- end do
- else
- do i = 0, numRec -1
- dum_all = fbindirread(fils, i, recl, "float")
- idum1 = dum_all(0)
- day(i) = dum_all(1)
- idum2 = dum_all(2)
- idum3 = dum_all(3)
- curl(i,:,:)= onedtond(dum_all(4:4+nlon*nlat-1),(/nlat, nlon/) )
- idum4 = dum_all(4+nlon*nlat)
- end do
- end if
- ;============================
- ; print
- ; ===========================
- if (readuv) then
- do i = 0, 10
- ip1 = 20
- ip2 = 24
- jp = 19
- print("day = " + day(i) + " print data at i = " + (ip1+1) + " to " + (ip2+1) + ", j = " + (jp+1) )
- print(" u = " + u(i, jp, ip1:ip2))
- print(" v = " + v(i, jp, ip1:ip2))
- jp = 299
- print("day = " + day(i) + " print data at i = " + (ip1+1) + " to " + (ip2+1) + ", j = " + (jp+1) )
- print(" u = " + u(i, jp, ip1:ip2))
- print(" v = " + v(i, jp, ip1:ip2))
- end do
- else
- do i = 0, 5
- ip1 = 20
- ip2 = 24
- jp = 19
- print("day = " + day(i) + " print data at i = " + (ip1+1) + " to " + (ip2+1) + ", j = " + (jp+1) )
- print(" c = " + curl(i, jp, ip1:ip2))
- jp = 299
- print("day = " + day(i) + " print data at i = " + (ip1+1) + " to " + (ip2+1) + ", j = " + (jp+1) )
- print(" c = " + curl(i, jp, ip1:ip2))
- end do
- end if
- end
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