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本帖最后由 言深深 于 2012-9-22 07:45 编辑
27行,在输出解释方差的时候,er数组时mnl行,输出程序写成了do i=1,n,实际应该是do i=1,mnl
![](source/plugin/mc_colorcode/images/loading.gif) - ! EOF:经验正交函数分解! “实现时空场的分离”具体可以参考黄嘉佑老师的《气象统计分析与预报方法》
- ! 这是来自“lijianping”老师的EOF分解程序,在此对李建平老师表示感谢O(∩_∩)O~
- ! 相关参数说明
- ! m:格点数
- ! n:时间长度
- ! mnl:模态数
- ! ks:[1]-1表示对原场EOF;
- ! [2]0表示多距平场EOF;
- ! [3]1表示对归一化场EOF。
- ! "test.txt" :需要分解的时空场
- ! "er.txt":存放解释方差 [1]:er(mnl,1)特征值—— [2]:er(mnl,2)累计特征值—— [3]:er(mnl,3)解释方差—— [4]:er(mnl,4)累计解释方差!【20120922补充:解释方差就是对特征值的归一化】
- ! "ecof.txt":存放时间系数------每一列是一个模态
- ! "egvt.txt":存放各个模态的空间向量场------每一列是一个模态
- parameter(m=10224,n=62,mnl=62,ks=-1)
- real x(m,n),egvt(m,mnl),ecof(mnl,n),er(mnl,4)
- open(1,file="test.txt")
- do i=1,m
- read(1,*) (x(i,j),j=1,n)
- enddo
- close(1)
- call eof(m,n,mnl,x,ks,er,egvt,ecof)
- open(2,file="er.txt")
- do i=1,mnl
- write(2,"(4f30.8)") (er(i,j),j=1,4)
- enddo
- close(2)
- open(3,file="ecof.txt")
- do j=1,n
- write(3,"(<mnl>f20.6)") (ecof(i,j),i=1,mnl)
- enddo
- close(3)
- open(4,file="egvt.txt")
- do i=1,m
- write(4,"(<mnl>f20.6)") (egvt(i,j),j=1,mnl)
- enddo
- close(4)
- print*,"-------------------------------"
- print*,"这是来自李建平老师的EOF分解程序"
- print*,"http://bbs.06climate.com整理制作"
- print*,"-------------------------------"
- end
- !***************************************************************************
- subroutine eof(m,n,mnl,f,ks,er,egvt,ecof)
- implicit none
- integer*4 :: m,n,mnl,ks
- real*4 :: f(m,n),er(mnl,4),egvt(m,mnl),ecof(mnl,n)
- real*4,allocatable :: cov(:,:),s(:,:),d(:)
- call transf(m,n,f,ks)
- allocate(cov(mnl,mnl))
- call crossproduct(m,n,mnl,f,cov)
- allocate(s(mnl,mnl))
- allocate(d(mnl))
- call jacobi(mnl,cov,s,d,0.00001)
- call arrang(mnl,d,s,er)
- call tcoeff(m,n,mnl,f,s,er,egvt,ecof)
- return
- end
- subroutine transf(m,n,f,ks)
- implicit none
- integer*4 :: m,n,ks
- real*4 :: f(m,n)
- real*4,allocatable :: fw(:),wn(:)
- integer*4 :: i0,i,j
- real*4 :: af,sf,vf
- allocate(fw(n))
- allocate(wn(m))
- i0=0
- do i=1,m
- do j=1,n
- fw(j)=f(i,j)
- enddo
- call meanvar(n,fw,af,sf,vf)
- if(sf.eq.0.)then
- i0=i0+1
- wn(i0)=i
- endif
- enddo
- if(i0.ne.0)then
- write(*,*)'************************* fault ***********************************'
- write(*,*)'The program cannot go on because the original field has invalid data.'
- write(*,*)'There are totally ',i0,'gridpionts with invalid data.'
- write(*,*)'The array wn(m) stores the positions of those invalid grid-points.'
- write(*,*)'You must pick off those invalid data from the orignal field---$ '
- write(*,*)'$---and then reinput a new field to calculate its eofs.'
- write(*,*)'************************ fault ************************************'
- endif
- if(ks.eq.-1)return
- if(ks.eq.0)then
- do i=1,m
- do j=1,n
- fw(j)=f(i,j)
- enddo
- call meanvar(n,fw,af,sf,vf)
- do j=1,n
- f(i,j)=f(i,j)-af
- enddo
- enddo
- return
- endif
- if(ks.eq.1)then
- do i=1,m
- do j=1,n
- fw(j)=f(i,j)
- enddo
- call meanvar(n,fw,af,sf,vf)
- if(sf==0.0)then
- do j=1,n
- f(i,j)=0.0
- enddo
- else
- do j=1,n
- f(i,j)=(f(i,j)-af)/sf
- enddo
- endif
- enddo
- endif
- return
- end
- subroutine crossproduct(m,n,mnl,f,cov)
- implicit none
- integer*4 :: m,n,mnl
- real*4 :: f(m,n),cov(mnl,mnl)
- integer*4 :: i,j,is,js
- if((n-m)<0)then
- do i=1,mnl
- do j=i,mnl
- cov(i,j)=0.0
- do is=1,m
- cov(i,j)=cov(i,j)+f(is,i)*f(is,j)
- enddo
- cov(j,i)=cov(i,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- else
- do i=1,mnl
- do j=i,mnl
- cov(i,j)=0.0
- do js=1,n
- cov(i,j)=cov(i,j)+f(i,js)*f(j,js)
- enddo
- cov(j,i)=cov(i,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
- return
- end
- subroutine jacobi(m,a,s,d,eps)
- implicit none
- integer*4 :: m
- real*4 :: a(m,m),s(m,m),d(m),eps
- integer*4 :: i,j,i1,l,iq,iq1,ip
- real*4 :: g,s1,s2,s3,v1,v2,v3,u,st,ct
- s=0.0
- do i=1,m
- s(i,i)=1.0
- enddo
- g=0.
- do i=2,m
- i1=i-1
- do j=1,i1
- g=g+2.0*a(i,j)*a(i,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- s1=sqrt(g)
- s2=eps/float(m)*s1
- s3=s1
- l=0
- 50 s3=s3/float(m)
- 60 do iq=2,m
- iq1=iq-1
- do ip=1,iq1
- if(abs(a(ip,iq)).lt.s3) exit
- l=1
- v1=a(ip,ip)
- v2=a(ip,iq)
- v3=a(iq,iq)
- u=0.5*(v1-v3)
- if(u.eq.0.0) g=1.
- if(abs(u).ge.1e-10) g=-sign(1.,u)*v2/sqrt(v2*v2+u*u)
- st=g/sqrt(2.*(1.+sqrt(1.-g*g)))
- ct=sqrt(1.-st*st)
- do i=1,m
- g=a(i,ip)*ct-a(i,iq)*st
- a(i,iq)=a(i,ip)*st+a(i,iq)*ct
- a(i,ip)=g
- g=s(i,ip)*ct-s(i,iq)*st
- s(i,iq)=s(i,ip)*st+s(i,iq)*ct
- s(i,ip)=g
- enddo
- do i=1,m
- a(ip,i)=a(i,ip)
- a(iq,i)=a(i,iq)
- enddo
- g=2.*v2*st*ct
- a(ip,ip)=v1*ct*ct+v3*st*st-g
- a(iq,iq)=v1*st*st+v3*ct*ct+g
- a(ip,iq)=(v1-v3)*st*ct+v2*(ct*ct-st*st)
- a(iq,ip)=a(ip,iq)
- enddo
- enddo
- if((l-1)==0)then
- l=0
- go to 60
- else
- go to 150
- endif
- 150 if(s3.gt.s2) then
- goto 50
- end if
- do i=1,m
- d(i)=a(i,i)
- enddo
- return
- end
- subroutine arrang(mnl,d,s,er)
- implicit none
- integer*4 :: mnl
- real*4 :: d(mnl),s(mnl,mnl),er(mnl,4)
- integer*4 :: i,mnl1,k1,k2
- real*4 :: c,tr
- tr=0.0
- do i=1,mnl
- tr=tr+d(i)
- er(i,1)=d(i)
- enddo
- mnl1=mnl-1
- do k1=mnl1,1,-1
- do k2=k1,mnl1
- if(er(k2,1).lt.er(k2+1,1)) then
- c=er(k2+1,1)
- er(k2+1,1)=er(k2,1)
- er(k2,1)=c
- do i=1,mnl
- c=s(i,k2+1)
- s(i,k2+1)=s(i,k2)
- s(i,k2)=c
- enddo
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- er(1,2)=er(1,1)
- do i=2,mnl
- er(i,2)=er(i-1,2)+er(i,1)
- enddo
- do i=1,mnl
- er(i,3)=er(i,1)/tr
- er(i,4)=er(i,2)/tr
- enddo
- return
- end
- subroutine tcoeff(m,n,mnl,f,s,er,egvt,ecof)
- implicit none
- integer*4 :: m,n,mnl
- real*4 :: f(m,n),s(mnl,mnl),er(mnl,4),egvt(m,mnl),ecof(mnl,n)
- real*4,allocatable :: v(:)
- integer*4 :: i,j,js,is
- real*4 :: c
- allocate(v(mnl))
- do j=1,mnl
- do i=1,m
- egvt(i,j)=0.
- enddo
- do i=1,n
- ecof(j,i)=0.
- enddo
- enddo
- do j=1,mnl
- c=0.
- do i=1,mnl
- c=c+s(i,j)*s(i,j)
- enddo
- c=sqrt(c)
- do i=1,mnl
- s(i,j)=s(i,j)/c
- enddo
- enddo
- if(m.le.n) then
- do js=1,mnl
- do i=1,m
- egvt(i,js)=s(i,js)
- enddo
- enddo
- do j=1,n
- do i=1,m
- v(i)=f(i,j)
- enddo
- do is=1,mnl
- do i=1,m
- ecof(is,j)=ecof(is,j)+v(i)*s(i,is)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- else
- do i=1,m
- do j=1,n
- v(j)=f(i,j)
- enddo
- do js=1,mnl
- do j=1,n
- egvt(i,js)=egvt(i,js)+v(j)*s(j,js)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- do js=1,mnl
- do j=1,n
- ecof(js,j)=s(j,js)*sqrt(abs(er(js,1)))
- enddo
- do i=1,m
- egvt(i,js)=egvt(i,js)/sqrt(abs(er(js,1)))
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
- return
- end
- subroutine meanvar(n,x,ax,sx,vx)
- implicit none
- integer*4 :: n
- real*4 :: x(n)
- real*4 :: ax,vx,sx
- integer*4 :: i
- ax=0.
- vx=0.
- sx=0.
- do i=1,n
- ax=ax+x(i)
- enddo
- ax=ax/float(n)
- do i=1,n
- vx=vx+(x(i)-ax)**2
- enddo
- vx=vx/float(n)
- sx=sqrt(vx)
- return
- end
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