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介绍可在线运行的玩具气候模型—FASTCLIMATE Model(另含matlab源代码)



发表于 2013-6-1 20:18:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 hillside 于 2013-6-1 20:33 编辑


http://www.weather.nps.navy.mil/ ... change/details.html

Click on the Earth to Run FASTCLIMATE
(Quick, before Brian drops it!)
FASTCLIMATE is a simple global model designed for fast web-based interactive experiments. The model simulates the major climate-related processes on Earth, with special emphasis on polar features such as snow cover and sea ice. The program is written in the MATLAB computer language and includes several plotting routines in addition to the actual numerical model. The entire program, including the generation of 17 plots, can be run in less than 2 minutes on most recent PCs and UNIX workstations, including the server you are now accessing. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, the downloading of the plots may take several minutes. The physical processes are highly simplified and expressed only as zonal averages in 18 latitude bands. The model is intended to be used as a "toy" for use by students in an interactive learning environment.

Proceed to 'Climate Change Links'.

FASTCLIMATE is a simple global model designed for fast web-based interactive experiments. The model simulates the major climate-related processes on Earth, with special emphasis on polar features such as snow cover and sea ice. The program is written in the MATLAB computer language and includes several plotting routines in addition to the actual numerical model. The entire program, including the generation of 17 plots, can be run in less than 2 minutes on most recent PCs and UNIX workstations, including the server you are now accessing. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, the downloading of the plots may take several minutes. The physical processes are highly simplified and expressed only as zonal averages in 18 latitude bands. The model is intended to be used as a "toy" for use by students in an interactive learning environment.
FASTCLIMATE Model Features

Model Grid points:
18 zonal bands in ten-degree increments
2 vertical layers
Surface /Atmospheric and Oceanic Boundary Layers
Prognostic Variables:
Average tropospheric air temperature
Surface temperature over land surface
Surface temperature over sea ice surface
Ocean mixed layer water temperature
Sea ice thickness
Numerical scheme: Finite difference (Forward in time)
Initial temperature and ice thickness distributions
Land and ocean areal coverage within each latitude band
Shortwave radiation at top of atmosphere as function of time of year and latitude
Various adjustable parameters described below
Physical Processes represented:
Horizontal transport of heat (advection) between latitudes
Solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere
Absorption and transmission of downwelling solar radiation
Absorption and transmission of upwelling (reflected) solar radiation
Emission and transmission of longwave radiation upward from atmosphere into space
Emission and transmission of downwelling longwave radiation
Vertical transport of heat over land
Vertical transport of heat over ocean
Storage of heat energy
Surface (bare land, snow-covered land, liquid ocean surface and ice covered ocean surface are all represented)
Absorption and reflection of solar radiation
Absorption and reflection of longwave radiation
Emission of longwave radiation
Conductive transport of heat through soil and snow
Turbulent vertical heat transport from leads
Storage of heat in atmospheric boundary layer and near-surface bare and snow-covered soils
Sea Ice (in addition to above surface processes)
Conductive vertical heat transport
Snow surface effects
Surface melting
Bottom melting and freezing
Horizontal transport of ice (representing latent heat transport)
Horizontal transport of heat
Heat capacity depending on mixed layer depth
Vertical heat flux from below ocean mixed layer
Discussion of Features

Various model parameters are tuned so that the overall average vertical fluxes of each of the heat flux components and the observed temperatures match observations. The model contains no dynamics. It does not explicitly include moisture or cloud physics although some of the parameterizations are tuned to include cloud and moisture effects. The advection coefficients for horizontal transports of ice and heat in the liquid ocean are much lower at 70o North than other locations in order to simulate the "bottlenecks" of the Bering and Fram Straits. The model includes different heat capacities for bare land, snow, open ocean and sea ice surfaces. After the model is run, 22oC is subtracted from the 80oS to 90oS latitude band to account for the high altitude of the Antarctic ice cap.

Go Back to the 'FASTCLIMATE Main Page'.

Go Forward see the 'FASTCLIMATE Model Code'.

注 :具体内容本人并不熟悉,仅是介绍。


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参与人数 2金钱 +11 贡献 +3 收起 理由
言深深 + 6 + 2
mofangbao + 5 + 1




发表于 2013-6-15 22:31:20 | 显示全部楼层


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