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本帖最后由 kongfeng0824 于 2016-11-16 10:15 编辑

  Email:jpguo@camscma.cn 电话: 01058993189
  郭建平,2007年7月毕业于中国科学院遥感应用研究所地图学与地理信息系统专业,获理学博士学位。现为中国气象科学研究院研究员、博士生导师,中国气象学会大气成分委员会委员,中国气象学会城市气象委员会委员,中国环境科学学会环境信息分会委员,美国气象学会(AMS)会员,地球物理学会(AGU)会员,IEEE地球科学与遥感学会会员,中国地理学会全国遥感与地理信息科学研究生论坛理事会常务理事,2014年国际气溶胶大会PM10遥感分会主席,第33届中国气象学会年会青年论坛共同主席。主要从事边界层气象学,大气雾霾立体遥感监测,气溶胶与云降水相互作用,云上气溶胶辐射效应。于2010年1月至2010年7月在中国气象局的资助下赴荷兰屯特大学做国家公派高级访问学者,2010年9月 至2011年5月作为中组部第六批援藏干部赴雪域高原的西藏气象局参与技术援藏工作,2012-2013年中国气象局人才项目资助赴美国马里兰大学大气科学与海洋系高级访问学者,从事气溶胶-云-降水相互作用研究,2015年6-7月,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室高级访问学者,2015年7-8月,美国加州理工学院行星科学与地质系高级访问学者。先后主持科技部国家科技支撑项目、国家自然基金青年基金项目、国家自然基金面上项目、公益性行业(气象)科研专项,以及科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)子专题等项目。目前已在AtmosphericChemistry and Physics, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, Atmospheric Environment, InternationalJournal of Climatology, Atmospheric Research, International Journal of RemoteSensing 等杂志发表SCI收录论文40余篇。由于在科研和业务上的较出色表现,曾荣获“中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖”,“三好学生标兵”,“优秀毕业生”,中国气象科学研究院“优秀青年奖”光荣称号,并入选中国气象科学研究院首批科技领军人才培养计划。
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目“气溶胶-云滴有效半径关系多源卫星遥感建模及其对降水影响研究” 主持人(2012.01-2015.12)
4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目“基于多角度遥感数据的陆地下垫面气溶胶遥感定量反演建模研究”主持人(2010.01-2012.12)
5. 国家科技部973项目“气溶胶-云-辐射反馈过程及其与亚洲季风相互作用的影响”专题项目负责人(2011.01-2015.12)
6.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“华北地区气溶胶-云滴有效半径相互关系卫星遥感建模研究” 主持人(2011.01-2012.12)
9.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“基于MODIS的全国气溶胶光学厚度反演系统研究” 主持人(2008.01-2010.12)
10. 环境减灾卫星(HJ)卫星气溶胶卫星遥感反演应用示范项目主持人(2007.07-2008.12)
[1.]      Guo J.P., Xia F., Zhang Y., Liu H.,Lou M.Y., He J., Wang F., Min M., and Zhai P.M., 2016.The diurnal cycle of PM2.5and its association with MODIS AOD over China: Implications for PM2.5remote sensing, Environmental Pollution, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.11.043.(IF = 4.839)
[2.]      Guo, J., Miao, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu,H., Li, Z., Zhang, W., He, J., Lou, M., Yan, Y., Bian, L., and Zhai, P.: Theclimatology of planetary boundary layer height in China derived from radiosondeand reanalysis data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 13309-13319,doi:10.5194/acp-16-13309-2016, 2016. (IF = 5.114)
[3.]      Guo, J.P., H. Liu, F. Wang, J.F.Huang, F. Xia, M.Y. Lou; Y.R. Wu; J.H. Jiang, T. Xie, Y. Zhaxi, Y.L. Yung,2016. Three-dimensional structure of aerosol in China: A perspective frommulti-satellite observations, Atmospheric Research, 178–179: 580–589.doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.05.010. (IF = 3.377)
[4.]      Guo, J., M. Deng, S. S. Lee, F.Wang, Z. Li, P. Zhai, H. Liu, W. Lv, W. Yao, and X. Li (2016), Delayingprecipitation and lightning by air pollution over the Pearl River Delta. PartI: Observational analyses, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121,6472–6488, doi:10.1002/2015JD023257.(IF= 3.318)
[5.]      Guo, J.P., He, J., Liu, H.L., Miao,Y.C., Liu, H., Zhai, P.M., 2016. Impact of various emission control schemes onair quality using WRF-Chem during APEC China 2014, Atmos. Environ., 140: 311-319,doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.05.046.s. (IF = 3.459)
[6.]      Lee, S.-S., Guo, J.P.*, Z. Li, 2016. Delaying precipitation by air pollution overPearl River Delta. Part 2: model simulations, J. Geophy. Res.:Atmos.,doi: 2015JD024362. (IF = 3.318)
[7.]      Chen T.M., Guo J.P.*, et al., 2016. A CloudSat perspective on the cloudclimatology and its association with aerosol perturbation in the vertical overEast China, J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 3599–3616, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-15-0309.1.(IF = 3.578)
[8.]      Zhang, W., Guo, J. *, Miao, Y., Liu, H., Li, Z., and Zhai, P., 2016. Planetaryboundary layer height from CALIOP compared to radiosonde over China, Atmos.Chem. Phys., 16, 9951-9963, doi:10.5194/acp-16-9951-2016. (IF = 5.114)
[9.]      Xu H., J.P. Guo*, X. Ceamanos, Roujean J.L., M. Min, D. Carrer, 2016. Onthe influence of the diurnal variations of aerosol content to estimate directaerosol radiative forcing using MODIS data, Atmospheric Environment, 141,186–196. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.06.067. (IF = 3.459)
[10.]  Yang, X., Zhao,C., Guo, J., and Wang, Y., 2016.Intensification of aerosol pollution associated with its feedback with surfacesolar radiation and winds in Beijing, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121,4093-4099, doi:10.1002/2015JD024645. (IF = 3.318)
[11.]  Yang, Y.Q., Wang,J. Z., Gong, S.L., Zhang, X.Y., Wang, H., Wang, Y.Q., Wang, J., Li, D., and Guo, J.P. , 2016. PLAM – ameteorological pollution index for air quality and its applications in fog-hazeforecasts in North China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1353-1364,doi:10.5194/acp-16-1353-2016. (IF = 5.114)
[12.]  Che, Y., Xue, Y.,Mei, L., Guang, J., She, L., Guo, J.,Hu, Y., Xu, H., He, X., Di, A., and Fan, C., 2016. Technical note: Intercomparisonof three AATSR Level 2 (L2) AOD products over China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16,9655-9674, doi:10.5194/acp-16-9655-2016. (IF = 5.114)
[13.]  Min M., Cao G.Z., Xu N., Bai Y., Jiang S.W.,Hu X.Q., Dong L.X., Guo J.P., and ZhangP., 2016. On-Orbit Spatial Quality Evaluation and Image Restoration ofFengYun-3C/MERSI,  IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,54(12): 6847-6858, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2016.2569038. (IF = 3.360)
[14.]  Li Z., W.K.-M. Lau, V. Ramanathan, G. Wu,Y. Ding, M.G. Manoj, J. Liu, Y. Qian, J. Li, T. Zhou, J. Fan, D. Rosenfeld, Y.Ming, Y. Wang, J. Huang, B. Wang, X. Xu, S.-S., Lee, M. Cribb, F. Zhang, X.Yang, Takemura, K. Wang, X. Xia, Y. Yin, H. Zhang, J. Guo, P.M. Zhai, N.Sugimoto, S. S. Babu, G.P. Brasseur, 2016. Aerosol and Monsoon ClimateInteractions over Asia, Reviews of Geophysics. doi:10.1002/2015RG000500. (IF = 11.444)
[15.]  Su T.N, Li J., Li C.C., Xiang P.Z., LauA.K., Guo J.P., Yang D.W., Miao Y.C., 2016. An intercomparison oflong-term planetary boundary layer heights retrieved from CALIOP, ground-based lidarand radiosonde measurements over Hong Kong, Atmos. Environ. Submitted. (IF = 3.459
[16.]  Su T.N, Li J., Li J., Li C.C. Zhao Y.M., ChuY.Q., Guo J.P., Yu Y., Pan, C., 2016, The evolutionof springtime water vapor over Beijing observed by high dynamicRaman lidar system: Case studies, Atmos. Res. In revision. (IF= 3.377)
[17.] Wang,F., J. Guo *, J.Zhang, J. Huang, M. Min, T. Chen, H. Liu, M. Deng, and X. Li, 2015.Multi-sensorquantification of aerosol-induced variability in warm cloud properties overeastern China, Atmospheric Environment, 113, 1-9.doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.04.063.(IF = 3.459)
[18.] Huang,J., J. Guo *,F. Wang, Z. Liu, M. -J. Jeong, H. Yu and Z. Zhang, 2015.CALIPSOInferred Most Probable Heights of Global Dust and Smoke Layers, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,120(10): 5085–5100, doi: 10.1002/2014JD022898. (IF = 3.318)
[19.] Xu Hui,Jie Guang, Yong Xue, Gerrit de Leeuw, Yahui Che, Jianping Guo, Xingwei He, 2015. A Consistent Aerosol Optical Depth(AOD) Dataset over China by Integration of Several AOD Products, Atmospheric Environment, 114, 48-56, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.05.023.(IF = 3.459)
[20.] Wang H.,Xu J.Y., Zhang M., Yang Y.Q., Shen X.J., Wang Y.Q., Chen D., Guo J.P., 2014. A study of themeteorological causes of a prolonged and severe haze episode in January 2013over central-eastern China. AtmosphericEnvironment, 98: 146-157. DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.08.053. (IF = 3.459)
[21.] Xue Y.,Xu H., Guang J., Mei L., Guo J., LiC., Mikusauskas R., and He X., 2014, Observation of an agricultural biomassburning in central and east China using merged aerosol optical depth data frommultiple satellite missions. RemoteSensing Letters, 35(16), 5971-5983. doi:10.1080/2150704X.2014.943321. (IF = 1.487)
[22.] Guo, J.P., Deng, M.J., Fan, J., Li, Z., Chen, Q.,Zhai, P.M., Dai, Z., and Li. X., 2014. Precipitation and air pollution atmountain and plain stations in northern China: insights gained fromobservations and modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,119 (8), 4793–4807. doi: 10.10022013JD021161. (IF = 3.318)
[23.] Guo J.P., Zhai P.M., Wu L., Cribb M., Li Z., Ma Z.,Wang F., Chu D., Wang P.X., Zhang J.H., 2014, Diurnal Variation and theInfluential Factors of Precipitation from Surface and Satellite Measurements inTibet. International Journal of Climatology. 34(9): 2940-2956. doi:10.1002/joc.3886. (IF = 3.609)
[24.] Wang F.,Guo J.P.*, Wu Y.R., Zhang X.Y., Deng M.J., Li X.W., Zhang J.H., andZhao J., 2014. Satellite Observed Aerosol-Induced Variability in Warm CloudProperties under Different Meteorological Conditions over Eastern China. AtmosphericEnvironment. 84(2): 122-132.(IF = 3.459)
[25.]  Xue Yong, Xingwei He, Hui Xu, Jie Guang, Jianping Guo, Linlu Mei, 2014. ChinaCollection 2.0: The aerosol optical depth dataset from the synergetic retrievalof aerosol properties algorithm. Atmospheric Environment. 95: 45-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.06.019. (IF = 3.459)
[26.] Tao R.,Che H., Chen Q.L., Wang, Y.W., Sun J.Y., Zhang X.C., Lu S., Guo J.P., Wang H., and Zhang X.Y., 2014.Development of an integrating sphere calibration method for Cimelsunphotometers in China aerosol remote sensing network. Particuology, 13, pp 88-99. (IF = 2.280)  
[27.] Gaprindashvili,G., Guo, J., Daorueang, P., Xian X.,and Rahimy, P., 2014. A New Statistic Approach towards Landslide Hazard RiskAssessment. International Journal of Geosciences, 5, 38-49. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2014.51006. (IF = 1.326)
[28.] Guo J.P., Niu T., Rahimy P., Wang F., and Zhao H.Y.,2013. Assessment of Soil Erosion Susceptibility Using Empirical Modeling. ActaMeteo Sinica. 27(1): 98-109. (IF = 1.551)
[29.] Guo J.P., Niu T., Wang F., Deng M.J., and Wang Y.Q.,2013. Integration of Multi-sensor Measurements to MonitorSand Dust Storms over North China – A Case Study. Acta Meteo Sinica. 27(4):566-576, doi: 10.1007/s13351-013-0409-z. (IF = 1.551)
[30.] CheH.Z., Wang Y.Q., Sun J.Y., Zhang X.C., Zhang X.Y., and Guo J.P., 2013. Variation of Aerosol Optical Properties overTaklimakan Desert of China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 13(2):777-785. (IF = 2.393)
[31.] Wu Y.R.,Guo J.P.*, Zhang X.Y., Tian X., Zhang J.H., Wang Y.Q., Duan J., andLi X.W., 2012. Synergy of satellite and ground based observations in estimationof particulate matter in eastern China, Science of the Total Environment.433: 20-30. (IF = 3.976)
[32.]  Xue, Y., Xu, H.,Mei, L., Guang, J., Guo, J., Li, Y., Hou, T., Li, C., Yang, L., and He, X.,2012. Merging aerosol optical depth data from multiple satellite missions toview agricultural biomass burning in Central and East China. Atmos.Chem. Phys. Discuss. 2012, 10461-10492, doi:10.5194/acpd-12-10461-2012.(IF = 5.114)
[33.] Tian X,Su B, Chen EX, Li ZY, van der Tol C, GuoJP, He QS. 2012. Estimation of forest above-ground biomass usingmulti-parameter remote sensing data over a cold and arid area.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 14(1):160-168. (IF = 3.798)
[34.] Chu D., PubuT., Norbu G., Sagar B., Mandira S., and GuoJ.P., 2011. The Validation of Satellite-Derived Rainfall Product over theTibet. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 25(6): 734-741. (IF = 1.551)
[35.] Guo, J.P., X.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wu, H.Z. Che, Laba, X. Li,2011. Spatio-temporal variation trends of satellite-based aerosol optical depthin China during 1980-2008, Atmospheric Environment, 45(37):6802-6811, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.03.068. (IF = 3.459)
[36.] Guo J.P., X. Y. Zhang, C. X. Cao, H. Z. Che, H. L. Liu,P. Gupta, H. Zhang, M. Xu, X. W. Li, 2010. Monitoring Haze Episodes overYellow Sea by Combining Multi-sensor measurements, International Journal of RemoteSensing, 31(17-18):4743-4755. (IF = 1.640)
[37.]  Hou Q., An X.Q., Wang Y, Guo J.P., 2010.An evaluation of resident exposure to respirable particulate matter and healtheconomic loss in Beijing during Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Science ofthe Total Environment 408(19): 4026-4032. (IF = 3.976)
[38.] Guo J.P., Zhang X.Y., Che H.Z., Gong S.L., An X.Q., CaoC.X., Guang J., Zhang H., Wang Y.Q., Zhang X.C., Zhao P., and Li X.W., 2009.Correlation between PM Concentrations and Aerosol Optical Depth in EasternChina, Atmospheric Environment, 43(37): 5876-5886. (IF = 3.459)
[39.]  Guo, J.P., Y. Xue, C. X. Cao, H. Zhang,J. Guang, X. Y. Zhang, and X. W. Li, 2009. A synergic algorithm forretrieval of aerosol optical depth over land. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26(5),973-983, doi: 10.1007/s00376-009-7218-4. (IF = 1.363)
[40.] Guo J.P., Xiao H.D., Xue Y., Che H.Z., Zhang X.Y., CaoC.X., Guang J., and Zhang H., 2009. A New Method to Retrieve Aerosol OpticalThickness from Satellite Images on a Parallel System, Particuology, 7(5):392-398. (IF = 2.280)
[41.] Xue Y., Guo J.P., and Zhang X.Y., 2009.Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval over non-Lambertian Land Surface withSynergistic Use of AATSR Radiance Measurements and MODIS derived Albedo ModelParameters, Atmospheric Research, 93 (4), 736-746. (IF = 3.377)
[42.] ZhangX.Y., Y.Q. Wang, W.L. Lin, Y.M. Zhang, X.C. Zhang, P. Zhao, Y.Q. Yang, J.Z.Wang, Q. Hou, Y.C. Wang, X.L. Zhang, H.Z. Che, J.P. Guo, and Y. Li, 2009.Changes of Atmospheric Compositions and Optical Property over Beijing: 2008Olympic Monitoring Campaign, Bulletin of the American MeteorologicalSociety 90(11): 1633-1651. (IF = 7.929)
[43.] Xu M.,C.X. Cao, H. Zhang, J.P. Guo, K.Nakane, Q.S. He, J.H. Guo, C.Y. Chang, Y.F. Bao, M.X. Gao, and X.W. Li, 2010.Change detection of an earthquake-induced barrier lake based on remote sensingimage classification, InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing. 31(13): 3521 – 3534. (IF = 1.640)
[44.]  Cao, C.X., M. Xu, J. Zhao, M.X. Gao, H. Zhang, J.P. Guo, J.H. Guo, L. Dong, Q.S. He,L.Y. Bai, Y.F. Bao, W. Chen, S, Zheng, Y.H. Tian, and X.W. Li, 2010.Epidemic risk analysis after Wenchuan earthquake by using the technology ofremote sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing 31(13): 3631-3642. (IF = 1.640)
[45.] Pan L., Huizheng Che, Fuhai Geng, Xiangao Xia, Yaqiang Wang, ChizeZhu, Min Chen, Wei Gao and JianpingGuo, 2010. Aerosol optical properties based on ground measurementsover the Chinese Yangtze Delta Region. Atmospheric Environment 44(21-22):2587-2596. (IF = 3.459)
[46.]  Yong Xue, Yingjie Li,Jie Guang, Xiaoye Zhang, Jianping Guo,2008. Small satellite remote sensing and applications - history, currentand future. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(15), 4339-4372.(IF =1.640)
[47.] CaiG.Y., Xue Y., Hu Y.C., Guo J.P.,Wang Y., Qi S.H., 2007. Quantitative Study of Net Radiation from MODISData in the Lower Boundary Layer in Poyang Lake Area of Jiangxi Province,China. International Journal of RemoteSensing, 28(19),4381-4389. (IF = 1.640)
[48.] CaiG.Y., Xue Y., Hu Y.C., Wang Y., Guo J.P.,Luo Y., Wu C.L., Zhong S.B., and Qi S.H., 2007, Soil moisture retrievalfrom MODIS data in Northern China Plain using thermal inertia model. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(16), 3567 - 3581. (IF = 1.640
[49.]  Guo J.P., Xue Y., Cao C.X., Cao W.C., Li X.W., Wang J.Q., andFang L.Q., 2005. eMicrob: a Grid-based Spatial Epidemiology Application.LectureNotes in Computer Science, 3516: 472-475.
[50.]  Guo J.P., Xue Y., Zhong S.B., Cao C.X., Cao W.C., Li X.W., andFang L.Q., 2006. Preliminary Study of Avian Influenza A Infection UsingRemote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science3993: 9-12.
[51.] 孔锋,吕丽莉,方建,刘凡,应卓蓉,张杰,史培军,郭建平.全球陆地暴雨时空格局变化的自然和人文影响因素研究(1981-2010).高原气象,2016
[52.] 孔锋,方佳毅,李双双,方建,吕丽莉,史培军,郭建平.1957-2015年中国低能见度日数时空变化特征及其影响因素分析.干旱区研究,2016,
[53.] 孔锋,吕丽莉,方建,刘凡,应卓蓉,郭建平.基于日值和小时降水数据诊断中国暴雨时空变化差异的研究(1991-2010).灾害学,2016,(接收待刊).
[54.] 郭建平,刘欢,安林昌,王鹏祥,高梅. 2016, 2001-2012年青藏高原积雪覆盖率变化及地形影响,高原气象, 35(1): 24-33.
[55.] 洪健昌,郭建平*,杜军,王鹏祥.2016.西藏改则地区雨季上对流层/下平流层大气垂直结构观测研究,气象学报.
[56.] 刘欢,郭建平*,陈田萌, 翟盘茂.2016.全球热带海洋地区降水季节变化的TRMM卫星观测研究,科学通报, 接收.
[57.]  曾昭亮,郭建平*,马大喜. 基于江西地区多卫星数据的气溶胶立体分布研究,大气与环境光学学报,2016(5).
[58.] 卢乃锰,闵敏,董立新,郭建平,牛涛,刘洪利,毕研盟,王新,陈林,吴雪宝.2016.星载大气探测激光雷达发展与展望.遥感学报,20(1):1-10.
[59.] 闵敏, 白玉, 胡秀清, 郭建平. 2015. FY-3B/C中分辨率光谱成像仪在轨初期传递函数的评价和比较. 光学精密工程, 23(7): 1838-1844. (中文核心)
[60.] 赵亮,朱玉祥,杨弘,胡娅敏,夏明,郭建平. 2013. 一种基于卫星遥感与地面测站数据融合技术的雪深动态反演方法,气象学报. 71(4): 769-782.
[61.] 郭建平,吴业荣,张小曳,李小文,2013. BP网络框架下MODIS气溶胶光学厚度产品估算中国东部PM2.5,环境科学,34(3):817-825.
[62.] 郭建平,薛红喜,马兆岩,等.2013. 珠穆朗玛峰地区若干大气参数垂直特征研究.高原气象.32(6):1568-1579.
[63.] 郭建平, 徐敏, 秦昆, 曹春香, 张颢, 基于不确定性理论的降水天气分类研究, 计算机应用,2009, 29(12),256-259.
[64.] 郭建平, 肖华东, 刘昭华, 薛勇, 曹春香, 张颢, 光洁, 基于并行计算的气溶胶定量遥感反演模型实现,计算机应用,2009, 29(6):1665-1668.
[65.] 光 洁, 韦玉春, 黄家柱, 李云梅, 闻建光, 郭建平, 2007, 分季节的太湖悬浮物遥感估测模型研究, 湖泊科学, 19(3): 241-249.
来自群组: 北京师范大学地学-气象


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kongfeng0824 发表于 2013-9-28 09:50



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-30 17:41:09 | 显示全部楼层
玄德来了 发表于 2013-9-30 15:53



发表于 2013-10-22 21:02:31 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-5-12 20:32:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-5-12 20:32:16 | 显示全部楼层
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