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- 311
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- 注册时间
- 2011-6-22
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- 1970-1-1
![[丁个隆冬蔡] 粉丝数:60 微博数:77 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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Private Sub drawapic(strinfile As String)
Dim objSurfer As Application
Dim objPlot As Surfer.IDocument
Dim objMapFrame As Surfer.IMapFrame
Dim temp As Boolean
'Dim strinfile As String
Dim strGridFile As String
strGridFile = Left(strinfile, Val(InStrRev(strinfile, ".")) - 1) + ".grd" '把扩展名改为.grd
Set objSurfer = CreateObject("Surfer.Application") '创建surfer对象
Set objPlot = objSurfer.Documents.Add(1)
With objSurfer
.GridData DataFile:=App.Path + "\" + strinfile, Algorithm:=srfKriging, dupmethod:=2, showreport:=False, SearchEnable:=True, OutGrid:=App.Path + "\" + strGridFile, xMin:=119.1, xMax:=121.2, yMin:=28.3, yMax:=29.8, NumCols:=301, NumRows:=301
.Visible = False
End With
'objSurfer.Visible = False 'surfer软件本身不在前台显示
'temp = objSurfer.GridData(xCol:=1, yCol:=2, zCol:=3, DataFile:=strinfile, dupmethod:=srfDupNone, xMin:=119.1, xMax:=121.2, yMin:=28.3, yMax:=29.8, NumCols:=301, NumRows:=301, Algorithm:=srfKriging, OutGrid:=strGridFile, OutFmt:=srfGridFmtAscii, showreport:=False) ' OutFmt:=srfGridFmtAscii,
Dim ContourMap As Surfer.IContourMap
Dim levels As ILevels
temp = objSurfer.GridBlank(Ingrid:=App.Path + "\" + strGridFile, blankfile:=App.Path + "\bln\jinhout.bln", OutGrid:=App.Path + "\out" + ".grd")
Set objMapFrame = objPlot.Shapes.AddContourMap(App.Path + "\out" + ".grd") '绘制等值线图,并添加到文档
Set ContourMap = objMapFrame.Overlays(1)
ContourMap.SmoothContours = 4 '平滑等值线
ContourMap.FillContours = True '设置等值线填充
Set levels = ContourMap.levels
levels.LoadFile (App.Path + "\aa.lvl")
objMapFrame.Axes(1).Visible = False
objMapFrame.Axes(3).Visible = False
objMapFrame.Axes(2).Visible = False
objMapFrame.Axes(4).Visible = False
ContourMap.ShowColorScale = True '显示色标
ContourMap.ColorScale.FrameLine.Width = 0#
ContourMap.ColorScale.Left = ContourMap.Width + ContourMap.Left - 0.9
ContourMap.ColorScale.Width = 0.3
ContourMap.ColorScale.Height = 2
ContourMap.ColorScale.Top = ContourMap.Top - (ContourMap.Height - ContourMap.ColorScale.Height) / 2
ContourMap.ColorScale.LabelFont.Size = 8
ContourMap.LabelFont.Size = 5
Dim Shapes As Object
Dim MapFrame As IMapFrame
Dim PostMap As IPostMap
Set Shapes = objPlot.Shapes
Set MapFrame = Shapes.AddPostMap(DataFileName:=App.Path + "\站点信息.ini", xCol:=2, yCol:=3, LabCol:=4, SymCol:=4)
Set PostMap = MapFrame.Overlays(1)
PostMap.Symbol.Size = 0.02
PostMap.Symbol.Index = 12
PostMap.LabelFont.Face = "宋体"
PostMap.LabelFont.Size = 4
'Dim ContourMap As Surfer.IContourMap
Dim mybasemap1 As Surfer.IMapFrame
Set mybasemap1 = objPlot.Shapes.AddBaseMap(ImportFileName:=App.Path + "\bln\jinh.bln") '添加底图
Dim mybasemap2 As Surfer.IMapFrame
Set mybasemap2 = objPlot.Shapes.AddBaseMap(ImportFileName:=App.Path + "\bln\jinhout.bln") '添加底图
mybasemap2.BackgroundLine.Width = 0.2
'For Each Axis In myBasemap1.Axes
'With Axis
'.Visible = False
'End With
objPlot.Export FileName:=App.Path + "\" + Left(strinfile, Val(InStrRev(strinfile, ".")) - 1) + ".bmp", Options:="width=3200,height=2000" '输出bmp
'Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(Left(strinfile, Val(InStrRev(strinfile, ".")) - 1) + ".bmp") '显示bmp
'Next p
objPlot.Close savechanges:=srfSaveChangesNo
Set objSurfer = Nothing
End Sub