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  Aerosol Measurement: Principles, Techniques, and Applications Third Edition

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发表于 2015-10-10 16:53:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-10 16:53:51 | 显示全部楼层
  Aerosol Measurement: Principles, Techniques, and Applications Third Edition is the most detailed treatment available of the latest aerosol measurement methods. Drawing on the k*w-how of numerous expert contributors; it provides a solid grasp of measurement fundamentals and practices a wide variety of aerosol applications.
  This new edition is updated to address new and developing applications of aerosol measurement, including applications in environmental health, atmospheric science, climate change, air pollution, public health, na*tech*logy, particle and powder tech*logy, pharmaceutical research and development, clean room tech*logy (integrated circuit manufacture), and nuclear waste management.


 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-10 16:54:02 | 显示全部楼层
  PRAMOD KULKARNI DSc, is a Physical Scientist, Senior Service Fellow, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Environmental Engineering and Science Program at the University of Cincinnati.
  The late PAUL A. BARON PhD, was a Physical Scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
  KLAUS WILLEKE PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Environmental Health at the University of Cincinnati.


 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-10 16:54:19 | 显示全部楼层
Half Title page
Title page
Copyright page
Part I: Principles
Chapter 1: Introduction to Aerosol Characterization
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Units and Use of Equations
1.3 Terminology
1.4 Parameters Affecting Aerosol Behavior
1.5 Aerosol Instrumentation Considerations
1.6 References
Selected Journals on Aerosol Science and Applications
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Single Particle Transport
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Continuum Flow Description
2.3 Slip Flow Regime
2.4 Drag Force and Mobility
2.5 Brownian Diffusion
2.6 Particle Migration in External Force Fields
2.7 List of Symbols
2.8 References
Chapter 3: Physical and Chemical Processes in Aerosol Systems
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Condensation
3.3 Nucleation
3.4 Evaporation
3.5 Coagulation
3.6 Reactions
3.7 References
Chapter 4: Size Distribution Characteristics of Aerosols
4.1 Basic Concepts of Particle Size and Size Distributions
4.2 Atmospheric Aerosols
4.3 Indoor Aerosols
4.4 Industrial Aerosols
4.5 Generalized Model of Modes in Particle Size Distributions
4.6 List of Symbols
4.7 References
Chapter 5: An Approach to Performing Aerosol Measurements
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Quality Assurance: Planning a Measurement
5.3 Measurement Accuracy
5.4 Size Range
5.5 Measurement Using Collection and Laboratory Analysis
5.6 Measurements Using Real-Time Instruments
5.7 Aerosol Measurement Errors
5.8 Presentation of Size Distribution Data
5.9 References
Part II: Techniques
Chapter 6: Aerosol Transport in Sampling Lines and Inlets
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Sample Extraction
6.3 Sample Transport
6.4 Other Sampling Issues
6.5 Summary and Conclusions
6.6 List of Symbols
6.7 References
Chapter 7: Sampling and Analysis Using Filters
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Principles of Filter Sampling
7.3 Aerosol Measurement Filters
7.4 Filtration Theory
7.5 Filter Artifacts
7.6 Filter Selection
7.7 List of Symbols
7.8 References
Chapter 8: Sampling and Measurement Using Inertial, Gravitational, Centrifugal, and Thermal Techniques
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Inertial Classifiers
8.3 Settling Devices and Centrifuges
8.4 Thermal Precipitators
8.5 List of Symbols
8.6 References
Chapter 9: Methods for Chemical Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosols
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Scope and Objectives
9.3 Continuous Methods
9.4 Laboratory Methods
9.5 Summary
9.6 List of Symbols and Abbreviations
9.7 References
Chapter 10: Microscopy and Microanalysis of Individual Collected Particles
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Light Microscopy
10.3 Electron Beam Analysis of Particles
10.4 Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometry
10.5 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
10.6 Raman Microprobe
10.7 Infrared Microscopy
10.8 Scanning Probe Microscopy
10.9 Facility-Based Instruments and Techniques
10.10 Complementary Capabilities of Microanalytical Instrumentation
10.11 Acknowledgments
10.12 List of Symbols
10.13 References
Chapter 11: Real-Time Particle Analysis by Mass Spectrometry
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Inlet Design
11.3 Particle Sizing
11.4 Particle Vaporization and Ionization
11.5 Mass Analysis
11.6 Spectrum Categorization Methods
11.7 Putting It All Together–Selected Instruments
11.8 List of Symbols
11.9 References
Chapter 12: Semi-Continuous Mass Measurement
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Beta Attenuation Monitor
12.3 Tapered-Element Oscillating Microbalance
12.4 Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer
12.5 The Quartz Crystal Microbalance
12.6 Dekati Mass Monitor
12.7 Continuous Ambient Air Mass Monitor
12.8 List of Symbols
12.9 References
Chapter 13: Optical Measurement Techniques: Fundamentals and Applications
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Light Scattering and Extinction Theory
13.3 Dynamic Light Scattering
13.4 Experimental Methods for the Laboratory
13.5 Optical Measurement Techniques: Ex Situ Sensing
13.6 Optical Measurement Techniques: In situ Sensing
13.7 Conclusions
13.8 List of Symbols
13.9 References
Chapter 14: Real-Time Techniques for Aerodynamic Size Measurement
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Electric-Single Particle Aerodynamic Relaxation Time Analyzer
14.3 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer
14.4 Aerosizer
14.5 List of Symbols
14.6 References
Chapter 15: Electrical Mobility Methods for Submicrometer Particle Characterization
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Behavior of Charged Particles
15.3 Particle Sampling
15.4 Particle Size Distribution Measurement
15.5 Aerosol Charge Conditioning
15.6 Data Analysis and Inversion
15.7 Alternate Mobility Analyzer Designs
15.8 List of Symbols
15.9 References
Chapter 16: Instruments and Samplers Based on Diffusional Separation
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Theories of the Diffusion Measurement Technique
16.3 Diffusion Denuders
16.4 Diffusion Batteries
16.5 Conclusions
16.6 List of Symbols
16.7 References
Chapter 17: Condensation Particle Counters
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Condensation Theory
17.3 Condensation Particle Counters
17.4 Performance of CPC
17.5 List of Symbols
17.6 References
Chapter 18: Instruments Based on Electrical Detection of Aerosols
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Unipolar Diffusion Chargers
18.3 Faraday Cage Electrometer Detection
18.4 Diffusion Charging-Based Sensors
18.5 Mobility Spectrometers with Electrical Detection
18.6 Electrical Low Pressure Impactors
18.7 List of Symbols
18.8 References
Chapter 19: Electrodynamic Levitation of Particles
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Electrodynamic Balance Configurations
19.3 Operation of the Balance
19.4 Levitation Principles and Applications
19.5 Thermophoresis
19.6 Particle Dynamics
19.7 Particle Sizing
19.8 Morphology-Dependent Resonances
19.9 Mass and Charge Measurement
19.10 Knudsen Regime Evaporation
19.11 Inelastic Light Scattering
19.12 Concluding Remarks
19.13 List of Symbols
19.14 References
Chapter 20: Fundamentals of Cone-Jet Electrospray
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Fundamentals
20.3 Electrospray Applications
20.4 Acknowledgments
20.5 List of Symbols
20.6 References
Chapter 21: Calibration of Aerosol Instruments
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Measurement Methods and Calibration Standards
21.3 General Considerations
21.4 Calibration Apparatus and Procedures
21.5 Test Aerosol Generation
21.6 Calibration of Flow, Pressure, and Velocity
21.7 Instrument Calibration
21.8 Summary of Calibration Procedures
21.9 References
Chapter 22: Size Distribution Data Analysis and Presentation
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Types of Particle Size
22.3 Particle Shape
22.4 Particle Size Distributions
22.5 Concentration Distributions
22.6 Summarizing Size Distributions Graphically
22.7 Confidence Intervals and Error Analysis
22.8 Testing Hypotheses with Size Distribution Data
22.9 Coincidence Errors
22.10 Choosing Sizing Interval Demarcations
22.11 Data Inversion
22.12 List of Symbols
22.13 References
Part III: Applications
Chapter 23: Nonspherical Particle Measurement: Shape Factor, Fractals, and Fibers
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Dynamic Shape Factor of Nonspherical Particles
23.3 Fractal Particles
23.4 Fibers
23.5 List of Symbols
23.6 References
Chapter 24: Biological Particle Sampling
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Bioaerosol Types
24.3 Sources of Bioaerosols
24.4 General Sampling Considerations
24.5 Principles of Bioaerosol Collection
24.6 Collection Time
24.7 Selection of Sampler
24.8 Calibration
24.9 Contamination
24.10 Sample Analysis
24.11 Data Analysis and Interpretation
24.12 List of Symbols
24.13 References
Chapter 25: Workplace Aerosol Measurement
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Aerosol Exposure Measurement in the Workplace
25.3 Sampling Conventions
25.4 Direct-Reading Instruments
25.5 Particle Size Measurement
25.6 Current Trends
25.7 List of Symbols
25.8 References
Chapter 26: Ambient Aerosol Sampling
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Sampling System Components
26.3 Sampling Systems
26.4 Selecting a Sampling System
26.5 Conclusions
26.6 References
Chapter 27: Indoor Aerosol Exposure Assessment
27.1 Introduction
27.2 Concentrations Versus Exposures
27.3 Measurement, Sampling, and Analysis Strategies
27.4 Defining Data Needs
27.5 Types of Nonoccupational Exposure Studies
27.6 Exposure Modeling
27.7 Summary
27.8 References
Chapter 28: Radioactive Aerosols
28.1 Introduction
28.2 Radiation and Radioactive Decay
28.3 Radiation Detection
28.4 Objectives for Measuring Radioactive Aerosols
28.5 Application of Standard Measurement Techniques
28.6 Special Technlques for Radioactive Aerosols
28.7 Conclusions
28.8 Acknowledgments
28.9 List of Symbols
28.10 References
Chapter 29: Measurement of Cloud and Aerosol Particles from Aircraft
29.1 Introduction
29.2 Techniques Used in Airborne Particle Sampling and Measurement
29.3 Factors to Be Considered in Airborne Particle Sampling and Measurement
29.4 Review of Inlets
29.5 Conclusions
29.6 References
Chapter 30: Satellite-Based Measurement of Atmospheric Aerosols
30.1 Introduction
30.2 Background on Satellite Remote Sensing
30.3 Aerosol Physical and Optical Properties
30.4 Principles of Satellite Aerosol Detection and Measurements
30.5 Challenges of Satellite Aerosol Measuring Systems
30.6 Satellite Data and Information Systems
30.7 Applications
30.8 Future Developments
30.9 Acknowledgments
30.10 List of Acronyms
30.11 References
Chapter 31: Atmospheric New Particle Formation: Physical and Chemical Measurements
31.1 Introduction
31.2 Synopsis of Current Understanding of NPF Processes
31.3 Anatomy of a New Particle Formation Event
31.4 Measurements That Focus on Nucleation Rates
31.5 Measurements That Focus on Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Growth
31.6 Conclusions
31.7 Acknowledgments
31.8 List of Symbols
31.9 References
Chapter 32: Electrical Classification and Condensation Detection of Sub-3-nm Aerosols
32.1 Introduction
32.2 Size Standards
32.3 Nano-DMAs
32.4 Nano Condensation Nucleus Counters (CNCs)
32.5 Summary and Conclusions
32.6 Acknowledgment
32.7 List of Abbreviations and Symbols
32.8 References
Chapter 33: High Temperature Aerosols: Measurement and Deposition of Nanoparticle Films
33.1 Introduction
33.2 Formation of the Depositing Species
33.3 Dilution Sampling and Measurement of High Temperature Aerosols
33.4 In Situ Measurements of High Temperature Aerosols
33.5 Particle Sintering on the Substrate
33.6 Applications in Energy and Environmental Nanotechnologies
33.7 List of Symbols
33.8 References
Chapter 34: Characterization and Measurement of Atmospheric Large Particles (PM > 10 μm)
34.1 Introduction
34.2 Large Particle Mass Size Distribution
34.3 Atmospheric Sampling of Large Particles
34.4 Measurement of Atmospheric Dry Deposition Flux
34.5 Conclusions
34.6 List of Symbols
34.7 References
Chapter 35: Manufacturing of Materials by Aerosol Processes
35.1 Materials
35.2 Aerosol Processes
35.3 Measurement Techniques
35.4 References
Chapter 36: Aerosol Measurements in Cleanrooms
36.1 Introduction
36.2 Cleanrooms
36.3 Particle Detection
36.4 Standards and Recommended Practices
36.5 ISO Standards 14644-1 and -2
36.6 Measuring Particle Emissions
36.7 Viable Aerosols
36.8 Monitoring
36.9 Summary
36.10 Conclusions
36.11 List of Symbols
36.12 References
Chapter 37: Sampling Techniques in Inhalation Toxicology
37.1 Introduction
37.2 Basic Inhalation Toxicology Exposure Systems
37.3 Properties of Exposure Systems
37.4 Basic Sampling Techniques and Strategies
37.5 Summary
37.6 References
Chapter 38: Factors Governing Pulmonary Response to Inhaled Particulate Matter
38.1 Introduction
38.2 Anatomic Regions of the Lung
38.3 Particle Deposition
38.4 Clearance
38.5 Particle Characteristics Influencing Bioactivity
38.6 Factors Influencing the Bioactivity of Nanoparticles
38.7 Conclusion
38.8 References
Chapter 39: Measurement of Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Inhalation Aerosols
39.1 Introduction
39.2 Pharmaceutical Aerosols by Route of Administration
39.3 Diagnostic Aerosols
39.4 Characterization of Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Inhalation Aerosols
39.5 Current Issues in Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Inhalation Aerosol Measurement
39.6 Conclusions
39.7 References
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
Appendix B: Conversion Factors
Appendix C: Commonly Used Constants
Appendix D: Some Properties of Air and Water
Appendix E: Key Dimensionless Numbers
Appendix F: Properties of Particles
Appendix G: Geometric Formulas
Appendix H: Bulk Density of Some Common Aerosol Materials
Appendix I: Manufacturers and Suppliers


 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-10 16:54:32 | 显示全部楼层
  "Specialists provide a comprehensive reference on instrumentation and methods for measuring aerosol."
  ——Book News, 1 August 2011


 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-10 16:56:17 | 显示全部楼层




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