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置顶 ·分享 签到积分
仅好友可见 packard 2018-1-16 00:58
tab= ; f_06clim = @(x) sum((mod(x,tab(:,1))==0).*tab(:,2:3)); accum=411;y=344; y=y+1; accum=accum+sum(f_06clim(y)); , jinqian /3 +1 /4 +2 /7 +2 /8 +3 /9 +5 /30 +20 /50 +30 /100+50 gongxian /10 +1 /20 +2 /30 +2 /50 +3 /100+5 24..16 27..16 28..14? 30..31+3 32..15 35..12 36..18 40..15+3 42 ...
个人分类: zhiding|0 个评论
分享 Windows 开机时运行程序
packard 2018-5-15 18:50
Windows 电脑。想开机时自动运行一些程序。比如是网关,服务器的第二密码,诸如之类。可以这样增减这些程序: 传统大程序:msconfigstartup 或者 task managerstartup 否则:比如Windows 10,要运行Java文件 C:\Users\Packard\Desktop\JAuth.jar 进入 C:\Users\Packard\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\ ...
个人分类: technical|116 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 [slurm, PBS] job account is case-insensitive
packard 2018-5-13 09:41
Slurm: All commands and options are case-insensitive, although node names, partition names, and reservation names are case-sensitive (node names "LX" and "lx" are distinct). https://slurm.schedmd.com/scontrol.html#lbAD PBS: Job attributes are case-in sensitive . https://pbsworks.com/docume ...
个人分类: technical|110 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 [Fortran] file formats
packard 2018-4-22 09:19
Codes: Fixed form (Fortran 77) codes: - commonly named as *.f - compile with -fixed - only 72(default)/80/132 columns are scanned, change default by "-extend-source 132" - column 1: comment indicators (C, c, !, *) - column 1-5: blank or contain numeric label - col ...
个人分类: technical|150 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 grep -Ev '^\s*$|^\s*!' user_nl_*
packard 2018-4-14 21:26
grep -v: invert the search (show lines without match) ^: beginning of a line \s: any kind of space \s*: any amount (0-Inf) of any kind of space $: end of line ^\s*$: only space between begin and end of a line ^\s*!: only space between beginning of a line, and a "!", denoting beginning of comment. ...
个人分类: technical|206 次阅读|0 个评论

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