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本帖最后由 xyzhu 于 2020-1-13 18:34 编辑
根据我所与宁波诺丁汉大学签署协议,我所从2018年开始与宁波诺丁汉大学合作联合培养博士生。2019年双方开展地理学、环境科学、市场及经济等12个研究领域的博士生联合培养项目。宁波诺丁汉大学是中国第一所经教育部批准引进世界一流大学的中外合作大学,英国诺丁汉大学是稳居全球高校排名前100位的世界一流大学。宁波诺丁汉大学将英国诺丁汉大学的优势学科与中国社会经济发展实际需求相结合,实行与英国诺丁汉大学完全一致的教学评估体系,全英文授课,学生毕业后获得英国诺丁汉大学学位。 联合培养博士生项目由宁波诺丁汉大学每年提供若干博士生招生指标,本年度招生指标5-8个。由中科院地理资源所与宁波诺丁汉大学导师共同指导,参与该项目的博士生将享受来自地理资源所与宁波诺丁汉大学的双重优质师资和完善的科研设备设施,获得丰厚奖学金,顺利完成项目的博士生将获得由英国诺丁汉大学颁发的学位证书。 The available PhD scholarshipscover: · Tuitionfee · Accommodationfor the PhD candidate only (accommodation type is based onavailability) · Monthlystipend (RMB 3,500) · Medicalinsurance with designate providers · Allabove items are covered for up to 36 months based on satisfactoryprogression · Allregulations set out in the UNNC PGR ScholarshipPolicy apply In addition to the above scholarship,successful candidates also have the opportunity to carry out paid teaching orresearch assistant duties at UNNC. PhDprogramme structure PhD programmes at the UNNC are composedof 3 years research andsubmission is expected within 3 years for full-time students. PhD supervisionis undertaken jointly by academics from the University of NottinghamNingbo China (UNNC), Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural ResourceResearch, CAS (IGSNRR) and the University of Nottingham UK (UNUK). Onsuccessful completion, students will be awarded the University of Nottingham PhD degree, and no reference willbe made on the degree certificate as to where the degree has been completed.The University of Nottingham PhD degree will be accredited by the ChineseMinistry of Education. Eligibility · Applicantsmust have a first class honours undergraduate degree or 65% and above for aMasters’ degree from a British university, or the equivalent from otherinstitutions · Applicantsmust meet the required English language proficiency Qualification | DTP Scholarship Programmes | IELTS | 6.5(≥6.0 in any element) | PTE Academic | 62 (min 55) | TOEFL (IBT) | 87 (minimum 20 in Speaking and 19 in all other elements) |