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xgrads库在ctl转nc中存在的不足及修改 1、问题描述ctl文件 dset C:\Users\马冠龙\Desktop\python\EOF\sstpx.grd
title Coads SSTA
undef -999.0
xdef 18 linear 120 10
ydef 12 linear -27.5 5
zdef 1 linear 1000 1
tdef 516 linear 1jan1948 1month
vars 1
S 0 99 Coads SST anomaly interperated using
endvarsfrom xgrads import CtlDescriptor, open_CtlDataset
ds = open_CtlDataset(r'SSTPX.ctl',encoding='utf-8')
ctl = CtlDescriptor(file=r'SSTPX.ctl',encoding='utf-8')
ds.attrs['pdef' ] = 'None'
ds.to_netcdf('E:SSTPX.nc')报错 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1mon'
2、解决方案 出现这种情况是因为xgrads库中没有考虑到 month year minute等情况,所以我们在字典中加入,并做简单修改 原始库代码见下图 修改代码为: def GrADS_increment_to_timedelta64(incre):
Convert GrADS time increment string to numpy.timedelta64
incre : str
Grads time increment in str format e.g., 1dy.
re : timedelta64
amount = re.sub("\D", "", incre)
unit = re.sub(amount, "", incre)
unitDict = {
'se': 's',
'mn': 'm',
'hr': 'h',
'dy': 'D',
'mo': 'M',
'yr': 'Y',
return timedelta64(int(amount), unitDict[unit])