- 积分
- 5032
- 贡献
- 精华
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 注册时间
- 2012-11-6
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
![[54holz] 粉丝数:25 微博数:74 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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要求有一个 grd 文件,一个含有封闭多边形对象的 bln 文件。
- '============================================================
- '用途:计算多边形区域内的等值线平均值。
- '输入:一个用来绘制等值线图的网格文件,一个包含多边形的边界文件。
- '不足:会生成垃圾文件 temp.bln 和 temp.dat
- 'holz [AT] live.com
- '2017-1-16
- 'Golden Software Surfer 13.x + Scripter
- 'Use on your own risk!
- '============================================================
- Option Explicit
- Sub Main
- Dim gsApp As IApplication2
- Dim wks As IWksDocument
- Dim grd As String
- Dim bln As String
- Dim dat As String
- Debug.Clear
- Debug.Print "======== " & Date & " " & Time & " ========"
- 'grd = GetFilePath(,"grd",,"Select grid file",4)
- grd = "D:\gmt5ex\demogrid.grd"
- If grd = "" Then End
- 'bln = GetFilePath(,"bln",,"Select bln file",4)
- bln = "D:\gmt5ex\demogrid_township_range.bln"
- If bln = "" Then End
- dat = Left(bln,Len(bln)-4) & "_Vc.dat"
- On Error Resume Next
- Set gsApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then End
- On Error GoTo 0
- Set wks = gsApp.Documents.Open2(bln)
- Dim nBLN As Integer
- Dim blnHeader As Integer, blnFlag As Integer
- Dim tmpBln As String, tmpDat As String
- Dim tmpWks As IWksDocument
- Dim stats As IWksStatistics
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim r As Integer
- Dim zMean As Double
- Dim Xc As Double, Yc As Double
- nBLN = 0
- blnFlag = 0 '白化标志值, 0 表示白化外部, 1 表示白化内部
- r = 1
- Open dat For Output As #1
- Print #1, "Xc, Yc, Zmean"
- Debug.Print "正在处理 BLN 文件 " & bln
- Debug.Print "该文件内含 " & wks.Columns("A").RowCount & " 行数据。"
- While r < wks.Columns("A").RowCount
- blnHeader = wks.Cells(r, 1).Value
- blnFlag = wks.Cells(r, 2).Value
- '只有第一点坐标与最后一点坐标重合才算封闭多边形
- If Abs(wks.Cells(r+1, 1).Value - wks.Cells(r+blnHeader, 1).Value) < 1e-5 And _
- Abs(wks.Cells(r+1, 2).Value - wks.Cells(r+blnHeader, 2).Value) < 1e-5 Then
- nBLN = nBLN + 1 '计算封闭多边形对象个数
- tmpBln = "Temp.bln" '产生的垃圾文件名
- tmpDat = "Temp.dat" '产生的另一个垃圾文件名
- '新增一个空白工作表文档
- Set tmpWks = gsApp.Documents.Add(srfDocWks)
- '把当前要处理的多边形数据复制到剪贴板
- wks.Cells(r, 1, r+blnHeader, 2).Copy
- '从剪贴板把数据粘贴到新工作表
- tmpWks.Cells("A1").Paste
- '设置白化标志值
- tmpWks.Cells("B1").Value = blnFlag
- '以下 3 行计算多边形中心坐标
- Set stats = tmpWks.Cells(2,1,blnHeader+1,2).Statistics(Flags:=wksStatsSum)
- Xc = stats.Sum(1) / blnHeader
- Yc = stats.Sum(2) / blnHeader
- '把新工作表保存为 bln 文件并关闭,此文件有且仅有一个多边形对象
- tmpWks.SaveAs(FileName:=tmpBln, FileFormat:=srfSaveFormatBln)
- tmpWks.Close(srfSaveChangesNo)
- '用刚生成的 bln 文件白化 grd 文件, 得到一个数据文件
- gsApp.GridBlank(grd, tmpBln, tmpDat, srfGridFmtXYZ)
- '打开白化结果
- Set tmpWks = gsApp.Documents.Open2(tmpDat)
- '对数据按 C 列进行升序排序
- tmpWks.Columns(1, 3).Sort(Col1:=3, Order1:=wksSortAscending)
- '发现白化值 1.70141e+38 即把后续行一次性删除,剩下即为有效数值
- For i = 1 To tmpWks.Columns(1).RowCount
- If tmpWks.Cells(i, 3).Value = 1.70141e+38 Then
- tmpWks.Rows(i, tmpWks.Columns(1).RowCount).Delete(wksDeleteRows)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- '计算均值后关闭
- Set stats = tmpWks.Columns(3).Statistics(Flags:=wksStatsMean)
- zMean = stats.Mean
- tmpWks.Close(srfSaveChangesNo)
- '显示计算得到的多边形中心和均值,并写入磁盘文件
- Debug.Print Xc; ", "; Yc; ", "; zMean
- Print #1, Xc; ", "; Yc; ", "; zMean
- End If
- r = r + blnHeader + 1
- Wend
- Close #1
- Debug.Print "其中发现 " & nBLN & " 个多边形对象。"
- wks.Close(srfSaveChangesNo)
- Debug.Print "开始绘制示意图,使用以下文件:"
- Debug.Print " 1. " & grd
- Debug.Print " 2. " & bln
- Debug.Print " 3. " & dat
- Dim Plot As IPlotDocument
- Set Plot = gsApp.Documents.Add(srfDocPlot)
- Debug.Print "绘制等值线图。"
- Dim MapFrame As IMapFrame2
- Set MapFrame = Plot.Shapes.AddContourMap(grd)
- Dim Axis As IAxis2
- For Each Axis In MapFrame.Axes
- Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone
- Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone
- Axis.ShowLabels = False
- Next
- Dim ContourLayer As IContourLayer
- Set ContourLayer = MapFrame.Overlays(1)
- With ContourLayer
- .LevelMethod = SrfConLevelMethodSimple
- .FillForegroundColorMap.LoadFile(gsApp.Path & "\ColorScales\Rainbow.clr")
- .FillContours = True
- '.ApplyFillToLevels(1,2,1)
- .ShowMajorLabels = False
- .ShowMinorLabels = False
- End With
- Debug.Print "添加基底图层,对多边形对象做填充。"
- Dim BaseLayer As IBaseLayer
- Set BaseLayer = Plot.Shapes.AddBaseLayer(MapFrame, bln)
- With BaseLayer.Fill
- .Transparent = True
- .Pattern = "Diagonal Cross"
- .ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorNavyBlue
- .ForeColorRGBA.Opacity = 90
- .BackColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBabyBlue
- .BackColorRGBA.Opacity = 45
- End With
- BaseLayer.Line.ForeColor = srfColorRed
- BaseLayer.Line.Width = 0.05
- Debug.Print "添加张贴图层,显示多边形内等值线均值。"
- Dim PostLayer As IPostLayer
- Set PostLayer = Plot.Shapes.AddPostLayer(MapFrame, dat, 1, 2, 3)
- With PostLayer
- .LabelFormat.Type = srfLabFixed
- .LabelFormat.NumDigits = 2
- .LabelFont.Color = srfColorYellow
- .LabelFont.Size = 16
- .LabelFont.Bold = True
- .Symbol.Set = "GSI Default Symbols"
- .Symbol.Index = 33
- .Symbol.Size = 0.75
- .Symbol.FillColor = srfColorYellow
- .Symbol.LineColor = srfColorBlack
- End With
- gsApp.Visible = True
- gsApp.ActiveWindow.Zoom(srfZoomFitToWindow)
- End Sub