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本帖最后由 hillside 于 2013-6-6 14:45 编辑
土壤侵蚀和生产力影响估算模型EPIC(Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator)(Williams等,1984)是美国研制的一种基于“气候-土壤-作物-管理”综合连续系统的动力学模型,可以评价土壤侵蚀对土壤生产力的影响,用来估计农业生产和水土资源管理策略的效果。EPIC模型由气象模拟、水文学、侵蚀泥沙、营养循环、农药残留、植物生长、土壤温度、土壤耕作、经济效益和植物环境控制等模块组成,包含了三百多个数学方程。
EPIC - A Crop & Soil Productivity Simulation ModelThe Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model was developed to estimate soil productivity as affected by erosion and simulates approximately eighty crops with one crop growth model using unique parameter values for each crop. It can be configured for a wide range of crop rotations and other vegetative systems, tillage systems, and other management strategies. It predicts effects of management decisions on soil, water, nutrient and pesticide movements, and their combined impact on soil loss, water quality, and crop yields for areas with homogeneous soils and management.more on EPIC
APEX - A Watershed & Land Management Simulation ModelThe Agricultural Policy / Environmental eXtender (APEX) model was developed to extend EPIC’s capabilities of simulating land management impacts for small-medium watersheds and heterogeneousfarms. It can be configured for land management strategies such as irrigation, drainage, furrow diking, buffer strips, terraces, waterways, fertilization, manure management, lagoons, reservoirs, crop rotation and selection, pesticide application, grazing, and tillage. The routing of water, sediment, nutrient, and pesticide capabilities are some of the most comprehensive available in current landscape-scale models.