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( cd INSTALL; make; ./testlsame; ./testslamch; ./testdlamch; \
./testsecond; ./testdsecnd; ./testieee; ./testversion )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/INSTALL”
make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/INSTALL”
ASCII character set
Tests completed
Epsilon = 5.96046448E-08
Safe minimum = 1.17549435E-38
Base = 2.00000000
Precision = 1.19209290E-07
Number of digits in mantissa = 24.0000000
Rounding mode = 1.00000000
Minimum exponent = -125.000000
Underflow threshold = 1.17549435E-38
Largest exponent = 128.000000
Overflow threshold = 3.40282347E+38
Reciprocal of safe minimum = 8.50705917E+37
Epsilon = 1.1102230246251565E-016
Safe minimum = 2.2250738585072014E-308
Base = 2.0000000000000000
Precision = 2.2204460492503131E-016
Number of digits in mantissa = 53.000000000000000
Rounding mode = 1.0000000000000000
Minimum exponent = -1021.0000000000000
Underflow threshold = 2.2250738585072014E-308
Largest exponent = 1024.0000000000000
Overflow threshold = 1.7976931348623157E+308
Reciprocal of safe minimum = 4.4942328371557898E+307
Time for 0.100E+09 SAXPY ops = 0.400E-05 seconds
SAXPY performance rate = 0.250E+08 mflops
Including SECOND, time = 0.147E-02 seconds
Average time for SECOND = 0.293E-04 milliseconds
Equivalent floating point ops = 0.732E+06 ops
Time for 0.100E+09 DAXPY ops = 0.00 seconds
*** Warning: Time for operations was less or equal than zero => timing in TESTING might be dubious
Including DSECND, time = 0.292E-02 seconds
Average time for DSECND = 0.583E-04 milliseconds
We are about to check whether infinity arithmetic
can be trusted. If this test hangs, set
ILAENV = 0 for ISPEC = 10 in LAPACK/SRC/ilaenv.f
Infinity arithmetic performed as per the ieee spec.
However, this is not an exhaustive test and does not
guarantee that infinity arithmetic meets the ieee spec.
We are about to check whether NaN arithmetic
can be trusted. If this test hangs, set
ILAENV = 0 for ISPEC = 11 in LAPACK/SRC/ilaenv.f
NaN arithmetic performed as per the ieee spec.
However, this is not an exhaustive test and does not
guarantee that NaN arithmetic meets the ieee spec.
LAPACK 3 . 5 . 0
( cd BLAS/SRC; make )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/SRC”
make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/SRC”
( cd SRC; make )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/SRC”
make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/SRC”
( cd TESTING/MATGEN; make )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/TESTING/MATGEN”
make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/TESTING/MATGEN”
( cd BLAS/TESTING; make -f Makeblat1 )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/TESTING”
make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/TESTING”
( cd BLAS; ./xblat1s > sblat1.out ; \
./xblat1d > dblat1.out ; \
./xblat1c > cblat1.out ; \
./xblat1z > zblat1.out )
( cd BLAS/TESTING; make -f Makeblat2 )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/TESTING”
make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/TESTING”
( cd BLAS; ./xblat2s < sblat2.in ; \
./xblat2d < dblat2.in ; \
./xblat2c < cblat2.in ; \
./xblat2z < zblat2.in )
( cd BLAS/TESTING; make -f Makeblat3 )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/TESTING”
make[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/BLAS/TESTING”
( cd BLAS; ./xblat3s < sblat3.in ; \
./xblat3d < dblat3.in ; \
./xblat3c < cblat3.in ; \
./xblat3z < zblat3.in )
( cd TESTING ; make )
make[1]: 进入目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/TESTING”
LSE: Testing Constrained Linear Least Squares routines
./xeigtstz < lse.in > zlse.out 2>&1
/bin/sh: 行 1: 28875 段错误 (吐核)./xeigtstz < lse.in > zlse.out 2>&1
make[1]: *** [zlse.out] 错误 139
make[1]: 离开目录“/usr/local/lapack-3.5.0/TESTING”
make: *** [lapack_testing] 错误 2