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我读取了一个HDF文件,想把数据以NETCDF格式输出,按照说明上那几步来却始终出现这一错误forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred。尝试过很多方法,比如ulimit -s unlimit,在Makefile里加test-heap-arrays 64 -heap-arrays -check all -fp-stack-check ,而且把程序简化了一下,输出的错误都是一样。数据读取时应该没什么问题,可以以txt格式输出,但是以netcdf格式输出就不行了。小弟初学者,望大牛们解答。注:两个维度都是2400,dataset也是2400*2400.
use netcdf
implicit none
!parameter declaration
include 'PARMS3.EXT'
include 'IODECL3.EXT'
include 'FDESC3.EXT'
include 'STATE3.EXT'
character(len=100) , parameter :: file_name=
& 'MCD15A2H.A2002185.h13v03.006.2015149103711.hdf'
integer,parameter :: x_length=2400, y_length=2400
integer,parameter :: dfacc_read=1, dfnt_int32=24
!function declaration
integer :: sfstart, sfselect, sfrdata, sfendacc, sfend
!variable declaration
integer :: sd_id, sds_id, sds_index, status
integer :: start(2), edges(2), stride(2)
integer :: dataset(x_length, y_length)
integer :: i, j
integer :: ncid, ydimid, xdimid, varid
!end of variable declaration
!open the file and initialize the SD interface
sd_id = sfstart(file_name, dfacc_read)
!select data set.(zero-based)
sds_index = 1
sds_id = sfselect(sd_id, sds_index)
!start edges stride
start(1) = 0
start(2) = 0
edges(1) = y_length
edges(2) = x_length
stride(1) = 1
stride(2) = 1
!read entire data into 'data' array
status = sfrdata(sds_id, start, stride, edges, dataset)
!write into a netcdf.
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
& ydimid) !!!!!!!
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
& xdimid)
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
status=nf90_def_var(ncid,'abc', NF90_BYTE,
& (/ydimid,xdimid/),varid)!!!!NF90_UINT
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
status=nf90_put_att(ncid,varid,'UINT8',NF90_BYTE) !!
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
if (status /=nf90_noerr) call handle_err(status)
!terminate access to the data set
status = sfendacc(sds_id)
if(status /= 0) print*, 'errow in sfendacc'
!terminate access to the SD interface and close the file.
status = sfend(sd_id)
if(status /= 0) print*, 'errow in sfend'
end program test
subroutine handle_err(status)
use netcdf
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: status
if (status /=nf90_noerr) then
print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
stop "Fortran Stopped"
end if
end subroutine handle_err