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发表于 2019-8-14 11:15:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field

之前用的gdas1.fnl0p25   2019年5月1日的数据,是可以正常进行的,结果换了同一个数据集6月30日的数据就报了以上的错误。

最初怀疑是版本问题,于是在多个版本下(3.6.1, 3.7.1, 3.9.1),均遇到了相同的问题。


再然后怀疑是数据集的问题,于是尝试不同的数据集,gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50,  fnl_0219xxxx_00_00.grib2,均出现了类似情况,5月1日的数据可以正常跑通,6月30日不可以。

于是尝试不同时间的数据,对于同一个数据集,2019年6月1日的数据可以正常跑通,到了6月15日就不可以了,报错ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field



 楼主| 发表于 2019-8-14 11:18:20 | 显示全部楼层
the following namelist variables:
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 --- &SHARE
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   WRF_CORE         = ARW
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   MAX_DOM          = 1
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   START_YEAR       = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   START_MONTH      = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   START_DAY        = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   START_HOUR       = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   START_MINUTE     = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   START_SECOND     = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   END_YEAR         = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   END_MONTH        = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   END_DAY          = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   END_HOUR         = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   END_MINUTE       = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   END_SECOND       = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   START_DATE       = 2019-06-15_00:00:00
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   END_DATE         = 2019-06-15_06:00:00
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   INTERVAL_SECONDS = 21600
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   IO_FORM_GEOGRID  = 2
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   OPT_OUTPUT_FROM_GEOGRID_PATH = ./
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   SUBGRID_RATIO_X  = 1
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   SUBGRID_RATIO_Y  = 1
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   DEBUG_LEVEL      = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   ACTIVE_GRID      = .TRUE.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   NOCOLONS         = .FALSE.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 --- /
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 --- &METGRID
2019-08-14 11:16:32.578 ---   FG_NAME               = 36_0615
2019-08-14 11:16:32.579 ---   CONSTANTS_NAME        =
2019-08-14 11:16:32.579 ---   IO_FORM_METGRID       = 2
2019-08-14 11:16:32.579 ---   PROCESS_ONLY_BDY      = 0
2019-08-14 11:16:32.579 ---   OPT_OUTPUT_FROM_METGRID_PATH = ./
2019-08-14 11:16:32.579 ---   OPT_METGRID_TBL_PATH  = metgrid/
2019-08-14 11:16:32.579 --- /
2019-08-14 11:16:32.586 --- Processing domain 1 of 1
2019-08-14 11:16:32.586 --- Initializing storage module
2019-08-14 11:16:32.586 --- Opening static input file.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.587 --- Reading static global attributes.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.587 --- Read in static field XLAT_M.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.587 --- Read in static field XLONG_M.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.587 --- Read in static field XLAT_V.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.587 --- Read in static field XLONG_V.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field XLAT_U.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field XLONG_U.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field CLAT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field CLONG.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_M.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_V.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_U.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_MX.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.588 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_VX.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_UX.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_MY.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_VY.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field MAPFAC_UY.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field E.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field F.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field SINALPHA.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field COSALPHA.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.589 --- Read in static field LANDMASK.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.590 --- Read in static field LANDUSEF.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.591 --- Read in static field LU_INDEX.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.591 --- Read in static field HGT_M.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.591 --- Read in static field SOILTEMP.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.592 --- Read in static field SOILCTOP.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.593 --- Read in static field SCT_DOM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.593 --- Read in static field SOILCBOT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.594 --- Read in static field SCB_DOM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.595 --- Read in static field ALBEDO12M.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.595 --- Read in static field GREENFRAC.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.596 --- Read in static field LAI12M.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.596 --- Read in static field SNOALB.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field SLOPECAT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field CON.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field VAR.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field OA1.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field OA2.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field OA3.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field OA4.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field OL1.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field OL2.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.597 --- Read in static field OL3.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.598 --- Read in static field OL4.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.598 --- Read in static field VAR_SSO.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.598 --- Read in static field LAKE_DEPTH.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.598 --- Preparing to process output time 2019-06-15_00
2019-08-14 11:16:32.598 --- Getting input fields from 36_0615
2019-08-14 11:16:32.631 --- Processing PMSL at level 201300.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.632 --- Processing TT at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.633 --- Processing UU at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.634 --- Processing VV at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.634 --- Processing RH at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.635 --- Processing PSFC at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.636 --- Processing SM000010 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.637 --- Processing SM010040 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.638 --- Processing SM040100 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.639 --- Processing SM100200 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.640 --- Processing ST000010 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.641 --- Processing ST010040 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.642 --- Processing ST040100 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.644 --- Processing ST100200 at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.645 --- Processing SEAICE at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.645 --- Processing LANDSEA at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.645 --- Processing SOILHGT at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.646 --- Processing SKINTEMP at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.647 --- Processing SNOW at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.648 --- Processing SNOWH at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.648 --- Processing UMAXW at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.649 --- Processing VMAXW at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.649 --- Processing PMAXW at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.650 --- Processing TMAXW at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.650 --- Processing HGTMAXW at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.651 --- Processing UTROP at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.651 --- Processing VTROP at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.652 --- Processing PTROP at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.652 --- Processing TTROP at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.653 --- Processing HGTTROP at level 200100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.653 --- Processing TT at level 100000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.654 --- Processing UU at level 100000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.655 --- Processing VV at level 100000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.656 --- Processing RH at level 100000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.657 --- Processing GHT at level 100000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.657 --- Processing TT at level 97500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.658 --- Processing UU at level 97500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.659 --- Processing VV at level 97500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.660 --- Processing RH at level 97500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.661 --- Processing GHT at level 97500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.662 --- Processing TT at level 95000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.662 --- Processing UU at level 95000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.663 --- Processing VV at level 95000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.664 --- Processing RH at level 95000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.665 --- Processing GHT at level 95000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.666 --- Processing TT at level 92500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.667 --- Processing UU at level 92500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.668 --- Processing VV at level 92500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.668 --- Processing RH at level 92500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.669 --- Processing GHT at level 92500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.670 --- Processing TT at level 90000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.671 --- Processing UU at level 90000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.672 --- Processing VV at level 90000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.673 --- Processing RH at level 90000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.673 --- Processing GHT at level 90000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.674 --- Processing TT at level 85000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.675 --- Processing UU at level 85000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.676 --- Processing VV at level 85000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.677 --- Processing RH at level 85000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.678 --- Processing GHT at level 85000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.679 --- Processing TT at level 80000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.679 --- Processing UU at level 80000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.680 --- Processing VV at level 80000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.681 --- Processing RH at level 80000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.682 --- Processing GHT at level 80000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.683 --- Processing TT at level 75000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.683 --- Processing UU at level 75000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.684 --- Processing VV at level 75000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.685 --- Processing RH at level 75000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.686 --- Processing GHT at level 75000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.687 --- Processing TT at level 70000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.688 --- Processing UU at level 70000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.688 --- Processing VV at level 70000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.689 --- Processing RH at level 70000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.690 --- Processing GHT at level 70000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.691 --- Processing TT at level 65000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.692 --- Processing UU at level 65000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.693 --- Processing VV at level 65000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.693 --- Processing RH at level 65000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.694 --- Processing GHT at level 65000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.695 --- Processing TT at level 60000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.696 --- Processing UU at level 60000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.697 --- Processing VV at level 60000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.697 --- Processing RH at level 60000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.698 --- Processing GHT at level 60000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.699 --- Processing TT at level 55000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.700 --- Processing UU at level 55000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.701 --- Processing VV at level 55000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.701 --- Processing RH at level 55000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.702 --- Processing GHT at level 55000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.703 --- Processing TT at level 50000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.704 --- Processing UU at level 50000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.705 --- Processing VV at level 50000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.706 --- Processing RH at level 50000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.707 --- Processing GHT at level 50000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.707 --- Processing TT at level 45000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.708 --- Processing UU at level 45000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.709 --- Processing VV at level 45000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.710 --- Processing RH at level 45000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.711 --- Processing GHT at level 45000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.712 --- Processing TT at level 40000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.712 --- Processing UU at level 40000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.713 --- Processing VV at level 40000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.714 --- Processing RH at level 40000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.715 --- Processing GHT at level 40000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.716 --- Processing TT at level 35000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.717 --- Processing UU at level 35000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.717 --- Processing VV at level 35000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.718 --- Processing RH at level 35000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.719 --- Processing GHT at level 35000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.720 --- Processing TT at level 30000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.721 --- Processing UU at level 30000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.722 --- Processing VV at level 30000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.722 --- Processing RH at level 30000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.723 --- Processing GHT at level 30000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.724 --- Processing TT at level 25000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.725 --- Processing UU at level 25000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.726 --- Processing VV at level 25000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.727 --- Processing RH at level 25000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.728 --- Processing GHT at level 25000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.728 --- Processing TT at level 20000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.729 --- Processing UU at level 20000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.730 --- Processing VV at level 20000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.731 --- Processing RH at level 20000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.732 --- Processing GHT at level 20000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.733 --- Processing TT at level 15000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.734 --- Processing UU at level 15000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.734 --- Processing VV at level 15000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.735 --- Processing RH at level 15000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.736 --- Processing GHT at level 15000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.737 --- Processing TT at level 10000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.738 --- Processing UU at level 10000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.739 --- Processing VV at level 10000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.740 --- Processing RH at level 10000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.740 --- Processing GHT at level 10000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.741 --- Processing TT at level 7000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.742 --- Processing UU at level 7000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.743 --- Processing VV at level 7000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.744 --- Processing RH at level 7000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.745 --- Processing GHT at level 7000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.746 --- Processing TT at level 5000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.746 --- Processing UU at level 5000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.747 --- Processing VV at level 5000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.748 --- Processing RH at level 5000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.749 --- Processing GHT at level 5000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.750 --- Processing TT at level 4000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.751 --- Processing UU at level 4000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.751 --- Processing VV at level 4000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.752 --- Processing RH at level 4000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.753 --- Processing GHT at level 4000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.754 --- Processing TT at level 3000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.755 --- Processing UU at level 3000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.756 --- Processing VV at level 3000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.756 --- Processing RH at level 3000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.757 --- Processing GHT at level 3000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.758 --- Processing TT at level 2000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.759 --- Processing UU at level 2000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.760 --- Processing VV at level 2000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.761 --- Processing RH at level 2000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.762 --- Processing GHT at level 2000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.762 --- Processing TT at level 1500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.763 --- Processing UU at level 1500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.764 --- Processing VV at level 1500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.765 --- Processing RH at level 1500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.766 --- Processing GHT at level 1500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.767 --- Processing TT at level 1000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.768 --- Processing UU at level 1000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.768 --- Processing VV at level 1000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.769 --- Processing RH at level 1000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.771 --- Processing GHT at level 1000.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.772 --- Processing TT at level 700.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.773 --- Processing UU at level 700.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.774 --- Processing VV at level 700.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.775 --- Processing RH at level 700.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.777 --- Processing GHT at level 700.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.778 --- Processing TT at level 500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.779 --- Processing UU at level 500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.780 --- Processing VV at level 500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.781 --- Processing RH at level 500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.783 --- Processing GHT at level 500.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.784 --- Processing TT at level 300.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.785 --- Processing UU at level 300.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.785 --- Processing VV at level 300.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.786 --- Processing RH at level 300.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.789 --- Processing GHT at level 300.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.790 --- Processing TT at level 200.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.790 --- Processing UU at level 200.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.791 --- Processing VV at level 200.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.792 --- Processing RH at level 200.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.794 --- Processing GHT at level 200.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.795 --- Processing TT at level 100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.796 --- Processing UU at level 100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.797 --- Processing VV at level 100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.798 --- Processing RH at level 100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.800 --- Processing GHT at level 100.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.801 --- Processing TT at level 40.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.802 --- Processing RH at level 40.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.804 --- Processing GHT at level 40.000000.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.805 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.805 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.805 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.806 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.806 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.806 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.806 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.806 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.807 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.807 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.807 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.807 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.807 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.808 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.808 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.808 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.808 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.808 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.809 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.809 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.809 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.809 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.809 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.810 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.810 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.810 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.810 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.810 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.811 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.811 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.811 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.811 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.811 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- Rotating earth winds to grid winds
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- Filling missing levels.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- INFORM: GHT at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- INFORM: LANDSEA at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- INFORM: PSFC at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- INFORM: RH at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- INFORM: VV at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- INFORM: UU at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.812 --- INFORM: TT at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.815 --- Creating derived fields.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.815 --- INFORM: Going to create the field ST
2019-08-14 11:16:32.815 --- INFORM: ST at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.815 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST010035 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 35.000000 of ST.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.815 --- INFORM: ST at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST100300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of ST.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: ST at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: ST at level 200.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST000007 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 7.000000 of ST.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST007028 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 28.000000 of ST.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: ST at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST100255 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 255.000000 of ST.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SM
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: SM at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM010035 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 35.000000 of SM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: SM at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM100300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: SM at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: SM at level 200.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM000007 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 7.000000 of SM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM007028 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 28.000000 of SM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: SM at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM100255 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 255.000000 of SM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SW
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SW.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW010040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 2.000000 of SW.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW040100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 3.000000 of SW.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW100200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SW.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SW.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW010200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 2.000000 of SW.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOIL_LAYERS
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILM
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM000 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 0.000000 of SOILM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM005 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 5.000000 of SOILM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.816 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM020 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 20.000000 of SOILM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SOILM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM160 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 160.000000 of SOILM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SOILM.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILT
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT000 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 0.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT005 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 5.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT020 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 20.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT160 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 160.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT050 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 49.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT050 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 51.000000 of SOILT.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOIL_LEVELS
2019-08-14 11:16:32.817 --- INFORM: Going to create the field PRES
2019-08-14 11:16:32.818 --- INFORM: PRES at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.822 --- INFORM: Field LANDSEA.mask does not have a valid mask and will not be checked for missing values
2019-08-14 11:16:32.824 --- Initializing output module.
2019-08-14 11:16:32.827 --- ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field
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发表于 2019-8-14 11:22:01 | 显示全部楼层
GFS model updated in 6-12,2019. So,you could update your WPS to V4.0 or later to solve this problem. Have a try.
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发表于 2019-8-14 11:27:48 | 显示全部楼层

http://bbs.06climate.com/forum.p ... A%CC%E2%BD%E2%BE%F6

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-8-14 11:27:54 | 显示全部楼层
andrewsoong 发表于 2019-8-14 11:22
GFS model updated in 6-12,2019. So,you could update your WPS to V4.0 or later to solve this problem. ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-8-14 11:31:54 | 显示全部楼层
小其其格 发表于 2019-8-14 11:27
FV3升级后,GFS资料增加了三个层,分别是40,15和0.4hPa。在ungrib之后就会造成层数不匹配,和Metgrid也会冲 ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-8-14 12:47:46 | 显示全部楼层
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