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发表于 2014-1-2 20:05:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 hillside 于 2014-1-2 20:36 编辑

       介绍“气候数据操作员”软件(C语言)——Climate Data Operators(CDO)


    version francaise
                                          SimClimat:An educational software to simulate the climate
     This educational software is originally deviced for use in high schools as part of the french curriculum in Life and Earth Sciences. Itrealises climate simulations given user-chosen parameters. Through a friendly interface, the user chooses the length of the simulation (from 100 years to a few billions years) and the initial conditions, and tests the influence of various parameters involved in climate: astronomic forcing, atmospheric composition, carbone cycle, climatic feedbacks (ice albedo, vegetation, ocean, water vapor). Simulation results (such as temperature, sea level and ice cover), calculated on the flys by a physical climate model, appear on the interface, through curves and images.
   Here is a snapshot of the graphical interface:


Possible uses:
This educational software can be used to introduce processes controlling climate. It can be used to discuss past climate variations and the different natural factors that influence climate (astronomic forcing, natural perturbations in the carbon cycle). The effect of climatic feedbacks can be shown by plugging or unplugging feedbacks. This software can also be used to discuss global warming, and test different carbon dioxyde emmissions scenarii. For example, it can be used:
  • in high schools, to study climate processes and feedbacks. This software has already been tested in various high school classes in France. Here is a report (in french) on tests performed in high schools. This can give ideas about how to educationaly use this software.
  • in science festivals. This software has been tested in science festivals such as the Fête de la Science in Paris. An older version of the model was more oriented on climate change and was also tested in science festivals with children and adults (see stand sur le réchauffement climatique). In this former version, the different human sources of carbon dioxyde are more detailed (you can for example test the influence of the distance you drive each year), but climatic processes and feedbacks are less detailed.
  • at a University level. For example, a 3-hour activity based on this software was given at a summer school in Paris on Climate and Innovation. The goal of this activity was to better understand factors and processes controlling climate variations at different time scales, from million years to thousands of years and to the present climate change. This will allow us to place the present-day climate change in the context of past variations and to identify its specificities. The following items were addressed: Radiative budget of the Earth, Climate equilibrium states and reversibility, Climate variations at geological time scales (million years, Climate variations at orbital time scales, Carbon cycle and its variations, Human-induced climate change, Climate feedbacks. Students worked on this activity and this supporting material was progressively presented as a complement.
  • In a Math festival. The goal was to talk about climate modelling to children from 8 to 13 years all, during about 20 minutes for each group. This was in the context of the Mathematical games and culture exhibition from 28 May to 2 June 2013 in Paris, whose topic was "Math for the Earth". Here is a summary of my presentations and a visual support as a complement.
If you use this software with your students or for any educational purpose, we would be very happy to hear about your feedbacks! Please send us news at camille.risi@normalesup.org

Download this software:
You can freely download a version for windows or linux.
The software is available in English or French. If the translation in an additional language interests you, please contactcamille.risi@normalesup.org
Documentations about this software:
  • User's guide (in french)
  • Physical model documentation: This software uses a simple climate model, based on a global radiative equilibrium. We try to combine model simplicity (results have to quicly appear), realism of the simulations (from a scientific point of view) and rigour of the physical equations. A physical model documentation (in french) explains the physical equations that are used in the model and how they are constrained.
Météo-France version of the software:
The graphical interface of this software has been improved by a team at Météo-France. You can download this version from Météo-France's site.
Any questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question, comment or suggestion about this software:
  • camille.risi@normalesup.org (model physics, educational use)
  • nicolas.gama@normalesup.org (graphical interface, software installation)
You are welcome to use this software in your classes or science festivals Please tell us about your experience with it!
Who develop this software
Initially, this software was developped by a team of two young PhD student and teachers in Paris:
  • Camille Risi was a PhD student at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique and teaches Earth Sciences and Physics at Paris 6 University.
  • Nicolas Gama was PhD student at the Laboratoire d'Informatique at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and teaches Computer Sciences in Paris 7 University.
Since Septembre 2012, Marion Saint-Lu is working on improving the physics and the educational use of the software, in the context of theClimate-KIC. Thanks to Franck Guyon for his help to install the software on the laboratory computers.
last update: February 15, 2012

SimClimat 1.0c - DownloadInstallation on windowsTo install this software on Windows, use the following installer and follow the instructions:Click here to download the installerLanguage choice:
When installing the software, you can choose English or French. Later, if you wish to change the language, run languagesetup.exe (which is in the installation directory).Installation on linux (ubuntu hardy)Here are the binaries for Ubuntu Hardysimclimat_1.0c_amd64.debsimclimat_1.0_i386.debAfter you have installed the software, run it trhough the command simclimat.Language choice:
By default, the language is that of your operating system.
If you prefer the software in French, run LANG=en simclimat
If you prefer the software in English, run LANG=fr simclimatCode sourceIf you are brave enough, here are the source codes:simclimat-1.0d.tar.gz (2010-04-23)Compilation Notes: To compile (for example on Ubuntu karmik or Debian), you will need to install the following packages: libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libcairomm-1.0-dev build-essential g++


发表于 2014-1-2 20:09:13 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-1-3 08:34:01 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-1-3 08:34:11 | 显示全部楼层
还是很有收获的 不管是不是跟自己的方向有关系,多看看,也算是能了解更多的行业内的发展动态


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发表于 2014-1-3 09:01:50 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-3 22:32:53 | 显示全部楼层
言深深 发表于 2014-1-3 09:01



 成长值: 0
发表于 2014-1-4 08:25:56 | 显示全部楼层
hillside 发表于 2014-1-3 22:32

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