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本帖最后由 liusinuo 于 2017-8-31 21:36 编辑
In ftuv, gmtp = 22.66668294270833 Timing for main: time 2015-03-08_22:40:00 on domain 1: 4.16696 elapsed seconds OBS NUDGING: Reading new obs for time window TBACK = 238.000 TFORWD = 239.333 for grid = 1 ****** CALL IN4DOB AT KTAU = 28640 AND XTIME = 14320.00: NSTA = 1136 ****** ++++++CALL ERROB AT KTAU = 28640 AND INEST = 1: NSTA = 1136 ++++++ OBS NUDGING FOR IN,J,KTAU,XTIME,IVAR,IPL: 1 10 28640 14320.00 3 3 rindx=**** OBS NUDGING FOR IN,J,KTAU,XTIME,IVAR,IPL: 1 10 28640 14320.00 4 4 rindx=**** OBS NUDGING FOR IN,J,KTAU,XTIME,IVAR,IPL: 1 10 28640 14320.00 1 1 rindx=**** OBS NUDGING FOR IN,J,KTAU,XTIME,IVAR,IPL: 1 10 28640 14320.00 2 2 rindx=**** Timing for main: time 2015-03-08_22:40:30 on domain 1: 4.14795 elapsed seconds
&time_control run_days = 11, run_hours = 0, run_minutes = 0, run_seconds = 0, start_year = 2015, start_month = 02, start_day = 27, start_hour = 00, start_minute = 00, start_second = 00, end_year = 2015, end_month = 03, end_day = 10, end_hour = 00, end_minute = 00, end_second = 00, interval_seconds = 21600, input_from_file = .true., history_interval = 60, frames_per_outfile = 1, restart = .false., restart_interval = 43200, auxinput5_interval_m = 60, auxinput6_interval_m = 43200, auxinput6_inname = 'wrfbiochemi_d<domain>', io_form_history = 2 io_form_restart = 2 io_form_input = 2 io_form_boundary = 2 io_form_auxinput5 = 2 io_form_auxinput6 = 2 debug_level = 0 auxinput11_interval_s = 120, 120, 120, 120, auxinput11_end_h = 72, 30, 30, 30, / &domains time_step = 30, time_step_fract_num = 0, time_step_fract_den = 1, max_dom = 1, e_we = 301, e_sn = 301, e_vert = 35, dx = 6000, dy = 6000, p_top_requested = 5000, num_metgrid_levels = 32, num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4, grid_id = 1, parent_id = 0, i_parent_start = 1, j_parent_start = 1, parent_grid_ratio = 1, parent_time_step_ratio = 1, feedback = 1, smooth_option = 0 /
&physics mp_physics = 6, progn = 0, naer = 1e9 ra_lw_physics = 5, ra_sw_physics = 5, radt = 6, sf_sfclay_physics = 2, sf_surface_physics = 2, bl_pbl_physics = 2, bldt = 1, cu_physics = 0, cudt = 5, isfflx = 1, ifsnow = 1, icloud = 1, surface_input_source = 1, num_soil_layers = 4, num_land_cat = 20, sf_urban_physics = 0, num_urban_layers = 1200, maxiens = 1, maxens = 3, maxens2 = 3, maxens3 = 16, ensdim = 144, cu_rad_feedback = .false., /
&fdda obs_nudge_opt = 1,1,0,0,0 max_obs = 150000, fdda_start = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. fdda_end = 14400., 99999., 99999., 99999., 99999. obs_nudge_wind = 1,1,1,0,0 obs_coef_wind = 6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4 obs_nudge_temp = 1,0,0,0,0 obs_coef_temp = 6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4 obs_nudge_mois = 1,1,1,1,1 obs_coef_mois = 6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4,6.E-4 obs_rinxy = 200.,360.,90.,30.,180 obs_rinsig = 0.1, obs_twindo = 0.6666667,0.6666667,0.6666667,0.6666667,0.6666667, obs_npfi = 10, obs_ionf = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, obs_idynin = 0, obs_dtramp = 40., obs_prt_freq = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, obs_prt_max = 10 obs_ipf_errob = .true. obs_ipf_nudob = .true. obs_ipf_in4dob = .true. obs_ipf_init = .true. /
&dynamics w_damping = 1, diff_opt = 1, km_opt = 4, diff_6th_opt = 0, diff_6th_factor = 0.12, base_temp = 290. damp_opt = 0, zdamp = 5000., dampcoef = 0.2, khdif = 0, kvdif = 0, non_hydrostatic = .true., moist_adv_opt = 1, scalar_adv_opt = 1, chem_adv_opt = 1, tracer_adv_opt = 1, tke_adv_opt = 1, /
&bdy_control spec_bdy_width = 5, spec_zone = 1, relax_zone = 4, specified = .true., nested = .false., /
&grib2 /
&chem kemit = 2, chem_opt = 1, bioemdt = 30, photdt = 10, chemdt = 1.0, frames_per_emissfile = 840, emiss_inpt_opt = 2, emiss_opt = 1 bb_emiss_opt = 1, io_style_emissions = 2 chem_in_opt = 0, phot_opt = 1, drydep_opt = 1, bio_emiss_opt = 3, aer_ra_feedback = 1, so2_haze_react = 10, fe3_ion_factor = 1.0, mn2_ion_factor = 1.0, /
&namelist_quilt nio_tasks_per_group = 0, nio_groups = 1, /