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使用ERA5数据进行的模拟,模拟时段为1993年5月30日到8月31日,因为进行的是集合模拟,1979-1992年相同时段的模拟都完成了,但昨天晚上./ungrib.exe成功后,在进行./metgrid.exe时报错ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field,浏览论坛中出现同样问题的帖子,WPS运行metgrid过程中的错误,求助(利用WRFDomainWizard运行的WPS)-专业气象研究-气象家园_气象人自己的家园 (06climate.com),发现是用GFS数据驱动通过更新WPS版本解决的,但我使用的是WPS-4.2应该不存在版本较老的问题,我把初始场换成1992年再次尝试,本来已经跑通过的1992年也报了相同的错误。我还在WRF论坛里看到一个帖子说这个问题是由于硬盘存储不足造成的(https://forum.mmm.ucar.edu/threads/resolved-error-error-in-ext_pkg_write_field-in-metgrid-wps-v4-0.10553/),我登录学校集群的网页并询问了管理老师,我的账号使用内存没有超过限制,应该不是内存不足造成的。下面是我的namelist.wps文件和metgrid.log文件,请大佬帮忙看一下有什么办法解决吗?namelist.wps文件:
wrf_core = 'ARW',
max_dom = 1,
start_date = '1992-05-30_00:00:00'
end_date = '1992-08_31_23:00:00'
interval_seconds = 3600,
io_form_geogrid = 2,
debug_level = 0,
parent_id = 1,
parent_grid_ratio = 1,
i_parent_start = 1,
j_parent_start = 1,
e_we = 76,
e_sn = 66,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! The default datasets used to produce the MAXSNOALB and ALBEDO12M
! fields have changed in WPS v4.0. These fields are now interpolated
! from MODIS-based datasets.
! To match the output given by the default namelist.wps in WPS v3.9.1,
! the following setting for geog_data_res may be used:
! geog_data_res = 'maxsnowalb_ncep+albedo_ncep+default', 'maxsnowalb_ncep+albedo_ncep+default',
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
geog_data_res = 'default'
dx = 75000,
dy = 75000,
map_proj = 'mercator',
ref_lat = 31.192,
ref_lon = 119.781,
truelat1 = 59.920,
truelat2 = 59.920,
stand_lon = 119.781,
geog_data_path = '/home/u220220903380/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/'
out_format = 'WPS',
prefix = 'FILE',
fg_name = 'FILE'
io_form_metgrid = 2,
2024-08-29 08:11:25.607 --- Processing GHT at level 300.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.607 --- Processing TT at level 300.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.608 --- Processing UU at level 300.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.609 --- Processing VV at level 300.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.610 --- Processing RH at level 300.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.611 --- Processing GHT at level 200.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.612 --- Processing TT at level 200.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.613 --- Processing UU at level 200.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.614 --- Processing VV at level 200.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.615 --- Processing RH at level 200.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.615 --- Processing GHT at level 100.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.616 --- Processing TT at level 100.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.617 --- Processing UU at level 100.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.618 --- Processing VV at level 100.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.619 --- Processing RH at level 100.000000.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.620 --- Filling missing levels.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.620 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILHGT at level 200100.000000 to fill level 200100.000000 of GHT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.620 --- INFORM: PSFC at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.620 --- INFORM: VV at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.620 --- INFORM: UU at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.620 --- INFORM: TT at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- Creating derived fields.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Going to create the field ST
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST010040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST040100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST100200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 200.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST010035 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 35.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST035100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST100300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST010200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 200.000000 of ST.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SM
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM010040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM040100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM100200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 200.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM010035 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 35.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.626 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM035100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM100300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM010200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 200.000000 of SM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SW
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SW.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW010040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 2.000000 of SW.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW040100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 3.000000 of SW.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW100200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SW.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SW.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW010200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 2.000000 of SW.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOIL_LAYERS
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILM
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILM
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM000 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 0.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM005 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 5.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM020 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 20.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM160 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 160.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.627 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM001 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM004 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM030 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 30.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM060 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 60.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of SOILM.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILT
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT000 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 0.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT005 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 5.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT020 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 20.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT160 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 160.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT050 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 49.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT050 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 51.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT001 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT004 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT030 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 30.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT060 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 60.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of SOILT.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOIL_LEVELS
2024-08-29 08:11:25.628 --- INFORM: Going to create the field PRES
2024-08-29 08:11:25.631 --- INFORM: PRES at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.641 --- Initializing output module.
2024-08-29 08:11:25.679 --- Writing global attributes to output.
2024-08-29 08:11:26.380 --- Writing field PRES to output.
2024-08-29 08:11:26.380 --- ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field