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NCL User Guide[size=13.3333px]The NCL User Guide (NUG) is a beginner's introduction to NCL, with a intensive step-by-step tutorial on file I/O, computational analyses, and creating publication quality graphics. [size=13.3333px]The NUG was created by Karin Meier-Fleischer and Michael Böttinger of DKRZ (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum). [size=13.3333px]The tutorial section of the NUG includes an extensive suite of NCL scripts and all the data files required for running these scripts. - NCL User Guide V1.1 (pdf, legal)
- NCL User Guide V1.1 (pdf, A4)
- Example scripts
- Data files
[size=13.3333px]If you have NCL version 6.4.0, you can copy and run any one of the NCL scripts mentioned in the guide by using the "ng4ex" command along with the name of the desired example(s):
ng4ex NUG_xy_plot NUG_panel_plot[size=13.3333px]Some of the NUG data files are included with NCL version 6.4.0. These files and the larger ones are all availableonline.