- 积分
- 56367
- 贡献
- 精华
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 注册时间
- 2011-6-21
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1

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InterpolationSetting(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, int xNum, int yNum, String aInterMethod, float radius, int minNum)
InterpolationSetting(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, int xNum, int yNum, String aInterMethod, List<Double> radList)
前六个参数定义了格点场的范围和分辨率,第7个参数是方法名('IDW_Radius', 'IDW_Neighbour', 'Cressman'),radius是搜索半径,minNum是使用的最少站点数,Cressman插值方法需要多个搜索半径(radList参数)。
 - # encoding=utf-8
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # Author: Yaqiang Wang
- # Date: 2014-12-6
- # Purpose: Interpolate station data to grid data
- # Note: Sample
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- #---- Import classes
- print 'Import classes...'
- from org.meteoinfo.layout import MapLayout
- from org.meteoinfo.data import StationData
- from org.meteoinfo.data.mapdata import MapDataManage
- from org.meteoinfo.data.meteodata import MeteoDataInfo, DrawMeteoData
- from org.meteoinfo.legend import LegendScheme, LegendType, PolygonBreak, MapFrame
- from org.meteoinfo.shape import ShapeTypes
- from org.meteoinfo.layout import LegendStyles, LayoutMap
- from org.meteoinfo.global import Extent
- from org.meteoinfo.projection import ProjectionInfo
- from org.meteoinfo.geoprocess.analysis import InterpolationSetting
- import os
- from datetime import datetime
- from datetime import timedelta
- from java.awt import Color
- from java.awt import Font
- from javax.swing import JFrame
- #---- Set directories
- print 'Set directories...'
- baseDir = 'D:/MyProgram/Distribution/java/MeteoInfo/MeteoInfo'
- dataDir = os.path.join(baseDir, 'sample/MICAPS')
- mapDir = os.path.join(baseDir, 'map')
- #---- Create MapLayout object
- mapLayout = MapLayout()
- mapFrame = mapLayout.getActiveMapFrame()
- mapView = mapFrame.getMapView()
- layoutMap = mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap()
- #---- Load layers
- print 'Load layers...'
- bou2Layer = MapDataManage.loadLayer(os.path.join(mapDir, 'bou2_4p.shp'))
- lb = bou2Layer.getLegendScheme().getLegendBreaks().get(0)
- lb.setDrawFill(False)
- lb.setOutlineColor(Color.gray)
- mapFrame.addLayer(bou2Layer)
- bou1Layer = MapDataManage.loadLayer(os.path.join(mapDir, 'bou1_4l.shp'))
- lb = bou1Layer.getLegendScheme().getLegendBreaks().get(0)
- lb.setColor(Color.blue)
- mapFrame.addLayer(bou1Layer)
- bou1Layer_1 = MapDataManage.loadLayer(os.path.join(mapDir, 'bou1_4l.shp'))
- lb = bou1Layer_1.getLegendScheme().getLegendBreaks().get(0)
- lb.setColor(Color.blue)
- chinaLayer = MapDataManage.loadLayer(os.path.join(mapDir, 'china.shp'))
- chinaLayer.setVisible(False)
- mapFrame.addLayer(chinaLayer)
- cityLayer = MapDataManage.loadLayer(os.path.join(mapDir, 'res1_4m.shp'))
- lb = cityLayer.getLegendScheme().getLegendBreaks().get(0)
- lb.setSize(6)
- lb.setColor(Color.red)
- labset = cityLayer.getLabelSet()
- labset.setFieldName('NAME')
- font = Font(u'楷体', Font.PLAIN, 16)
- labset.setLabelFont(font)
- labset.setYOffset(15)
- cityLayer.addLabels()
- mapFrame.addLayer(cityLayer)
- #---- Add South China Sea
- aMapFrame = MapFrame()
- aLayoutMap = LayoutMap(aMapFrame)
- aLayoutMap.setDrawGridLabel(False)
- aLayoutMap.setDrawGridTickLine(False)
- aLayoutMap.setLeft(40)
- aLayoutMap.setTop(350)
- aLayoutMap.setWidth(85)
- aLayoutMap.setHeight(109)
- mapLayout.addElement(aLayoutMap)
- aMapFrame.addLayer(bou1Layer_1)
- aProjInfo = ProjectionInfo("+proj=lcc+lat_1=25+lat_2=47+lon_0=105")
- aMapFrame.getMapView().projectLayers(aProjInfo)
- aMapFrame.getMapView().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(106.5,122.5,1,23))
- #---- Project mapview
- print 'Project mapview...'
- projStr = '+proj=lcc+lat_1=25+lat_2=47+lon_0=105'
- projInfo = ProjectionInfo(projStr)
- mapView.projectLayers(projInfo)
- extent = Extent(78,130,15,53)
- mapView.zoomToExtentLonLatEx(extent)
- #---- Create MeteoDataInfo object
- mdi = MeteoDataInfo()
- #---- Set start/end time
- stime = datetime(2010,10,14,14)
- etime = datetime(2010,10,14,20)
- #---- Loop
- print 'Get sum station data...'
- sdata = StationData()
- atime = stime
- i = 0
- while atime < etime:
- #---- Open a MICAPS data file
- fn = os.path.join(dataDir, stime.strftime('%y%m%d%H') + '.000')
- mdi.openMICAPSData(fn)
- #---- Sum precipitation station data
- if i == 0:
- sdata = mdi.getStationData('Precipitation6h')
- else:
- sdata = sdata.add(mdi.getStationData('Precipitation6h'))
- atime = atime + timedelta(hours=6)
- #---- Interpolate station data to grid data
- print 'Interpolate station data to grid data...'
- interpSet = InterpolationSetting(60,140,-20,60,160,160,"IDW_Radius",2,1)
- #radList = [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0]
- #interpSet = InterpolationSetting(60,140,-20,60,160,160,"Cressman",radList)
- gdata = sdata.interpolateData(interpSet)
- #---- Set legend scheme
- ls = LegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
- ls.setLegendType(LegendType.GraduatedColor)
- values = [0,0.1,1,2,5,10,20,25,50,100,1000]
- colors = [Color(255,255,255),Color(170,240,255),Color(120,230,240),Color(200,220,50),Color(240,220,20),
- Color(255,120,10),Color(255,90,10),Color(240,40,0),Color(180,10,0),Color(120,10,0)]
- lbs = ls.getLegendBreaks()
- for i in range(0, len(colors)):
- lb = PolygonBreak()
- lb.setColor(colors)
- lb.setStartValue(values)
- lb.setEndValue(values[i + 1])
- if i == 0:
- lb.setCaption('< ' + str(values[i + 1]))
- elif i == len(colors) - 1:
- lb.setCaption('> ' + str(values))
- else:
- lb.setCaption(str(values) + ' - ' + str(values[i + 1]))
- lb.setDrawOutline(False)
- lbs.add(lb)
- #---- Create shaded layer
- print 'Create shaded layer...'
- layer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gdata, ls, 'Rain_shaded', 'Rain', True)
- layer.setMaskout(True)
- #---- Add layer
- mapFrame.addLayer(layer)
- mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0)
- #---- Add title
- title = mapLayout.addText(u'全国降水量实况图', 280, 40, u'黑体', 18)
- stime = stime + timedelta(hours=-6)
- subTitle = mapLayout.addText(u'(' + stime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00') +
- u' 至 ' + etime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00') + u')', 280, 60, u'黑体', 16)
- #---- Set layout map
- print 'Set layout map...'
- layoutMap.setDrawGridLine(False)
- layoutMap.setDrawNeatLine(False)
- layoutMap.setDrawGridLabel(False)
- layoutMap.setDrawGridTickLine(False)
- layoutMap.setLeft(10)
- layoutMap.setTop(10)
- layoutMap.setWidth(620)
- layoutMap.setHeight(450)
- #---- Set maskout
- mapView.getMaskOut().setMask(True)
- mapView.getMaskOut().setMaskLayer(chinaLayer.getLayerName())
- #---- Set mapframe
- mapFrame.setGridXDelt(10)
- mapFrame.setGridYDelt(10)
- #---- Add legend
- legend = mapLayout.addLegend(575, 250)
- legend.setLegendStyle(LegendStyles.Normal)
- legend.setLegendLayer(layer)
- legend.setFont(Font(u'宋体', Font.PLAIN, 12))
- legend.setTitle(u'降水量(毫米)')
- frame = JFrame('MeteoInfo Script Sample', size = (750, 530))
- frame.add(mapLayout)
- frame.visible = True
- print 'Finished!'