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发一篇风暴轴storm track 综述型文章



发表于 2014-5-10 16:43:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Dynamics of the Stationary Anomalies Associated with the Interannual Variability of the Midwinter Pacific Storm Track—The Roles of Tropical Heating and Remote Eddy Forcing
ABSTRACTThe leading mode of interannual variability of the midwinter Pacific storm track is such that the stormtrack is weaker during the winters when the Pacific jet is strong, and stronger when the jet is weak. In thispaper, experiments are conducted using a stationary wave model as well as an idealized global circulationmodel to explore the roles of anomalous tropical heating and eddy fluxes in forcing the observed Pacific jetanomalies.It is found that enhanced tropical heating over the region 60°E to the date line, 25°S to 25°N, acts to forcea stronger and narrower Pacific jet. On average, tropical heating may account for about one-third of thestrong jet anomaly, but there is significant year-to-year variability. Moreover, tropical heating does notappear to contribute to the weak jet anomaly. Much of the Pacific jet anomalies are forced by anomalouseddy fluxes. By examining the regional contributions from the Pacific, the Atlantic, and Asia, it is found thatlocal eddy feedback over the Pacific only acts to force part of the stationary anomaly, while much of thesignal is forced by remote eddy forcings from the Atlantic and Asia. Since significant parts of the jetanomalies are forced by anomalous tropical heating and remote eddy fluxes, it is concluded that theobserved Pacific jet/storm-track variability is not a pure local wave–mean flow interaction mode internal tothe Pacific basin.Both stationary wave model diagnostics and idealized global circulation model experiments suggest thatstronger eddy activity over the Atlantic may force a weaker Pacific jet and stronger Pacific eddies. On theother hand, changes in eddy activity over the Pacific may also act to force changes in the Atlantic stormtrack. There are also indications that tropical heating anomalies may force a simultaneous weakening ofboth storm tracks. These possibilities may be some of the factors behind the observed significant correlationbetween the Pacific and Atlantic storm tracks and should be further explored in more realistic GCMexperiments.有兴趣可以瞧一瞧啊~~~~~~~

Dynamics of the Stationary Anomalies Associated with the Interannual Variability.pdf

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发表于 2014-5-11 10:42:22 | 显示全部楼层
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