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仅好友可见 packard 2018-1-16 00:58
tab= ; f_06clim = @(x) sum((mod(x,tab(:,1))==0).*tab(:,2:3)); accum=411;y=344; y=y+1; accum=accum+sum(f_06clim(y)); , jinqian /3 +1 /4 +2 /7 +2 /8 +3 /9 +5 /30 +20 /50 +30 /100+50 gongxian /10 +1 /20 +2 /30 +2 /50 +3 /100+5 24..16 27..16 28..14? 30..31+3 32..15 35..12 36..18 40..15+3 42 ...
个人分类: zhiding|0 个评论
分享 Adobe display m by n pages
packard 2019-8-19 12:51
Adobe display m by n pages When m=2, this can be done by "view two page scrolling" When m=3, this can only be done by print multiple pages in one page. In Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, "ToolsOrganize Pages " give you a quick m by n view as well. https://superuser.com/questions/309587/ho ...
个人分类: technical|64 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Linux columnate
packard 2018-12-26 00:27
https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/17664/a-shell-tool-to-tablify-input-data column -t
个人分类: technical|56 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Intel compiler: Intel vs. AMD CPU
packard 2018-7-1 22:11
http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/Minimum_system_requirements_for_GEOS-Chem If you are going to use the Intel Fortran Compiler, you will always get the best performance when using Intel CPUs. It is a known issue that the Intel Fortran Compiler does not optimize well on AMD C ...
个人分类: technical|129 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 只显示没有注释的行(draft)
packard 2018-5-22 23:51
代码往往带有很多注释,只显示没有注释的行有一定用处。 之前的日志说过如何对namelist只显示没有注释的行: grep -Ev '^\s*$|^\s*!' user_nl_* 详细解释请看:http://bbs.06climate.com/home.php?mod=spaceuid=87401do=blogid=3855 Block comment 也是常用的语法。好处另文说明。那么,如何把block comme ...
个人分类: technical|86 次阅读|0 个评论

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