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这条线 ;>============================================================<
以上的代码和 ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!这一行是构建三角形的代码。
procedure add_labelbar_triangles(wks,labelbar_id,lw,lh)
local nboxes, box1_color, box2_color, orient, vpx, vpy, vph, vpw, colors, \
box1_lft, box1_rgt, box1_top, box1_bot, box2_lft, box2_rgt, box2_top, \
box2_bot, box_mid, gnres, gnres
;---Get some information about the labelbar
getvalues labelbar_id
"vpXF" : vpx
"vpYF" : vpy
"vpWidthF" : vpw
"vpHeightF" : vph
"lbOrientation" : orient
"lbLabelPosition" : lpos ; 0=top, 1=bottom, 2=right, 3=left
"lbFillColors" : colors
"lbBoxLinesOn" : box_lines_on
"lbBoxLineColor" : box_line_color
"lbBoxMinorExtentF" : mnr_ext
"lbBoxMajorExtentF" : mjr_ext
"lbBottomMarginF" : lbar_bot
"lbTopMarginF" : lbar_top
"lbRightMarginF" : lbar_rgt
"lbLeftMarginF" : lbar_lft
"lbMaxLabelLenF" : lbar_llen
"lbLabelOffsetF" : lbar_loff
end getvalues
nboxes = dimsizes(colors)
box1_color = colors(0)
box2_color = colors(nboxes-1)
;--- orient=0 => horizontal labelbar
if(orient.eq.0) then
;---Size of each box in the labelbar
box_size = lw/nboxes
;---Get the NDC locations of the left box
box1_lft = vpx
box1_rgt = vpx + box_size
box2_lft = vpx+lw - box_size
box2_rgt = vpx+lw
if(lpos.eq.1) then ; 1=bottom
box1_top = vpy
box1_bot = vpy-lh
box_mid = vpy-lh/2. ; triangle point
else ; 0=top
box1_top = vpy-vph+lh
box1_bot = vpy-vph
box_mid = vpy-vph+(lh/2.) ; triangle point
end if
;---Get the NDC locations of the right box
box2_top = box1_top
box2_bot = box1_bot
else ; Vertical labelbar
;---Size of each box in the labelbar
box_size = lh/nboxes
;---Get the NDC locations of the bottom box
box1_bot = vpy-lh
box1_top = vpy-lh + box_size
box2_top = vpy
box2_bot = vpy - box_size
if(lpos.eq.2) then ; 2=right
;---Get the NDC locations of the bottom box
box_mid = vpx + lw/2. ; This is for the triangle
box1_lft = vpx
box1_rgt = vpx + lw
else ; 3=left
box_mid = vpx + vpw - lw/2. ; This is for the triangle
box1_lft = vpx + vpw - lw
box1_rgt = vpx + vpw
end if
;---Get the NDC locations of the top box
box2_lft = box1_lft
box2_rgt = box1_rgt
end if
;---Variable to hold resources for triangle colors.
gnres = True
;---Draw the labelbar again
;---Fill-in the two end box rectangles in background color (white)
gnres@gsFillColor = "white"
(/box1_top,box1_top,box1_bot,box1_bot,box1_top/), \
;---Draw the two triangles, both with fill and outlines.
; Fill the end boxes in white to mask them out. We have to be
; clever about this in order to get rid of the box outline too.
gnres@gsFillColor = "white"
dlt = 0.01
if(orient.eq.0) then ; horizontal labelbar
;---Left box
(/box1_top+dlt,box1_top+dlt,box1_bot-dlt,box1_bot-dlt,box1_top/), \
;---Right box
else ; vertical labelbar
;---Bottom box
(/box1_top,box1_bot-dlt,box1_bot-dlt,box1_top,box1_top/), \
;---Top box
end if
;---Fill the trianges and draw the edges in black.
gnres@gsEdgesOn = True
if(orient.eq.0) then ; horizontal labelbar
;---Left triangle
if(box_lines_on) then
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box_line_color
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box1_color
end if
gnres@gsFillColor = box1_color
gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,(/box1_rgt,box1_rgt,box1_lft,box1_rgt/), \
(/box1_top,box1_bot, box_mid,box1_top/),gnres)
;---Right triangle
if(box_lines_on) then
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box_line_color
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box2_color
end if
gnres@gsFillColor = box2_color
gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,(/box2_lft,box2_lft,box2_rgt,box2_lft/), \
(/box2_top,box2_bot, box_mid,box2_top/),gnres)
else ; vertical labelbar
;---Bottom triangle
if(box_lines_on) then
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box_line_color
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box1_color
end if
gnres@gsFillColor = box1_color
gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,(/box1_lft,box1_rgt, box_mid,box1_lft/), \
;---Top triangle
if(box_lines_on) then
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box_line_color
gnres@gsEdgeColor = box2_color
end if
gnres@gsFillColor = box2_color
gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,(/box2_lft,box2_rgt, box_mid,box2_lft/), \
end if
; This procedure recreates the labelbar associated with the given
; plot so it can replace the end boxes with triangles.
procedure labelbar_w_tri_ends(wks,plot)
local views, lbres, just_strs, lbar_x, lbar_y, lbar_h, lbar_w, \
lbar_orient, lbar_side, lbar_colors, lbar_labels, lbar_frac, lbar_ext, \
lbar_bot, lbar_top, lbar_rgt, lbar_lft, lbar_fh, lbar_aln, lbar_ljust, \
lbar_just, lbar_mnr, lbar_mjr, lbar_loff , lbid, nboxes, class_name, \
; This code attemps to see what kind of plot we have and
; to extract the labelbar from it.
class_name = NhlClassName(plot)
if(class_name.eq."mapPlotClass") then
if(isatt(plot,"contour")) then
getvalues plot@contour
"pmAnnoViews" : views
end getvalues
if(isatt(plot,"vector")) then
getvalues plot@vector
"pmAnnoViews" : views
end getvalues
print("labelbar_w_tri_ends: Error: can't determine type of plot")
end if
end if
getvalues plot
"pmAnnoViews" : views
end getvalues
end if
;---Error checking
if(all(ismissing(views))) then
print("labelbar_w_tri_ends: Error: Couldn't extract labelbar associated with this plot")
end if
;---Attempt to extract labelbar
labelbar_object = new(1,graphic)
do i=0,dimsizes(views)-1
if(NhlClassName(views(i)).eq."labelBarClass") then
labelbar_obj = views(i)
end if
end do
;---Error checking
if(ismissing(labelbar_obj)) then
print("labelbar_w_tri_ends: Error: Couldn't extract labelbar associated with this plot")
end if
;---Retrieve labelbar resources associated with plot so we can regenerate it.
getvalues labelbar_obj
"vpXF" : lbar_x
"vpYF" : lbar_y
"vpHeightF" : lbar_h
"vpWidthF" : lbar_w
"lbOrientation" : lbar_orient
"lbLabelPosition" : lbar_side
"lbFillColors" : lbar_colors
"lbLabelStrings" : lbar_labels
"lbBoxFractions" : lbar_frac
"lbBoxMinorExtentF" : lbar_ext
"lbBottomMarginF" : lbar_bot
"lbTopMarginF" : lbar_top
"lbRightMarginF" : lbar_rgt
"lbLeftMarginF" : lbar_lft
"lbLabelFontHeightF" : lbar_fh
"lbLabelAlignment" : lbar_aln
"lbLabelJust" : lbar_ljust
"lbJustification" : lbar_just
"lbBoxMinorExtentF" : lbar_mnr
"lbBoxMajorExtentF" : lbar_mjr
"lbLabelOffsetF" : lbar_loff
end getvalues
; We are going to set lbMinorExtentF to 1.0 so we know exactly where the
; labelbar boxes start and end on the frame. This means that we need to
; recalculate the width or height, depending on whether we have a vertical
; or horizontal labelbar.
;--- lbar_orient=0 => horizontal labelbar
if(lbar_orient.eq.0) then
lbar_h = lbar_h * lbar_mnr
lbar_y = lbar_y - 0.07
lbar_w = lbar_w * lbar_mnr
lbar_x = lbar_x + 0.02
end if
;---Set some labelbar resources
lbres = True
; Set initial width and height.
lbres@vpHeightF = lbar_h
lbres@vpWidthF = lbar_w
lbres@lbLabelFontHeightF = lbar_fh
; Allow more control over labelbars.
lbres@lbAutoManage = False
lbres@lbOrientation = lbar_orient
lbres@lbLabelPosition = lbar_side
; No margins around labelbar.
lbres@lbBottomMarginF = 0.0 ; lbar_bot
lbres@lbLeftMarginF = 0.0 ; lbar_lft
lbres@lbRightMarginF = 0.0 ; lbar_rgt
lbres@lbTopMarginF = 0.0 ; lbar_top
; Turn various features on and off.
lbres@lbLabelsOn = True
lbres@lbPerimOn = False
lbres@lbTitleOn = False
lbres@lbMonoFillPattern = True
; This specifies the proportion of the space in the direction
; perpendicular to the labelbar orientation that is occupied by the
; colorbar. By default it is 0.33, or 1/3 of the width specified by
; vpWidthF in the case of a vertically oriented labelbar.
lbres@lbBoxMinorExtentF = 1.0 ; lbar_mnr
lbres@lbBoxMajorExtentF = lbar_mjr
lbres@lbBoxLinesOn = True ; True is the default
lbres@lbFillColors = lbar_colors
; Which point to position labelbar about.
lbres@lbJustification = lbar_just
lbres@lbLabelAlignment = lbar_aln
lbres@lbLabelJust = lbar_ljust
lbres@lbLabelOffsetF = lbar_loff + 0.3
;---Regenerate the labelbar
nboxes = dimsizes(lbar_colors)
lbid = gsn_create_labelbar_ndc(wks,nboxes,lbar_labels,lbar_x,lbar_y,lbres)
;---Turn off the current labelbar so we can draw the one we just regenerated.
setvalues views(0)
"lbLabelBarOn" : False
end setvalues
; Draw plot, draw new labelbar, and then draw triangles
; over the end labelbar boxes.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/cnmap/cnmap.ncl"
a = addfile("$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/uv-wind/uv-wind.nc","r")
u = short2flt(a->u(0,:,:))
v = short2flt(a->v(0,:,:))
; set for the map
res = True
res@gsnDraw = False
res@gsnFram = False
res@mpFillOn = True
res@mpOutlineOn = True ; Use outlines from shapefile
res@mpFillDrawOrder = "PreDraw"
res@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes"
res@mpDataSetName = "Earth..4"
res@mpAreaMaskingOn = True
res@mpMaskAreaSpecifiers = (/"China","Taiwan","Disputed area between India and China","India:Arunachal Pradesh"/)
res@mpLandFillColor = "white"
res@mpInlandWaterFillColor = "white"
res@mpOceanFillColor = "white"
res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "NoBoundaries"
wks = gsn_open_wks("png","vector") ; send graphics to PNG file
gsn_define_colormap( wks ,"rainbow")
vcres = True
vcres@gsnMaximize = True
vcres@gsnLeftString = ""
vcres@gsnRightString = ""
vcres@tiMainString ="200 hPa"
vcres@mpMinLatF = 15.
vcres@mpMaxLatF = 55.
vcres@mpMinLonF = 72.
vcres@mpMaxLonF = 136.
vcres@gsnMajorLatSpacing = 5.0
vcres@gsnMajorLonSpacing = 5.0
vcres@gsnDraw = False
vcres@gsnFrame = False ; so we can draw time stamp
vcres@vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF = -1.0 ; move ref vector up
vcres@vcRefMagnitudeF = 10.0 ; define vector ref mag
vcres@vcRefLengthF = 0.045 ; define length of vec ref
vcres@vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor ="red" ; jian tou yan se
vcres@vcRefAnnoArrowUseVecColor = False
vcres@vcGlyphStyle = "CurlyVector" ; turn on curly vectors
vcres@vcVectorDrawOrder = "PostDraw"
vcres@vcMinDistanceF = 0.02 ;xian de jian ge
vcres@vcMonoLineArrowColor = False ;dan wei xiang liang de yan se
vector = gsn_csm_vector_map(wks,u,v,vcres)
labelbar_w_tri_ends(wks,vector) ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; add China map
cnres = True
cnres@china = True ;draw china map or not
cnres@river = True ;draw changjiang&huanghe or not
cnres@province = True ;draw province boundary or not
cnres@nanhai = False ;draw nanhai or not
cnres@diqu = False ;draw diqujie or not
chinamap = add_china_map(wks,vector,cnres)
frame (wks)
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