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![[54holz] 粉丝数:25 微博数:74 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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在 Surfer 中,分类张贴图有图例选项,但是普通的张贴图是没有图例选项的。
但是张贴图可以根据某列数据按比例显示符号大小,还可以用 clr 色谱文件按数据值进行着色,那加个色标也是可以的,效果如下:
可惜的是,目前只做到按 clr 节点提取色标,不能完美匹配张贴图。
- '=========================================================================
- '脚本名称: CustomPostLegend.bas
- '运行环境: Golden software Surfer 13.x + Scripter.exe
- '作者: holz [AT] live.com
- '日期: 2017.9.14
- '功能: 在张贴图的下方生成对应的图例。
- '用法: 用 Surfer 附带的 Scripter.exe 程序(一般在 Surfer 安装目录下的 Scripter
- ' 文件夹中,或者“开始 -> 程序 -> Golden Software Surfer 13 -> Scripter”)
- ' 打开本脚本。
- ' 运行 Surfer,打开或创建一个张贴图,选中要生成自定义图例的图层,
- ' 回到 Scripter 按 F5 运行脚本即可。
- '=========================================================================
- Option Explicit
- Sub Main
- Dim gsApp As IApplication2
- Dim plot As IPlotDocument
- Debug.Clear
- Debug.Print "======== " & Date & " " & Time & " ========"
- On Error Resume Next
- Set gsApp = GetObject(,"Surfer.Application")
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "未发现运行中的 Surfer," & vbCrLf & _
- "请先运行 Surfer,打开或创建一个张贴图。", _
- vbCritical + vbOkOnly, "程序终止"
- End
- End If
- on error goto 0
- If gsApp.Documents.Count < 1 Then
- MsgBox "未发现图形文档。" & vbCrLf & _
- "请先打开或创建一个张贴图。", _
- vbCritical + vbOkOnly, "程序终止"
- End
- End If
- If gsApp.ActiveDocument.Type <> srfDocPlot Then
- MsgBox "活动文档不是图形文档。" & vbCrLf & _
- "请先打开或创建一个张贴图,并设为活动文档。", _
- vbCritical + vbOkOnly, "程序终止"
- End
- End If
- Set plot = gsApp.ActiveDocument
- If plot.Selection.Count <> 1 Then
- MsgBox "未选中对象或选中了多个对象。" & vbCrLf & _
- "每次只能选中一个张贴图。", _
- vbCritical + vbOkOnly, "程序终止"
- End
- End If
- Dim layerName As String
- layerName = plot.Selection.Item(1).Name
- layerName = Right(layerName, Len(layerName)-InStr(layerName," "))
- Debug.Print "选中的图层名称:" & layerName
- If plot.Selection.Item(1).Type <> srfShapeMapFrame Then
- MsgBox "未选中张贴图对象。" & vbCrLf & _
- "请选择一个张贴图对象。", vbCritical + vbOkOnly, "程序终止"
- End
- End If
- Dim MapFrame As IMapFrame2
- Dim postLayer As Object
- Dim x0 As Double, y0 As Double, w0 As Double
- Dim x As Double
- Dim nNodes As Integer
- Dim txt() As IText, sym() As IRectangle
- Dim txtStr As String
- Dim customLegend As IComposite2
- Dim i As Integer
- Set MapFrame = plot.Selection.Item(1)
- With MapFrame
- x0 = .Left + 1.0
- y0 = .Top - .Height - 1.0
- End With
- x = x0 : w0 = 0
- plot.Selection.DeselectAll
- For Each postLayer In MapFrame.Overlays
- If postLayer.Type = srfShapePostmap And postLayer.Name = layerName Then
- If postLayer.SymbolColorCol > 0 Then
- With postLayer.SymbolColorMap
- nNodes = .ColorNodes.Count
- w0 = (MapFrame.Width - 2.0) / nNodes
- ReDim txt(nNodes), sym(nNodes)
- For i = 1 To nNodes
- Set sym(i) = plot.Shapes.AddRectangle(x, y0, x+w0, y0+0.2)
- sym(i).LineColor = srfColorBlack
- sym(i).Fill.Pattern = "Solid"
- sym(i).Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Red = .ColorNodes.Item(i).ColorRGBA.Red
- sym(i).Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Green = .ColorNodes.Item(i).ColorRGBA.Green
- sym(i).Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Blue = .ColorNodes.Item(i).ColorRGBA.Blue
- sym(i).Name = "节点" & i & "图例"
- sym(i).Select
- txtStr = Str(Round(.PosToDat(.ColorNodes.Item(i).Position),1))
- Set txt(i) = plot.Shapes.AddText(x+0.5*w0, y0-0.5, txtStr)
- txt(i).Font.VAlign = srfTAVCenter
- txt(i).Font.HAlign = srfTACenter
- txt(i).Font.Size = 12
- txt(i).Name = "节点" & i & "说明"
- txt(i).Select
- x = x + w0
- Next i
- End With
- Set customLegend = plot.Selection.Combine
- customLegend.Name = "自定义图例"
- customLegend.Deselect
- End If 'postLayer.SymbolColorCol > 0
- End If 'srfShapePostmap And layerName
- Next 'postLayer
- End Sub