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分享 沙尘模式
一大碗年糕 2023-6-8 10:16
云中和云下 清除 Scavenging signifies the capture of aerosols by water droplets or ice crystals. This can take place in-cloud, or below the cloud as droplets rain out. Scavenging leads to wet deposition. 清除作用意味着水滴或冰晶捕获气溶胶。这可能发生在云内,或云下,因为雨滴下雨。清除导致湿 ...
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分享 NCL插值,格点变多,精细化
山色in 2023-5-23 23:54
begin ;这边定义的glon和glat是你想要插值的区域的经纬度以及格点数 glon=fspan(73,106,111);定义一个浮点型数据,从90-112,分为221个格点 glat=fspan(24,43,61) glon!0="lon" glon@long_name="lon" glon@units="degrees_east" glonlon=glon glat!0="lat" glat@lon ...
198 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 提取变量 编写成一个nc文档
山色in 2023-5-23 23:42
begin ; f1=addfile("evspsbl_Amon_E3SM-1-1-ECA_historical_r1i1p1f1_gr_197001-197912.nc","r") ; f2=addfile("evspsbl_Amon_E3SM-1-1-ECA_historical_r1i1p1f1_gr_198001-198912.nc","r") ; f3=addfile("evspsbl_Amon_E3SM-1-1-ECA_historical_r1i1p1f1_gr_199001-199912.nc","r") ; f4=addfile("evspsbl_Amon_E3SM ...
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分享 将多个逐年数据编写成一个nc数据 ncl
山色in 2023-5-23 23:35
begin Files=systemfunc("ls evspsbl_Amon_EC-Earth3-Veg-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gr_*01-*12.nc") f=addfiles(Files,"r") ;printVarSummary(f) evp0=f -evspsbl(:,{24:43},{73:107}) evp1=f -evspsbl(:,{24:43},{73:107}) evp2=f -evspsbl(:,{24:43},{73:107}) evp3=f -evspsbl(:,{24:43},{73:107}) ...
95 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 python读取雷达基数据代码并绘图
lalalalalalbx 2023-5-6 10:26
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyart from glob import glob import os filedir = 'C:/radar/eg/' flist = sorted(glob(os.path.join(filedir, '*.nc' ))) for filename in flist: #create the plot using radardisplay radar = pyart.io.read(fi ...
195 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 屏蔽边界外数据
卑微江小澄 2023-5-4 19:54
for i = 1:340 %ij为经纬度格点数 for j = 1:180 in = inpolygon(LON(i),LAT(j),VarName1,VarName2); if in == 0 Tg1(i,j,:,:) = NaN; %等号左边为需要屏蔽的变量 &n ...
121 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 格点数据插值(一种格点分布插值成另一种)
卑微江小澄 2023-5-4 19:45
= meshgrid(lat,lon);%原格点 = meshgrid(24.05:0.1:41.95,72.05:0.1:105.95);%目标格点 for j = 1:30 %81-10 for i = 1:12 JL1(:,:,i,j) = griddata(X,Y,JL(:,:,i,j),x1,y1); end end
132 次阅读|0 个评论

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